Buuuuuttttt, I am leaving you the gift of music! This video and song has remained a constant Infidel favorite for over 2 years now which given our extreme musical ADD is pretty remarkable.
Pace yourself because Valentine's Day is a marathon and you don't want to end up in the hospital having your stomach pumped from eating too many edible panties.
Especially the fluffy blue kind.
Have a happy one. :)
I think I can manage to not eat too many panties. No promises, but I think so.
Working. Is that what you call it?
Happy V-DAY!
She looks sweet and very very happy.
Ditto to what Sketchy said.
What a cute dress!
I've never heard that song before, but I like it.
Hilary, I don't think those blue panties were meant to be edible. You'd look like you tried to eat a parrot.
I'm glad you put the message out not to over indulge in the panty eating.
Remember, A panty a day keeps the doctor away!
What good is panty eating if you under-indulge?? Gosh you take all of the fun out of Valentine's day. ;)
*giggle* at Glittersmama's comment.."she works hard for the money"
You know how kids eat sweet stuff and then don't clean up and then their face gets fuzzy from their blanket or whatever? That is what I'm imagining. You, face covered in sticky blue fuzz.
Happy V. Day!
cute sweet little Melody!
What a cutie! I'll try to stay away from the edible panties. Try!
i need to get me some of those.
It wouldn't load up but I still totally loved it.
Nothing says I love you like jelly fish... right?
Oh... and women dressed in... um.. not much wearing freaky masks. Yep.
Hope you have a Happy Valentines :)
Oh. And just one more thing... your daughter looks sooo cute!!
WoW! It's like hearing myself sing!
Happy Valentines Day.
Thinking of you....SMOOCH!
Sorry about the work situation, but Happy V-day! Thanks for always making me laugh.
Happy Valentine's Day! sorry you have to work.
Hopefully your day is filled with many many pounds of chocolate! YUM!
Happiness is your beautiful daughter in her cute dress with hearts! :D
Not happiness is all that stinkin' work you had to do! :(
Happy ♥ Day, anyway! :)
Oh, Melody looks darling. :) What a sweet dress!
Hope your VD was nice! (wink, wink)
dang, sorry about the working!
that little infidel is absolutely adorable! she is so pretty :)
Here's my Valentine for you, elastic:
For the girl who puts "suck" in "sucker"
Won't you be my valentine?
(imagine one big picture of a lollipop, and lots of hearts and pink and red)
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