Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hot Dogs Bring The World A Little Closer Together

The incriminating photo that they didn't want America to see.

Apparently, our President has denied any prior knowledge to our Port security being handed over to the United Arab Emirates. Recent revelations of secret meetings and agreements prove otherwise though. Loss of credibility among even staunch supporters, like me? Ummm, yeah.

By all accounts, President Bush got along smashingly well with our Middle Eastern brethren, while trading away our sovereignty and security. That is, until the bitter argument over which hot dog tasted better. Spicy Miami hot sauce style or New York style, topped with sauerkraut. I recommend they try Philly cheese on it at their next rendezvous.

It won't be long now, subjects of the American oligarchy. Total and complete globalization, here we come!

*No hate mail please. The hot dog pictured is comprised of turkey lips and anuses, and meets stringent Halal standards*


elasticwaistbandlady said...

Meat particles wrapped up in a bun just very well may be the secret to World Peace.

I should win the Nobel Peace Prize!

Anonymous said...

When two world leaders get together. and the subject at hand is weaners - you would hope that they would be reinacting a scene from Brokeback Mountain!!

Perhaps they are discussing the vital role that gays play in the military...

Don't let this photo make you jump to any conclusions about what the meeting was actually about.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Major, It has been prophesied that the World will come to a gruesome, violent end over a major disagreement. My money is on which is a better hot dog, Hebrew National or Oscar Meyer? The Arab World will become outraged that a Kosher dog is nominated and will detonate their nukes.

Oh yeah, they're also out for our blood because of the sequel to Brokeback Mountain made in the Middle East. 'Bareback Desert',is said to feature some pretty lusty camel herders.