Spring Has Sprungeth!
Lookie, lookie! I done bought something purdy for the home and hearth in a grand attempt to usher in a new season. I passed by this little beauty nestled on a shelf beneath the marshmallow candy eggs at Kroger's grocery store and plucked it up immediately for the low, low price of $9.99. Yeah, I said the grocery store. What? Doesn't everyone shop for high fashion home decor at the same place where they buy their anti-fungal cream and frozen waffles? Unfortunately, the $9.99 constituted my entire allotted spring decorating budget. I guess that the tacky Pepto-Bismol pink inflatable bunny pack that I've had my eye on will just have to wait for next year. Part of me wishes that the manufacturing company had used real bird eggs in the wreath construct because then I'd have the eggs symbolizing Easter, and then later, cute little birdies to carry the springy look until summer hits. The functionality would continue as the birds grew and we celebrated summer with a big poultry feast fresh off the grill. Maybe I'll have to build my own festive spring wreath next year. For sure, it wouldn't be PETA approved, but I bet ruthless domestic diva, Martha Stewart would give me the thumbs up.
I'm craving scrambled eggs now. Yup, 'tis past my lunchtime.
Love the word "sprungeth", just love it.
I dunno. I see Martha out there with her shotgun. I mean, to have those birds doing the [gasp] unthinkable and crapping all over her treasure...
Ya done real good, EWL. Real good.
You know what I love about spring is, all the recipes floating around that use hard-boiled eggs as their main ingredient.
If that doesn't say "spring" to you, you must be high.
Love the wreath! :)
That wreath is egg-cellent! I would use the left-over eggs for egg salad sandwiches, cut in triangles of course.
Sprungeth ushering the new seasoning, egg seasoning!.
I don't knwo why but it makes me think of chocolate. Hmm, chocolate.
As long as there aren't more children in those eggs. ;)
So how exactly would you keep the cute little chickies ON the wreath?
Hmmm.. That kind of functional decorating is beyond smart..
$9.99? That's a steal! I used to decorate but now I'm just lazy. I like putting the stuff out but hate putting it back a way so why bother? I've got a name to live up to!
Over here is either spring and summer or summer and spring.
We get two for one. Saves money, eh?
kimberly- The word just sprungeth into my mind.
amber- Martha does not advocate the killing of wildlife for aesthetically pleasing decorating purposes. At least not with a shotgun. Too messy. Blood spatters are not easy to remove, not even for a domestic diva.
jen b. -Looketh away. Coveting another woman's eggy wreath is a sin.
millie- Hard-boiled egg recipes and the resulting sulfurous smelling flatulence does indeed symbolize the dawn of spring.
suzanne- You love my wreath? Then why don't you marry it? Sorry, sometimes I regress back to my 2nd grade self.
carronin- Egg salad sandwiches make Wolfgang Puck cry.
NCS- Chocolate is an annual event not restricted to seasonal holidays. Chocolate, for all the days of your life. Chocolate for the sorrow. Chocolate for the pain. Chocolate for your joys. Chocolate in the rain. Chocolate when you're happy. Chocolate when you're blue. I like chocolate. How about you?~ A Poem By elastic.
carrot- Children in eggs stuck to a wreath? Who do you think I am? Anne Geddes?
rhonda- This job calls for Super Staple Gun! Or I could just do the balloon trick and rub them on my head and see if they'll stick to the wreath using natural elctromagnetic forces.
burg- I'm all about the cheap. I never put out Halloween themed items because they expire the night of October 31st. No, I wisely invested in a nice set of pumpkins and scarecrows to carry the Fall Harvest themes from September through November.
slacker- I'm hands off on most decorating now, and I allow my mini-Infidels to handle all the mundane details. Definitely an upside to having 4 daughters.
chris-Houston is actually just one big summer 9 months of the year with a slight cooling around Christmas before blistering heat sets in again. NASA designed cooling suits are looking better and better to me.
I saw that same wreath on the door of a house I went to recently. It does seem like the eggs should either have a chicken in them or be edible. I whole heartedly support your idea for next year's wreath. Do you think a big bird laid some eggs in circle around the nest of a tiny bird?
You did done good, my girl!
This hotfruita mom is not above buying home decor from the grocery store. I bought some Christmas ornaments at the grocery store last year. Come to find out, Carronin bought the same ones too!
AH, I have never thought of a spring wreath before. We just got our easter eggt in the post... one with chocolate so thick it could have withstood a mediaeval siege!
It's September and I STILL have that freakin wreath up on my door! Maybe I should just paint the eggs in a pleasing palette of fall colors.
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