Finally, A Viable Third Party Emerges For American Voters!
I deliver the local community newspaper. When I picked up my bundles yesterday, I immediately noticed this headline proclaiming the emergence of a new political party. Obviously, I was overwrought with joy at such an announcement. Judging from this snapshot taken depicting long lines of voters just waiting for the chance to make their voices heard at the polling booth, I surmise that this strange and new party must also be wildly popular amongst the constituents, too .
Personally, I loathe all 3 of the Presidential front-runners this election year. I don't know who the Democartic Party is or what they stand for, but I just may re-register as a DEMOCART and vote for them anyway.Vote Infidel Party By Giving Me Your CLICKETY Right Here! Gracias.
The paper is constantly making big time mistakes like this. Last year the headline talked about the ferocity of HURRICAN Dean. Yeah, Hurrican on the front cover.
My favorites are some of their columnists who use the wrong form of rode/road, there/they're/their and here/hear.
Either Houston Community Newspapers need to hire on better editors or they need to hire ME to write for them. :)
I know it is a hotly popular topic over at stuff white people like, and I am hopelessly white (evidently) in this regard, but the lack of proofreading and the failure to use simple (but fallible) spell-check are so distracting in an otherwise interesting read.
There/their/they're is just so simple to get right.
The bring/take conundrum seems to confuse practically all Americans.
Nice post you've got their, even though I didn't understand it-
Aren't the Demo-carts those people in the grocery stores giving you taste tests of the new products?
Well, by all means, I'm voting for them! Anything that involves feeding me wins my vote! I would like to go to one of their parties! YUM!
You can join me in my write-in campaign for Stevie Colbert...
I think I need to hire you to spellcheck (spell check? one word or two?) my posts and comments. I'm always screwing up! Or down.
I always have problems with it’s/its, in to/into in/on and many many more.
Whatcha gonna do when you meet me? I speak as nutty as I write.
Here in Chi-town, we talk funny. For example, "Get me that bottle over by dhere" "That rat was YOUGE!" "I'm going to da Jewels to buy some sawsage."
I still make constant mistakes on my posts....especially punctuation-wise. However The Smiling Infidel is not a professional venture in which I'm gaining a profit unlike the newspapers who have a team of editors to weed this stuff out.
They should pay us carriers more. Apparently we're smart enough to do their job and our job, combined.
I'll, ummm, be out doing my job for the rest of the day lest the Houston Community Newspapers find this post on the Internet and start researching how I had time to write it when I should have been out working. :0
Finally the democarts have their day! Hooray!
I just found out about stuff white people like on Sunday, as it was featured in the NYTimes. I'm hopelessly behind the times.
I'd vote for the democarts, too. We can all go to hell in a democart.
Some people DO pronounce it 'hurricun', so maybe that explains things.
Democarts....are those at Walmart?
I can't believe no one caught that typo, and ON THE FRONT PAGE?
I LOVE Stephen Colbert! He has my vote!
On my April's Fools post, I spelled Swan Sawn.
I didn't even notice until somebody pointed it out. :o(
Did I ever tell you I used to spell Wednesday Wednsday? I'm such a ninny muggins.
I blame the democarts for my lack of education.
Democarts! Vote Democarts, it's the wave of the Future.
We can all go to hell in a democart
Sounds like a terrorist group to me... do we really want a group that does demo work on carts running the country? I guess they can't be any worse than our choices now...
If I vote in American Idol, can I skip the Presidential election?
That's funny right there. A Democart.
Hmmmm, we could use another political party and some new candidates for pres. I say we just start over.
Oh man, someone tried to sell me a democart today.
no way, I'm voting for KINKY!!
Who can blame them? Doesn't Democart sound so much better than Democrap? Maybe that will be in next week's edition....
Wanna know what's sad? I didn't even notice the misspelling until someone mentioned it in their comment. I used to be so good at pointing out others flaws. I blame it on all the braincells I gave my children while renting my womb out to them.
I was GOING to say "I bet some editor just got fired over that huge mistake"...until you commented that it happens all the time! RIDICULOUS!!!
It could be quite profitable to pile up groceries in a democart.
If the groceries went through some sort of demolition before they reached the checkout, there could be some SWEET markdowns!
the democarts keep calling me on the phone. Is that legal????
Amen on going to hell in a democart.
I have nothing funny to add.
Last night I had a dream that Frankie Muniz was endorsing Shrillary for President, which clinched it for me. When Satanic people like Frankie are backing her, what does that tell us???
"We can all go to hell in a democart."
At least we'll have some good eats for the road trip!
I'm a hurrican, and not a hurri-CAN'T!!!
It's true the three major candidates suck! I'm writing a letter to my congressman! Oh wait...I don't want him to be president either!
I'm still going to vote for the Whigg party.
(shakes head at my mom's foolish comment)
Anyway, didn't you know Democarts were the bomb dot com? I did.
I watch a lot of CNN and they make mistakes like that all the time too. I like to time how long it takes them to realize it and correct the mispelling. A newspaper not using spellcheck is RIDICULOUS!
Hey, I just noticed I got the boot on your blogroll. Sniff, sniff.
A democart is what a salesman brings to the grocery store manager as a sample.
When I start into politics, I've already decided to call it the "toga" party.
Voting anything is better than what we have left.... I'd go Democart.
JeanKnee shoves pennies up her nose. You heard it here first.
I got a nice e-mail back from the editor of the paper yesterday.
I basically sent her this post and she mentioned the fact that sometimes "things" get overlooked when you're a Republican!
I want to take my Democart to the race track this weekend. Anyone else wanna go race democarts with me?
My democart has painted flames on the sides. Painted flames means my democart is faster than your democart. :)
Rhonda- I thought you didn't love me any more. I took down your link because I couldn't bear the pain of unrequited feelings.
I'll add you back. :)
I owe damon and Tracy a linkie, too.
Hmm it looks like the proof reading standards have gone to hell in the democart. I generally read the Guardian (a typically liberal leftish paper - suits me down to the ground!). It used to be called the Grauniad on account of the frequency of typos!
I'd vote for the toga party
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