Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Grammy Awards

We interrupt National Poop Week for a special GRAMMY AWARDS update.

It appears that Madonna has forsaken her newfound religiosity in the Kabbalah, and the name Esther. She has indeed sold her soul to the Devil. How else can a woman look as good as she does at 47 and spout evil, anti-American platitudes at every turn? I wonder what her new Satanic name is?

Gwen Stefani is nominated for Grammy prizes based on the strength of the most craptastic song of the year, Hollaback Girl? Now, that really is B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

'My Humps' could easily be the second worst song of the year. Thank goodness for XM Radio and my husband who gave it to me for Christmas.

I see my musical tastes and favorites grossly under-represented and this begs me to ask the question, does anybody plan on watching the antiquated, hopelessly out of touch Grammy ceremony?


White Man Retarded said...

Wait a minute, how can you be a trusted judge of music if you don't recognize the greatness (or former greatness) of Billy Corgan? Madonna does not currently or ever in the past looked good.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Oh Louis, you shameless Billy Corgan groupie!

Okay I have to concede Louis, that if terrorists (i.e. Islamic faschists)captured me, and put a collar bomb on me, and shackled my hands and feet to prevent movement, and were tickling me with a really long feather, and the only way I could escape tickle torture and being blown to smithereens would be to listen to the Smashing Pumpkins Anthology, then, and ONLY then would I listen to it in its entirety. Are you happy now?

White Man Retarded said...

Never...I am the infinite sadness (ha ha ha ha ha ha). Not all Smashing P. are good, or even listenable. At first they were great, and then pride and conceit stepped in and then...I actually don't listen to them anymore. Just reflecting...Music sucks today, except for stuff you've never heard before. Radio sucks. Madonna is disgusting-looking. I won't even comment on her value system. Flaky...and what's sad is she is revered by the world. I'd blow us up also.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Radio does SUCK. Except my beloved neo-con, right-wing, Christian extremist talk radio programs, I love those, and my awesome XM Radio.

Music radio has never given me that tingly feeling. I've always hated the repetition, crappy songs, long commercial breaks, corny DJ's. Unfortunately, when you're a poor kid you have to listen to radio because you can't afford to keep buying the cassette tapes of what you really want to hear.

Life is so cruel, Louis.

White Man Retarded said...

Isn't that the sad truth. I think that is why I'm so fixated now; I grew up with no money, I mentally stocked all the music I wanted, and now I can buy whatever I want (well, not now, because I just graduated in December and I have to catch up with bills and I'm buying a house, hopefully. So, maybe in a month or eight). Talk radio, huh? There is only a few I like, because they are mostly so one-sided. It's like, shut-up, bush-bots (I do like bush, not his -bots). Any ways, Yeah, I have an Ipod now, and I haven't listened to the radio in a long time. The last time I did I heard a song about this girl singing about all these guys wanting to do her with her lovely lady lumps (does that mean she's curvaceous, or has an orgy fantasy while pregnant?). Yuck. Um, You're wrong about B.C. Tag, you're it.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Yes, I'm starting to see the error of my ways. I won't be updating this blog in a few days because I'm busy building a shrine to whiny Billy Corgan. By the way, the only time I saw him as attractive was when he was featured in animated form on The Simpsons.
Something about that bright yellow skin really does it for me.

Anonymous said...

I watched the entire GRammy Award Show. I was very impressed with Madonna's performance. She's still got it!!!

I was very glad to see my Ellen DeGeneres! She is a truly gifted person.

Mariah Carey should have won Album of the Year over Green Day.

As long as the Gay and Lesbian community is well represented, I am happy!

Happy Blogging!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

See, Major, I didn't watch it because I knew I could count on your accurate recap.

Major, have I told you that you never disappoint? Indeed you fulfill all the lofty expectations one has of a warehouse guy, and then some!

elasticwaistbandlady said...


Of course Madonna's still "got it". I hear crabs are very hard to get rid of.