While wading through the sea of discarded chicken bones and gristle I commented to my daughter Sunbum, "Ordinarily Glenda and her kinfolk aren't very religious people, but they do attend Church's several times a week". I laughed thinking that I'd said something clever when Sunbum piped up and said, "Well, they have to go to several Church's so that they can know which one is true".
We have never spent 3 consecutive hours at this particular Church but occasionally it feels more satisfying. In the short term anyway. AMEN
I chose this Church because they don't have an unhealthy fascination with boobs. Just thighs and legs combined with the occasional crumbly biscuit.
C'mon, what about the breasts? They're best when they're meatier!
So long as the wings are only on the angels and not on my plate it's all good.
So Church's Chicken eh? You Americans, is nothing sacred? All those God fearin' chickens thinking they're good for a little redemption...
uhoh! what's with the deep fat Friar (and possibly the chip Monk)?
AAArgh it burns! it burns!
Defend the religious rights of Chickens everywhere!
That was FUNNY Mimo!
Well Pisces, seems that our little chickens are atheists venturing into Church's for the very first time in their little lives at the insistence of Church officials, only to meet a gruesome fate with a lifelike simulation of the fire licking flames of Hell in the deep fat fryer. Repent NOW atheist chickens everywhere before it's too late and you end up on my plate!
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