While I'm on the subject of my little Stinkbug, Melody, I asked her today what color my shirt is (lime green), and she told me, "You give me chocolate and then me tell you". We've literally created a monster, but then given her genetic pedigree, I'm not all that surprised.
My Grandma Dee is a fiery red headed force to be reckoned with. Back in the days where no woman ventured into upper management she braved the uncharted frontier and found herself as the head of computer security for Miles Laboratories. Yep, that's where they make "PLOP PLOP FIZZ FIZZ Oh, what a relief it is", Alka-Seltzer. I had lots of those T-shirts as a kid and a lifetime supply of Flintstones chewable vitamins too. Point is, my Grandma is a hard line, domineering woman, that had solely men in her employ, and they trembled in fear before her.

From birth, our Melody has exhibited a lot of these finer qualities, including a fierce independent spirit. Melody also overcame the dominant Mayan Indian genetics to closely resemble my German/Irish Grandma Dee, right down to the squinty green eyes. As such, Papi has taken to calling her, "MINI DEE", instead of Melody.
We must train her to use her powers for good instead of evil.......
If her middle name is (or your surname) Lee then the Damned song Melody Lee could be her theme!
I've been informed by the name snobs at Baby's Named A Bad, Bad Thing, that Melody Claire is a "down market" name. *sniff* Well, sometimes you just have to go with spousal agreement because I originally wanted to name her Louisa. Eh, there's plenty of other songs that have the name "Melody" in it.
Whenever she's punished, and we let her out of her room, we call her, "Unchained Melody"!
LOL elastic! but isn;t unchained melody a punishment in itself???
Is her favorite Primary song "Reverently, Quietly"? (Because her name is in it--not because she likes to be reverent or quiet.)
You give me chocolate and then me comment.
Interrmittent positive reinforcement is what you have to do. Sorry, Melody. Maybe next time...Mom's got you pegged, my wise little three year old friend.
Unchained Melody has me thinking that you'll unleash her onto unsuspecting thugs and she'll beat the crap out of them with her bare hands.
See what a vivid imagination does to you?
WHooooooaaaaaa mmmyyyyyyy loooooove, my darling......... Yeah, jams, you're right. Sheer torture!
Don't laugh that ass off woo woo, you just might need it someday.
Julie, The only thing Melody hears and remembers from her Sunbeam class is, "SNACK TIME!"
You win Omar. LOL LOL LOL I broke my anti-acronym trust just for that comment. Happy now?
elizabeth- My passive/aggressive nature rewards her when she makes me laugh. In the end I acquiesced to her mini tyrant self and gave her a few M&M's. Yes, I've let the terrorist win.
You've inspired me christo! I'm going to take down our "Beware Of Dog" sign and replace it with an "Unchained Melody:Proceed With Caution" one instead.
Did you not know I was born with smokin' hot dance moves?
When I see a smile on any child's face, it fills my heart.
Heck no, I am working my butt off. Not just because I may not need it someday, but just because I want to be good at something.
omg. MY granny is a DEE as well (zella dolores morphed to dee, but do you blame her?) and though she never was the bread winner, she raised seven kids as a sahm, and everyone in my family is a little in fear of her.
we might be related.
obokun-My pasty white butt serves as evidence that it wasn't ME that people thought they saw down at Hippy Hollow nudist colony this summer.
Becky- Your Gramma and my Gramma sittin by the fire. My Gramma says to your Gramma........ Sometimes I get carried away.
Both of our Grandmas have names derived from the Spanish word for PAIN, dolor. Coincidence? I think not!
My stepmom, sister-in-law, AND my mother-in-law all have the first name of Socorro. Spanish for "HELP". I've always found that amusing too.
that little you give me chocolate line sounds precious and dangerous.
--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com
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