The movie extravaganza known as , "Snakes On A Plane", opens in theaters today!
I'd like to think of myself as a sort of well rounded Renaissance type of woman, (emphasis on the well rounded part), who enjoys acquiring new talents and skills. So, now I'm going to try my hand at screenwriting. Today, will see the advanced blog screening of my film project proposals bound for Hollywood executives.
You know how movies go in spurts? One genre or plot will find wild success, and other film projects will typically scramble to follow suit and capitalize on the trend. Remember all those body switching movies of the 80's, kicked off by Tom Hank's flick, "BIG", only to find a resurgence now in a new millennium with the remake of "Freaky Friday", and "13 Going On 30"? I think "Snakes On A Plane" will kick off a new era of a different kind of action movie combined with upfront honest titles.
Without further ado, allow The Smiling Infidel Theater Productions to lull you into a euphoric mood with a perusal of our exciting film offerings below. Possibly, coming to a cinema near you in the future.
Now, START scrolling downwards to gawk at the proposed setups that I'm just waiting to be greenlighted.............
Have you seen this? I got my mom really good with this.
or Natural Law Party member on a plane? Hold on they dont need one with the yogic flying.....
I've so got to see the Letterman spoof. Wonder if it's hit youtubes yet?
I got a good laugh out of Samuel L. Jackson trying to say with a serious face that it was his agent who forbid him from actually working with the snakes.
Yeah right.
Wussy "agent."
We don't watch TV, thus freeing up lots of spare time for ridiculous blogger shenanigans!
jedi, I heard it on Michael Medved. Someone sent him a personalized Samuel message, and it made "Call Of The Week" status Friday, on his talk show. Sometime, you'll have to regale us with the story behind your blog name.
CW, I saw a picture of Samuel L. draped with snakes like an exotic dancer yesterday. If he learns to belly dance, he'd give Shakira a run for her money.
Natural Law Party? Is that a British thing? Here, natural law means that if you eat, you will poop. There's no getting around it.
Mullet, I certainly hope that you cast me in the role of a quirky American! Although, I can ad lib if you want me to play the part of a misunderstood man who goes on a violent rampage, a police detective with a sordid past, or the hooker with a heart of gold. Every movie has to have one or the other nowadays.
Argh, you call me weird? You gave me another T-shirt idea...
I heard it was good but I am not much a movie goer anymore.
You are absolutely, positively overly burdened with creative talent. I for one am glad you're venting into blogspace.
Yes I realize there are several ways one might "go" with that statement, but if you concentrate on venting I'm sure everything will work out.
Bah! What I meant to say was "You win the Amusement Of The [insert specific timespan here] Award. Congratulations!"
Now please excuse me while I deal with some Aches On A Brain.
Don't forget Robert Blakes On a Plane. Robert Blake and 400 of his clones reminisce about starring in Little Rascal movies, while giggling uncontrollably whenever the word "ex-wife" is mentioned. All hell breaks loose when ...
Awww, you finish it.
O.K. your movie ideas are the best. You should be a screenwriter. I would never go see, snakes on a plane. However I would definately drag the kids to the "Little People" version and I wouldn't miss the cupcake sabotage.
EWBL: I would visit Old Fish and Lemonade on September 2nd for a regaling of the title's origin.
Are a film director, in real life? I think you are very talented.
just a big thankyou for the inspiration!
BLAKES ON A PLANE! You're the shiz, millie!
Hey rain, My carnivorous self is waiting for STEAKS On a Plane.
crall, Thanks for the comment. Your blog frightened me and had me reaching for my elephant motif security blanket.
radioactive, Make my amusement trophy with an engraved depiction of flying monkeys on it, okay?
jedi? Are you asking me out for an illicit rendezvous at your blog on a certain date? Kinky, but I'm a married woman. Let's keep it on the low.
Thank you tom. No, not a film director, just the Southwest Regional Chicken Dancing Champion.
Obokun, I'm on my way to links unknown, right this very nanosecond!
EWBL: Every visit to my site should feel like an illicit rendezvous. I may have to incorporate this into my random quotes thing under my header.
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