My Mom uneventfully purchased it at a neighborhood garage sale, and she always claimed that she considered it "butt ugly", and a little freaky too. So, why did she buy it? My Mom told me that she felt drawn to it, and almost forced into scooping up the hideous painting, and taking it home with her. It didn't match any of the navy blue, aquatic themed decor my Mom had implemented throughout the house, so she painted the wooden frame a deep azure shade in an attempt to have it blend in better. It didn't, and would glare down at us all day from the upstairs hallway.
One night, bleary eyed from a full day of work and school, I began to trudge up the stairs for bed, when I noticed that the painting had an odd glow about it. The light wasn't flipped on in the hallway, so the illumination emanating from around the picture really stood out. As I neared it, I could see that the light was pouring out of the farmhouse windows in the painting, and it began to flicker. Everyone in the house had already gone to sleep, and so I kept to silently screaming within myself, and I elected to sleep on the sofa that night rather than down the hall from the haunted painting.
It didn't happen frequently, but the painting continued to light up periodically, sending shivers down my spine. One day, my Mom asked me if I had ever noticed anything "strange" or unsettling about the picture. Well, it seems as though, my stepdad, my Mother, and I all witnessed the same thing. Now, for the really weird part, my Mom still has the picture in her new house! She told me that she keeps it in the guest bedroom closet, but she just can't seem to bring herself to get rid of it.
Other people in our subdivision experienced problems with their pictures too. My brother's baseball coach is a Houston Police Officer, and he also works part time patrolling the area in his off hours. He reported that at his home and the homes of his neighbors on the street, it wasn't unusual for them to return to their domiciles in the evening to find their family pictures either strewn all over the floor face down on the carpet, or hanging helter skelter upside down. This continually happened even though nobody was present in the house all day long. It's not easily explainable, but pictures have long been considered dimensional gateways and sometimes ghostly portals. Makes you want to run out and read The Portrait Of Dorian Gray again, doesn't it?
Hey, I lost two pictures in the last week. One is a copy my son did of the Farm people with the pictfork. It fell in the middle of the night, breaking the glass. Then two nights ago a picture of my children I'd recently framed fell from the bookshelf and broke the glass. Now you have me thinking...
It also put the SCAR in scary...
Or something like that.
I didn’t mean to scare you the other day with the possessed no-poop-doll, this time I found someone who might be able to share his wisdom. 40 years of experience for only $5.00!
PS: you can thank me later
PS #2: Hope anonymous doesn't think I'm making fun of the ghost banishing guy. Because I’m not.
Ah a wonderful tale ewbl. Me I am wrried about our paintings coming to life, not least the portrait I had done of the not-wife in the Pre Raphaelite style.. Two not wifes (THe HoRROR!) .. And the figure in the Elahe Haidari painting will prbably be a tad pissed off....
mullets- I never associate POLLOCK with an artist, I associate it with dinner, preferably over a bed of wild rice pilaf. Something's Fishy Here.
mimo- Your son painted an "American Gothic" replica? That's scary, in and of itself! I have you thinking? Hopefully, just about the dollar store and their nice picture frames you can buy as replacements.
NCS- I already used that ebay package to banish my demons and send them out after anonymous. At this very moment, they're forcing her to wear last season's hooded robe with a ribbon belt, that is, like, so hopelessly out of fashion. She'll be the nerd of the Diablo Ball next month. Ha! I am such a vengeful spirit....
jams-I saw that picture when I first arrived at The Poor Mouth. It's lovely. Using that theory though, I'm going to start hanging pictures detailing large treasure troves, and riches galore.
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