You won't ever have to feel guilty again for blowing a small fortune down at ye olde hair salon because, evidently, it's a God approved activity. I just wish that He'd expand it to include electrolysis and facials so that I can justify the expense to my Papi in the name of holy righteousness and propriety. Oh well, God loves perms, hilites, and cuts, and He loves you too! Amen.
*Yes, this is an actual sign and not computer generated. It caught my eye the other day and I knew that I had to photograph this rare and stunning declaration of good hair styling love coming straight at you directly from the man above.*
I saw the sign
and it opened up my eyes!
Well, I just want to say I don't think it's fair this Holy Salon is in Texas, when I am all the way over here!, what about us Northwesterners? This is discrimination I say.
Shame on you, NCS! Didn't you know that quoting Ace Of Base song lyrics on the Sabbath Day is a sin? I smell the eternal damnation deep fryer heating up.........
Ooops, you are right.
I'm singing 3 "popcorn popping", 5 "Happy feet" and "3 "A smile is like sunshine" as penitence.
Good! I needed a sign to decide if I should highlight my hair!
For a moment I thought Hilites were a group of people. Like the Israelites.
Did you hear that, hair? We can finally use chemical-filled product and hot metal tongs to style and muss and force you into weird shapes more pleasing to the human eye!
*I did that this morning, and God has blessed me with humidity induced frizz. God may love hair treatments, but the Weather hates it all.
Maybe they just meant that God loves me PERManently. How sweet.
I'm glad you vouched for the verity of the sign. I'm suspicious since most of the ones you read now on the internet are artificial.
I'm just here waiting for the pajama party.
*looks around for the ugly pajama post* Yeah, I knew you were joking.
I too was a little confused by the Hilites.
I read it Eee-lee-tee's. It's that Spanish as a second language coming through.
I thought it was some hot new process only known in the Lonestar State.
NCS- For the sake of your mortal soul, you must throw in a rousing chorus of "Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam," too.
toni- No, God didn't say that he loved Highlights. That's a children's magazine. He's recommending that you go with the hilites.
Carrot- DING DING DING! You are the grand prize winner for funniest comment. The Israelite thing made me LOL. I thought it was so funny I shared it with mi familia at the dinner table.
kimberly- Well, it was in the cards and written in the stars, but watching for the signs made it easier for me to read.
syar- Take comfort knowing that God loves you........even if you have fugly hair that makes everyone else run away screaming. I kid! I've seen you missy, and I think you have gorgeous shiny black hair!
julie- I passed the sign on the way to work and it caught my eye. But according to the sign, God also loves cuts. I trimmed my thorny bouganvillea back over the weekend and I got lots and lots of cuts. I'm feeling God's love.
elizabeth- Don't pressure me. Need a pajama party fix? Go rent Doris Day's 'The Pajama Game.' Good stuff. It's the biggest Broadway revival musical going right now.
carrot- As Annie Lennox would say, "Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you, honey? Now would I say something that wasn't true? I'm asking you, sugar, would I lieeeeee to you?" I mean 'honey' and 'sugar' in a totally non-gay way.
annie- This is a cheap salon. Hilites means that they break out your choice of fluourescent markers and go over your hair with it strand by strand. They only highlight the most important strands though. Personally, I like the neon green.
"They only highlight the most important strands though", you kill me EWBL.
I did follow your advice (after all, you must know this!)and added "Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam". I am now absolved of any and all Sabbath mischief.
I stole that highlighter thing from deceased comic, Mitch Hedberg. Oh well, at least I admit when I steal someone else's comic genius unlike that nasty, foul mouthed, spastic annoyance Robin Williams. He's well known as a despised comedy thief around the comedy tour circuit.
Hmm god lives hilights and perms but even in his infinite mercy cany he forgive the mullet?? Speaking of Mullet, I hope she's okay
I could have told you that. Within 24 hours of when I stepped off the plane from my mission with my ratty hair, my mom had me scheduled for a perm appointment. Now I know God sanctioned it.
jams- Never did I think I'd live to see the day when I would miss a Mullet in any shape, fashion, or form. Female Mullets are usually the ugliest too, but I really miss bloggers own Little Miss Mullet.
amber- Well, God does love poodles too.
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