Carrot Jello is having a baby, baby, she's gonna have a baby!
I watched this clip a few months ago, and the infectious remix has all my mini-Infidels and I dancing and singing, "Baby, baby, gonna have a baby!" There's possibly no finer entertainment than the sperm receptacle freak show women that populate Maury Povich's legendary TV program dedicated to bringing the seamy underbelly of decent society to the masses. Someone edited a clip of a 15 year old girl with big plans for her future, and set it to a spiffy techno beat. Young Victoria has her heart set on dropping out of school, appearing on 'Girls Gone Wild,' and having her baby. And she don't care what her stupid momma got to say about it neither. Well, I think she'll make a fine mother, because after all, Victoria pointed out that she's got THUH-REE pacifiers for her baby, and a blanket if the baby gets cold. What else could a kid possibly need?
What does this all have to do with Carrot Jello? Ummmm, not much, except she too is all filled with the excitement of "Baby, baby, gonna have a baby".........TOMORROW MORNING! And Carrot Jello probably don't care what her momma got to say about it neither! Us Infidels can't wait to see the sweetness of Baby Carrot. So, stop by and wish Carrot Jello good luck/thoughts/prayers/lifetime supply of diapers, for her scheduled Friday morning birth, aight?

Can I be the first to say Happy Birthday? In advance, yes, but at least I won't forget and say it late.
Ok- Now that I am done laughing myself silly- that girl was STOOPID! I am so glad I only have boys. Would be nice if all it took were 1, 2, 3 pacifiers and a blanket.
I signed myself up for pics, and baby carrot is about to be mailed some good mail, oh yeah! (and so is a certain infidel, but sheeyush, 'kay? Or everyone will want one) So excited!
Hooray for Carrot and Baby Carrot!
(That clip was truly disturbing.)
Hmm nothing like the words of the underclass to lighten the spirits!
Here's to a happy delivery tomorrow for Carrot (err no today!)
congrats to carrot jello! I hope everything goes smoothly and new baby carrot is healthy and happy :)
oh my, that vid was scary. MP show does draw in a certain 'type'. Once I watche dhis program where they tested 15 men to be the father of a baby and NONE of the were. omg is all I can say!
That little girl is the reason why someone came up with the phrase,
"I'm gonna slap some sense into you!"
I want that one minute and 52 seconds of my life back!
Good luck, Carrot! I'll be thinking about you.
Happy, happy Baby Carrot day!!
I feel like sending her a carrot cake. Or some little carrot slippers for her wee one. Awwww.
Oh, I sitting here with bated breath just anticipating word of the blessed event.
Alright, my breath isn't really 'bated.' More like, I'm sitting here with garlic hashbrown breath.
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