How often we've listened and gagged during the rather descriptive ads for colonic irrigation products that rid your body of impacted fecal matter. How often we've rolled our eyes and uttered a resounding "Riiiiggghhhhtttt," at the A.D. Kessler 'Creative Real Estate' promos, touting a dubious property buying scheme that will supposedly make you an overnight millionaire. How often we've marveled over the women unsure of who their baby daddy is when a local lab advertises special cut rate DNA testing services. As interesting as we both find impacted fecal matter infomercials, our favorite radio spots belong to the "Get Rich Quick While Working At Home" people.
Yesterday, one of their plethora of ads ran on XM Satellite Radio obtrusively interrupting our talk radio staple, Dr. Laura. It began in the usual way.
How would you like to work from home?
How would you like to be debt free?
How would you like to never have to worry about money again?
How would you like to be your own boss?
How would you like to lay around watching TV and licking a potato chip bag clean while still making an income?
Sounds like a dream come true, right? Well, then the announcer prattles on to say that you could work as much or as little as you want in your free time earning passive residual income. You only need to contact them and buy a starter kit to get yourself on the road to financial freedom. AHA, there's the catch. But then, Sunbum and I felt our cynical hearts soften when Mr. Announcer Guy continued his spiel with talk of enjoying a 'STICK FIGURE INCOME.' Whaaaattt??!!?? Sunbum and I gasped and looked wide-eyed at each other. We can make money with stick figures? Why didn't anyone tell us this before? What a long awaited revelation! We've lived our entire lives outside the gilded 'STICK FIGURE INCOME' walls, and now Mr. Announcer Guy has coyly offered us the chance to break in. I put my girls, Sunbum and Monkey to work as soon as we got home.

So, TODAY ONLY, I'm offering all you bloggers this life changing program. You want in on the proven 'STICK FIGURE INCOME' plan? Please send $99.99 to The Smiling Infidel in Crackertopia, for your starter kit and folder of glowing 'STICK FIGURE INCOME' success stories and testimonials. Respond immediately and I'll also throw in a very special limited production of exclusive Smiling Infidel smiley face stickers to complement your STICK FIGURES!!!!!!
*Disclaimer: Results are not typical of actual 'STICK FIGURE INCOME' plan members. In fact, most of our program members can barely afford the bread to go with their monthly allotment of government cheese. You will have better odds of success investing in a cache of lottery tickets and mustache wax.*
Sign me up! I've always envied the stick figure lifestyle, now it's my turn 0->-< (That's me fainting from excitement and your incredible hilarity)
The check is in the mail!
There are so many things to like about this post!
Poop Talk-"Impacted fecal matter."
Talk Radio/Dr. Laura-"Sex and a sandwich."
And children's stick art!
Too much Infidel goodness to behold in one place.
I had a sneaky suspicion you were a lady of the night, but I had no idea. At our house stick figures come with swords, I'll bet that makes them worth more.
PS: I have to confess I was reading this while barely listening to my husband's description of his daily drudgery and inadvertantly let slip an "oh, that's funny!" Right after he was complaining about something he'd had to do. I did what any good wife does and blame it on my kid. LOL
I didn't laugh at this post. I snickered. Gleefully.
Hmmm... scratch offs or Infidels Stick Figures???? What should I do???
So, we could call this a ground level opportunity.
I hope those of us who reach the Golden Stick Figure pyramid level get a pickle hat.
Oh boy, would that sweeten the deal.
HOw much to set up UK franchise? We'll be minted!
You gotta love talk radio - actually I do, I love NPR much to the annoyance of my little ones. Car Talk really cracks me up.
One of your daughters - the one who was at tae-kwon-do when we were there - looks SO much like my sister did at that age, tooooo cute!
Impressive sticj figure pictures btw.
Investing in mustache wax she hums to herself as she strokes her mustache
Two trippy 60's rejects named their daughter after a song sang by Nancy Sinatra. Nancy Sinatra! Whaaa??
I'm gonna be rich! Rich I tell ya!! You can't imagine the stick figures I come up with!! WOO-HOO!!
Is that before or after taxes?
GOOOOOOOOO Diamond Stick Figure!!!
So mustache wax, huh? It pays to read the fine print.
I shall be the sole distributor for the Asia Pacific region. I'm going BIG, baby!
PS: Isn't that Zayra from the last Rockstar? She, um, sounds much better now, I have to admit. Where's Storm Large when you need her?
Look at y'all vultures trying to horn in on our STICK FIGURE INCOME action! What if we collectively oversaturate the stick Figure market, and Stick Figure prices start to plummet? This is very worrisome. I must protect all our Stick Figure investments.
I'm going to distract all of you from earning Stick Figure Incomes with a free pickle hat.
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