The esteemed Ben Franklin in all his infinite financial management wisdom once said, "A penny saved is a penny earned." How true and fiscally responsible, Ben! Ben Franklin:The designated fun sucker for guilt ridden penny candy buyers everywhere. What about the irrepressible Lionel Richie, who not only dances on ceilings all night long, but also croons unabashedly of his undying adoration for pennies in 'Penny Lover'? That's all kinds of wrong, Lionel. I'm not clear on what exactly the role of a 'Penny Lover' entails, but I'm pretty sure that I don't want Lionel's pennies in the sacred Penny Dish when he's done loving them up. And, yeah, I said sacred Penny Dish, because everyone knows about Pennies From Heaven.
So, you all understand the basic premise behind the ingenious Penny Dish, right? "Take A Penny. Leave A Penny." That's essentially akin to my own favorite request, "I'll pull your finger if you pull my finger." It's meant to celebrate a spirit of giving and showcase the benefits of symbiotic relationships. Why not adopt this principle towards the field of blog commenting as well?
I'm here to declare that henceforth the blog known as, The Smiling Infidel, will adopt this generous philosophy towards any and all comments. Reciprocating comments already ranks at the tippy top of the Blogger Commandments, but I know that many amongst you have flagrantly sinned against these Blogger covenants. So, I propose a program called "Leave A Comment. Get A Comment." It's simple, straight forward, and meant to give a boost to the egomaniacal comment whore residing in all of us. Stop lurking! Say something! Make your thoughts heard if only to type out the corny 'LOL!' in agreement with other commenters. Just do it! Ever wrestle with blog intimidation or a sudden onset of speechlessness? We all feel that way sometimes. I came up with a bloggy formula long ago......No Comments=Everyone Hates Me. Don't do this to your bloggy buddies. Show them the love!
A penny for your thoughts?
well there you go and here I am. One more step up the bloggy learning curve.
I get a kick out of the "No Bloitering - Leave a Comment" signs I've seen on a few blogs. Site metres suck. What?? 93 people visited my blog today and I got 8 comments?
Secretly, I only wrote this so I could drop the Lionel Richie 'Penny Lover' joke I made up a few months ago.
ewwww I dont want any of Lionel Richie's pennies after he loved on them either! ack!
I have about 10-13 regular lurkers who never comment. sigh.
is that Men At Work I am hearing? how cool!
Oh how I wish there were more of those penny trays in my neck of the woods.
Men At Work? Whaaaaaa? How can you not recognize the Gods of 80's Cheese, Duran Duran, when you hear them, barn goddess?
It's the Union Of The Snake! Because those oafish other reptiles were too stinkin lazy to make their own Union. Unorganized Labour, Suckers!
Ah, no e-mail in your profile. I wasn't expecting you to literally nip back and post a comment, however, that said, if you're in the mood for something more alternative, try this one if you have a spare mo.
This my main blog that I update daily.
Best wishe
Oh, Lyle, Lyle Crocodile, how you can really mean what you say?
You speak Spanish, right? My Papi had a look of grave concern when I told him about dishes with pennies in them! He was like, "Oh noooeeeesss!," as he clutched himself!
My takeaway from this post? Leave a comment = pull my finger.
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Leave a comment.. Okay so if you leave more than one you get more than one in return? Being a comment whore myself the prospect of lots more comments appeals!
RAJ- My e-mail to you inspired this post. Well, that and wanting to paint Lionel Richie in a penny lovin lecherous light!
jams- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's blog comments. Numer 4 on the big, bad list of Blogger Commandments.
My first comment is: I loved "plastic fountains" even more that "Penny Lover", just because I've never heard the song Elastic!!
My second comment is: I never liked the "Union of the snake" video for the same reason I never liked Mad Max, the horrible ragged clothes. The clothes!! Horrible!
My Third comment is: I wonder what kind of comment I'll get form you on my blog. Hmmm.
I always (try) and leave a comment for people when they've left me a comment...sometimes I can't find them, though!
Funny post!
Yay, verrily...
Shouldn't that be take a comment, leave a comment, you know if we're comparing pennies to egomania...
I took your comment and I'm not giving it back by the way. I'm just mean like that.
Ah ha! I just upgraded one of my plugins for my web surfing experience, which means that your blog no longer crashes my browser upon opening. Now that I can read your stuff once more, prepare to be commented upon, infidel!
LOL! (J.K.)
I just love your blog, Elasty! I remember when I first started blogging and I just got a few comments here and there, but then I worked a little harder at it and got more comments, and I'm sure you know that's a great feeling. :)
More comments? Heck, many more and I'll have to use up all my blogtime allowance for EWBL. Thanks for the blog insight. Remember the wise saying from the internet inventor, "A Comment saved is a comment for a rainy day".
I heart EWBL! Only you could do a whole post about the take a penny dish!
Lionel Richie- I used to think he said "every one you meet, there's Annie in the streets, all night long."
It struck me as odd, but then I thought that maybe Daddy Warbucks got tired of her constant singing and kicked her happy shiny butt out. But hey, if she's partying with Lionel, things can't be that bad, right? It's a hard knock life you know.
Elasti-lady, I am so glad you exist. I loooove coming here! As a matter of fact, I tried to nominate you for one of those dumb blog award things floatin' around out there on the Internet, and someone already beat me to it!
Now let's see if I have the brains to link the site...
well? Does it work? Do I have a brain after all?
Last night, laid in bed, couldn't sleep. I asked SAM if I could sing a song for him (Union of the Snake)so I could get it out of my head and put it into his. He said,
"Please dont."
NCS- Penny Lover is a really depressing song, NCS. You can't even call her a two bit hooker, because she was working for only one cent. I find the subject of bargain basement, clearance close-out sale prostitutes, sad, don't you?
jennifer- I'm trying to help distract you from your labour pains! One more week to go...........
sketchy- Don't make me deploy my comment collectors over to Spitting Prohibited. Vito has methods of getting comments back for me that are none too pretty.
JEDI! My long lost fish and lemonade love! You think you've seen the last of my shameless Lionel Richie jokes? No, there's more where this one came from. That is why you're hanging out here......for the Lionel Richie jokes, right?
suzanne- I don't have any bloggers in my family, so I have to work extra hard. I don't get freebie comments out of familial obligations which means I have to toil to edify a strong blogger buddy network! I should get a degree in Blog Engineering.
skewed view- All your blogging time is belonging to ME!
toni- I've covered restaurant mint dishes, penny dishes, next up.......... Infidel sink full-o-dirty dishes. Because I'm too busy blogging.
burg- Annie is partying with Lionel. Who do you think he wrote 'Brick House,' for? Annie's mighty, mighty just letting it all hang out. By the way, your comment made me laugh!
wynne- Burg nominated me?!!!??? Woot! I never worry about those award thingies, but it if I hadn't had the cockels of my heart surgically removed, this gesture would definitely warm them up. Thanks wynne.
Annie- I think if you had gone with a showtune medley rendition, he would have liked it. You could have mixed Paula Abdul's 'Cold Hearted Snake,' with some Whitesnake, and then reached the grand finale with 'Union Of The Snake.' I bet your efforts would have been met with wild SAM applause.
On-the-run LOVES Elastic blogs.... they make me :))
The French love Lionel Richie... the Germans love David Hasslehoff.
::wincing at David Hasselhoff::
OK, I love this idea. Stinkbag was really bummed out by her 11 stinkin' little comments. I guess she should've been more chatty.
Hilarious! I've read your comments on other blogs but this is my first time here.
Great blog!
Here's my penny. LOL!
This song makes me want to dance!
I get blog-motional during a certain time of month.
LOL....that was for you, and because cheese makes a good burger great.
I am up really late and laughing really hard. You're just so funny. So happy to have de-lurk-ified myself!
on the run- And some people love serial killers and have serial killer trading cards and fan clubs. What's your point? :)
millie- Stinkbag should take a lesson from her cousin, Douchebag, and just use a dose of vinegar to solve all her problems.
teamouse- Welcome to the house that procrastination and bad taste built!
carronin- Hopefully you'll be dancing without wearing a leather outfit and no shirt.
PJ- If I could build a bridge with LOL's, I'd make one to span the ROFL/LMAO ocean.
stefanie!- Do I know you? Have we met? Were you named after that chick in Saturday Night Fever? Are you really Princess Stefanie of Monaco? Do you have a husband named Stefan? Secretly, I think that a law should be passed that all Stefans and Stefanie's must hook up. Just strictly for my own amusement, of course.
My point was that those Franch and Germans love people like that yet still feel they are better then us. Although I must say Hasselhoff went up in my book after his apearance in the Sponge Bob Movie. Also - some times you don't need a point>
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