Thursday, November 08, 2007
Huked On Fonix Wirked Fo Mee
Okay. I jumped out of my truck this morning in the darkened twilight hours just to capture the magnetic signage marvel slapped onto the tailgate of a pickup in my neighborhood. They spelled computer as 'KOMPUTER?' Seriously? I'm not sure I want a technician poking around at something he can't even spell. If he was trying for alliterative cuteness, why didn't he name his business KNOX KOMPUTER KOMPANY rather than Service? They could have abbreviated it to K.K.K. Maybe I have it all wrong and KOMPUTER is something totally different from COMPUTER. In which case, I want one for Christmas. I don't want to be left out.
File this one in the E For Eelliterate category.

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wow, that was a quickie. are you, uh, done?
I need a smoke
hahaha K.K.K.
Wow, Eeeliterate and no people skills if the name of your company shortens to KKK.
I wonder if they were influenced by the Kim Kommando computer radio show.
uh, what? are you kidding me? this reminds me of a conversation i had with a friend. everyone here is computer-y, programmers or something at microsoft, google or amazon and most of them are poor spellers. their excuse: that they have to memorize all that html and whatnot. blah blah. lame-o excuse.
This is a narrative of very heavy-duty proportions.
I get very irritated at lame alliterations.
but you got me at Eeliterations!
I so enjoy reading your takes that I blog linked you on my blog:)
thanks for the smiles.
My kids take gymnastics at a place that calls themselves, "Just Jymnastics". It bugs me every single time I drive them there because I'll bet there are kids that think that is how you spell it. Bugs me!
ps. I did it!
I ficks komputers for a livving.
It's hard to misspell "living."
Maybe it's part of a gang that affiliate with the Crips so they spell a word with C? But then they would have spelled it servise.
Just a weird thought.
I don't understand is that not how you spell komputer? I;m not sure since I have a latop.
**clix por 2**
No, I will not make out with you!
(It is stock answer day. Millie said it was ok!)
You know what bugs me is when put their N's backwards on their signs. Do they do it on purpose?
I'm tayking the hi rode.
I want a komputer for Christmas, too!
That's so silly. Things like that drive nutso. E for Eelliterate for sure.
I have been relegated to buying Shur Savings Milk lately because it's the only milk in my neighborhood grocery store that is still cheaper than a gallon of gas.
It pains me horribly.
Yes, compulsive! Me too! Except that whole milk doesn't come in Shur Savings so we can only get the skim, then have to pay an arm and leg for the whole.
Elastic, it bugs me too when people use "cute" sayings for their companies, but it makes them look illiterate!
LOL at Jean Knee's comment!
Ok, the puppet in the video is scaring me. :(
I had a shirt once that said "I'm not illiterate. I know who my parents are."
compulsive writer if you have milk that pains you horribly maybe you should stop consuming it.
LOL at Tori :)'s comment!
clix are for cool chix
x 2
What's really stupid about that name is the K in "Knox" is silent. What rejects. I'll bet a tree-hugging crusty homeless guy on steroids made that up.
The dude must know either Malay or Indonesian. There's no other explanation.
Also, never trust a technician who can't spell rite.
There is a popular place around where I live, called "Krazy Sub". It absolutely drives me nuts and makes me not want to eat there. There is no point to the K in Krazy....why....WHY?....WWWWWwwwwWWWWWHY?!
I wonder if they are Kertified as well.
I hate cre8ive spellings for companies. I hate it even more when parents saddle their poor offspring with names that no one will ever be able to spell.
Perhaps by a quirk of fate his name is actually Knox Komputer. If so, I would advise him to have wors with his parents!
I just came back from the grocery store.....yes, I know it's Sunday. The dog needed food. What could I do? Anyway, I saw the Knox Komputer guy for myself??!!? He's a smoker and he flicked his butt my way. Yay! He's a litterer, polluter, and a bad speller all rolled into one neat, little redneck package.
Oh, and cutesy business names really bother me with pre-schools and tutoring services. We have a couple around here that look like teenage net speak and I always think that they don't look qualified to teach children much beyond Krazy Fonetix 101.
Wait, is there a rule against grocery shopping on Sunday? Crap.
Ok well that is not kool I wouldnt want them to worc on my komputer at all gosh what do they think wes are stupid?
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