They've obviously narrowed down their target female demographic to British, Australian, and Canadian expatriates because they're really the only "mums" around here; everyone else is Mama or just plain Mom. I guess there's good news in all this if you're a love-lorn woman named Rose.....apparently, they'll do you for cheap.
So, I guess we all know exactly what the PLUS in Flowers PLUS is supposed to be mean. This place offers a full-service, one-stop, git-r-done shopping experience. It's definitely more deflower shop than flower shop.
Gosh, they just put it right out there! Won't someone think of the children of these "mums"?
I am appalled.
Oh and second too.
deflowered?! Deflowered???!!
You are so bad.
Oh, being a floral owner I am appalled. We don't do Mums and we would NEVER do Rose's so cheap!
Sick perverted floral they are! My favorite thing in the floral to do is dethornication. We like to keep it clean at my place:D
Scandalous! HAHA! :D
Naughty naughty people!!
Today I drove Amanda to school and the new crossing guard is quite the site. I thought, I've got to get a picture and send it to Elastic. She would have so much fun with it!
gasp-oh my! this is outrageous
mama BIG mama
Man I'd do it for half that price if anyone's interested. I wonder what they were really trying to convey in this sign...
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Well, at least they weren't offering to do peonies.
Is there a Flowers PLUS in MD? I'm definitely not getting as much action as I would like and for the bargain basement price of $19.99 - I could be interested.
LOL! My dad went on his mission to Australia so he always called my Grandma "Mum"! :)
I feel sad for the obvious discrimination against men going on here.
What?!!? No Pop, Papa, Papi's? Where are the EEOC people when you need them?!!?
The double entendres that have come from this sign EWBL, you have doen us all proud. Of even more concern is the prospect of Unlimited Cricket. If you think Baseball is dull you will not want to watch cricket!
I'm glad i'm not the only one who sniggered out loud reading that sign. I'll have to send Mum by for flowers...
There was a great one like that up a few years back where I was going to said "Pork the one you love". It *was* an add from the local pork producers, but I nearly went off the road laughing...and was promptly taken down after a week or so after someone mentioned to them.
That's almost as bad as the Kum & Go sign I have look at when I'm buying overpriced gas.
Deflowered, that's hilarious!
Hmmm... I wonder if the shop owenr dresses like Big daddy Randy Travis?
Hey man! It's time women got some action! It's always been about the men.
I'll have to be sure to show that one to Simon! I always thought those mums were dang ugly... I never let me date buy me one (I think they were glad to save the money.)
YEAH!! Equal opportunity! Where's the We Do Dads sign??
That's almost as bad as the signs outside A&W that advertize two teens for five bucks.
Guess what I got a pair of socks. Could you please tell me who they are from. They are awesome. Soon I will have fabulous pictures of them.
It's an OUTRAGE!!
(I wonder how many non-southern readers are going "What the heck is a mum???")
The flowers are all part of the package deal.
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