Little Known Mormon Statistics Not Yet Released By The LDS Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City
It is a proven fact that roughly 9 out of 10 female Mormon bloggers will feature tracks by Colbie Caillat or Michael Buble on their blog music playlists. It is also statistically probable that said tracks will suddenly assault your auditory senses with no warning as you click onto a blog page maintained by a Mormon woman. Female LDS bloggers in the South will try to thwart the cliche by mixing in a Carrie Underwood song or two.Oh how we love our mediocre and overplayed music!(Colbie Caillat and Michael Buble should go on tour together because I like the way their names cutely rhyme with one another. They would be a definite concert sell-out duo in Utah)
Does this mean I'm a rare gem? AM I one of your prized possessions?
You are always the happy exception to the rule, Carrot. :)
Pointing out stereotypes ruffles feathers. I hope anyone reading this post will take it in stride and appreciate that I'm only singling out a particular observation I thought was funny.
And you know what else? If we had had blogs back in the 1970's the same women would likely all have The Osmonds in some shape or form on their playlists with the late 1980's playlists featuring just Donny Osmond's solo efforts. If we all had blogs in the mid-90's a goodly portion of LDS women would have Celine Dion ruling the roost. And last year most Mormony women had sountracks on their blogs by Jack Johnson.
Maybe having similar musical tastes is another side effect of Mormon culture as a whole?
Ok, so you searched out a blirker :) Unfortunately my blog is not nearly as funny as yours!
So I have to admit... and this may make me look "out of it" or maybe it make make me look "unique" ... anywho, I don't even know who those two artists are, I DO know who Carrie Underwood is though. I tend to lean more toward "Beck" and "Cake" but I refuse to put them up on my blog. It tends to fight with Pandora and that just irratates me.
Uh oh... I think I just admitted to being anal retentive... opps. :D
You are absolutely right! Just last night, I was at my best friend's reception sitting in my uncomfortable bridesmaid dress wondering what music they chose for the background. On comes Michael Buble...right on cue.
PS...she also happens to be Colbie's biggest fan haha!!
In the 70's I would have included Shawn Cassidy and Terry Jacks' Seasons in the Sun.
I like how their names sound together too. I wouldn't go though.
I have never featured either one on Thursday Thong, but I have featured Underwood and a few other stereotypical tunes....I balance it out occasionally when I'm the first to feature some un(der)played favorites from my (and your) XM stations!
Still think of you every time I turn my XM on!
I don't have either one, even though some mormon ladies have told me it would okay to 'just try buble once' and i'd be hooked. Music pushers, all. If carrie underwood comes on I mute her.
But I'm not too far from those ladies, though. I do have a Jack Johnson song down deep at the bottom.
I wonder if I can add Saturday's Warrior soundtrack? I will try.
All in favor? Any opposed by the same sign? Amen! My Mikey B is stashed away on another site/page hehe ;D
Speaking of cake... I need to go "fishing"
Did you read Elastic? Somebody said JJ's name on your blog! ;op
You're still invited to Bee J. wedding.
I would like to nominate Taylor Swift to round out the Top 5 most common Mormony woman blog soundtrack as of this moment.
Thank you.
Forget Buble! Bring on the Def Leopard!
Jack Johnson is nice to look at.......maybe I can get him to cover some Led Zeppelin tracks or maybe TOOL. Yes, different music would make him considerably less annoying than his standard, rote, one-song-fits-all song catalogue he has going right now.
Further proof I'm not a good Mo. Never heard of either one of these folks :) Somehow I'm getting the sense that ain't a bad thang?
So that makes me 1 of 10 that don't. Should I be concerned about repenting? I'll be no good Mo with E-W;)
What? I must have missed the hand-out on this in Relief Society! Why am I always such an outcast:(
I do admit to being a fan of Donny Osmond in the 90's though. I guess that still makes me a good Mo doesn't it?
I have no playlist! :D
I don't listen to Colbie Caillat at all!
Carrie Underwood...nah!
But I admit that I love listening to Michael Buble in my car...pretty much every day.
You got me! :D
I've never heard of that Colbie gal. I thought the picture was Jennifer Aniston. I don't know who the Michael Bubble fellow is either.
I know that I'm neither female nor Mormon, but still. I feel left out. Gonna go download some Jennifer Aniston songs from iTunes.
Thank goodness the mute button was invented.
I'm not the biggest fan of either of them, and I have no playlist. But I already know I am a fan of over played music, and I am okay with that. :) I am a little tired of the nonstop playing in my head of Bleeding Love. I go to bed with it there, I wake up with it there. And I don't even listen to it that often. AHHHH!
Do I have anything by Colbie Caillat?? I'll have to look. I usually search for music by title because I rarely know the artist. I KNOW I don't have anything by Buble on there. I've yet to hear anything by him that I've really liked...
I don't really care for Colbie. Not only does her song sound like a Dr. Seuss book, but she's also the reason I grabbed that strange guy's butt at the mall.
Colbie is a homewrecker.
My mom got mad at me for calling Carrie Underwood a "hick" on our trip to Melanie's. Sorry Mom.
I have not heard of either of them. To be honest even though the local LDS church is only a mile and a half away, I haven't seen a missionary in ages.
i've heard the name michael buble but i don't know what he sings and i'm ashamed to admit that i just got colbie callait's cd from the library and actually like a few of her songs.
There's NOTHING wrong with liking Colbie Caillat and Michael Buble. In fact, I had Colbie's song, Realize, on my own playlist for a couple months.
You got me. I have some Colbie on my playlist but the rest of it is a little more hard-core. That must be the rebel coming out in me. Just wanted to let you know that I have seen an Oscar Meyer Weinermobile, actually 2 of them in a row.
I'm not crazy about people putting music on their blogs. More often than not I'm already listening to music so when I come across a blog that plays music it just becomes noise.
And I've never heard of Colby whatever.
I hope I'm not offending any bloggers here when I say how much I HATE IT when a blog opens up and there is music playing. I often have my speakers turned up for one reason or another (old age deafness being one) and I almost pee my pants when that music comes unexpectedly blasting out. HATE IT.
And now I'm going to drive the final nail into the Mormon Music cliche coffin with the utterance of only two words.....JOSH GROBAN
That is all.
Excuse me?
What I meant to say is Colbie is catchy, but doesn't make my playlist. And just say no, NO, to Michael. And I live in Utah. Apparently in some parts we are also known as the plastic surgery capital of the world as well, although obviously not in my neck of the woods. Who knew?
But my son just made a cool $90 selling Hannah Montana Stadium of Fire tickets. I'm bummed. I have to miss the Blue Man Group because a bunch of tweens are obsessed over Hannah Banana Montana Santana.
I'll break your mold... as an Idaho Mormon (not much different than the Utah), I prefer Metallica, Shinedown, Modest Mouse, etc. Alternative and some rock for me! And I never put music on my blog. I personally think it is THE most annoying thing.
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