I mean, who wouldn't? Carrot Jello is always there for me in emergency situations. I just put it up to my ear, and it comforts me. I'd like to sleep with it at night, but that'd be a messy situation. You know, with Papi in there too.
When the power is out, and I can't access the "Little Debbie" website for new and exciting recipes, Carrot Jello is there to give me comfort. "I cried a tear, she wiped it dry. I was confused...because it's dark and there's no powerrrr."
Somebody get the power company over here, quick, or I'm gonna go all trading spouses on my kids.

Sleeping with Carrot Jell-O (or any flavor, for that matter) CAN be messy, but what it does for your love life is TOTALLY worth it. I recommend it much more than pudding.
Hope your hair is beautifully wind-blown and you can see the light soon.
Carrot is a gem, for sure. Glad to hear you're still around. :)
I hope the pine tree nasties are leaving you alone.
Do you have power back yet, Elastic?
I'm glad that Carrot has been such a source of comfort to you. Who knew long distance Carrots could be so helpful in your situation!
And I remember that psycho lady from Trading Spouses! Wow...she sure made the rest of us look like angels! :)
I'm so glad you and your family are fine. Carrot is definitely a friend to treasure
I thought you DID sleep with Carrot Jello at one point... hmm... maybe my mind isn't working well today!
Trading Spouses... those people scare me. A lot.
That was the first AND last episode I watched. ever. of that show. For very clear reasons. That lady was crazy...and possessed...by something...
For the love-of a Carrot with Jello!
Oh dear. I saw that episode and it has burned into my brain. Hopefully the power company will get there before you start rebuking people...
I made physco watch that at my house! I tortured her with it:)
WHy are you breaking Jean Knee heart? :( Whyyyyy?
That crazy lady was the best. What a wacko "Gargoyles! PSYCHICS!" Ah crazy lady, you had me at Gd Warrior.
Anyway. Hope you get some power soon.
"Like the crack of the whip I snap attack
Front to back in this thing called rap
Dig it like a shovel rhyme devil
On a heavenly level
Bang the bass turn up the treble
Radical mind day and night all the time
Seven to fourteen wise divine
Maniac brainiac winning the game
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh yeah-eah-eah-eah-eah-eah
I've got the power
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh yeah
Gettin' kinda heavy
I've got the power..."
Like that.
If you have no power, how be you bloggin'?
Can you channel electricity through your bum?
'Cause that's pretty cool.
You should go on "America's Got Talent" and blow silly Mr. Hasselhoff away with the rays from your bum.
What else can you power besides your computer and the Internet? Cans of Sterno? Emergency flashlights? The moon?
Hope you get that power back soon! But maybe it is secretly a good thing? I mean, look at the time you must have! I would go nuts without power. I better go charge my portable chargers.....
I wish you power and comfort and lots of Little Debbie snacks!
Who's carrot jello?
Here's to hoping that you NEVER look like that...um...creature. Electricity for all. (Properly channelled and in healthy quantities of course.)
Are you a God Warriooooooooooooooor?
she's ALIVE!
"Hopefully the power company will get there before you start rebuking people..." I'll stop laughing and get back in my chair now.
That woman is a whole new level of weirdo. Please don't get to that point..cuz that ain't right.
I'm glad you survived!
I'm sorry about the Little Debbie problem. *HUGS*
I don't know who you are referring to but I put carrot in my juicer and that's all we see of carrot after that!
I think I'd rather live through a storm of any kind than have to live with this trading spouses demon. She scared me to the point of NOT turning on the TV or power for a good week or so. I even boarded up my windows and doors in fear that she might get in:)
OK, I'm kidding about rather having a storm. I am so glad you are safe but feel bad that you are without power. I would have to pull my body hairs out one by one to keep my head from spinning like this chicks. (I don't know how pulling your hairs out prevents it but I think it might?)
that pictures is frightening me. where are her teeth?
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