Very high superstar-level places, that is!
And isn't that what parenting is all about? We raise our kids with the expectation that they'll become more successful in life than their parents.

I was stunned when Caterpillar received an invitation to a pizza party on Saturday to celebrate the birthday of none other than Matt LeBlanc!
I don't have a ton of money. I hope Matt really likes the Incredible Hulk action figures I got on clearance at the Dollar General store!

I grew up with a Michael Jackson who epitomized the whole "White&Nerdy" thing. He used to sign our class yearbooks like this: "Beat It! Cuz I'm The ONLY Thriller In This School! Michael Jackson 4Ever!" And then he'd draw a little white glove next to it. Yeah. I'll never forget when Michael Jackson's mom bought him a pair of black parachute pants in an effort to try and help her son fit in with his more urban savvy peers. They were 2 sizes too big and he wore them with a navy blue T-shirt that featured the Alka-Seltzer boy on it. You didn't get much street cred in the 80's wearing T-shirts that screamed out "Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh, What A Relief It Is" in big white letters across your back.
And now my gorgeous daughter can share in the celebrity classmate tradition with her own short and freckled version of Matt LeBlanc. Caterpillar may even be able to parlay this into a fledgling tabloid reporter career as she reveals such shocking headline-worthy news like: "I Saw Matt LeBlanc Pick His Nose Like He Was A Pro On The Pick-N-Flick Competition Circuit" or "Matt LeBlanc Chews His Bologna Sandwiches Into The Shape Of The Virgin Mary Every Day At Lunch." One article she'll for sure be able to write after Saturday reads: "I Partied With Matt LeBlanc And Have The Pepperoni Indigestion To Prove It."
Alka seltzer boy is the dopest. Word.
I didn't have any celebrity classmates. Woe is me.
Whenever he sees her does he ask,
"How you doin'?"
Wow, I always knew that Joey was into women. I just didn't know that it was women THAT young! In better news, I'm sure he will love the Incredible action figures. He can play with them until his duck swallows them. :D
Is his favorite food sandwiches?
I just can't think of anyone I have met with such fame. Maybe I have and just have forgotten. I'll keep thinking on that, if I remember!
Parachute pants, sweet! :)
How fun! I'm sure she will have a blast.
one of my young womens advisers name was Dawn Johnson...
I went to school with a boy named Patrick Holmes who used to eat his boogars all the time. I was really upset in health class when I had to go right after him to practice CPR on the dummy... that was before they had those masks you could use... not cool.
I taught school with an old maid named Sarah Lee. She'd get violent if you sang that ditty to her.
I'm not commenting on that musical post because I wasn't in it anywhere.
I think I heart your Michael Jackson just a little bit lol.
Oh and your little caterpillar is just about the cutest thing ever!
Good for Caterpillar. It's good to...uh...know people. Even an actor who plays an actor on tv.
(I once knew a kid named Chris Peterson when that show was! "Get a Life," and Christ Peterson was the name of the 30+ year old who lived with his parents...that's the best I can do.)
I havent been here in ages. Please dont hate me. Im back. Until my life gets so busy I cant check blogs at work anymore.
For now Im back though :)
Love this post! Especially the way MJ signs the yearbook! :)
Love the new layout!!! I opened it and I was like HuH? Im pretty sure I clicked on Elastics bog?
I laughed and laughed with the update, because that picture, it just got me going for some reason.
Hooray for cute and famous Caterpillar! :)
Your blog looks GREAT! Love it, haha! :D
I should state that I do like the update, just was tickled by the picture.
Catapillar is so lucky! ;)
She looks so cute in her dress!!
LOL at white and nerdy!
Evil Kitty thinks that Matt LeBlanc is Hawt! But the hawntness is about all there is.
Thanks. I like the Mad Magazine feel of the new header. It's completely incongruent. You have a cutesy-pie background theme combined with a redneck Thanksgiving picture.
Papi was disappointed. He wanted me to find a picture of some brown people sitting down to a Tamale Thanksgiving Feast.
I love the new header--but also love your Papi's idea--too cute.
Good for your little Caterpillar.
I met Willie Nelson when I went to a Singles Conference back in the day. I feel bad now that I didn't believe him at first. I should have.
What guy would pretend his name was Willie Nelson to pick up chicks?
But it was his fault. He should have gone by Will, William, or Bill.
Ah it's a shame the Weekly World News is not about or you could sell some really weird stoies... Matt Le Blance is Batboy and the like!
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