Given all that, what kind of music would you expect to find if you had a sudden out-of-body experience and inexplicably find yourself floating over my outdated but expansive CD collection?
Maybe Air Supply's Greatest Hits? Or Pat Boone's much ballyhooed extravaganza of heavy metal covers? Perhaps I have a secret collection of Reader's Digest special Stardust Memories love song compilation CD's. Oh wait. That would be entirely accurate. I actually do own 2 Stardust Memories CD's. What can you really expect from a woman named after a Barry Manilow song. (Really!)
Anyway, it's presumptive to assume that between gawking at the stacks of lame CD's and my iTunes Library that you'd run the risk of collapsing form a cheese overdose, right?
You can't judge a person's musical tastes from their appearance. I've gone to see such lite rock favorites as Chicago, The Little River Band and Earth, Wind &Fire. But I also got jostled and slammed in the belly of a fierce mosh pit during a Suicidal Tendencies performance in the 90's.
So, what are we listening to at this very moment in the Infidel household? Well, we happen to LOVE the first single from Bloc Party's brand new release, Intimacy.
DAWN OF THE DEAD- DOES IT OFFEND YOU, YEAH? (Great pop song. Weird video)
And finally, this song has been playing non-stop at our house all summer and we're still not tired of it! Ever wonder what happened to Albert Ingalls on Little House on The Prairie? Wonder no more! Check out this video at around :30 seconds in. It's Albert Incarnate!
We went to a Homeschool Family Formal Dance last year. The music was provided by a member of our homeschool group with seriously awful taste. They expected us to get our groove on and shake it to emotionally draining songs like Eric Clapton's "Change The World" and "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion. The one and only fast track played was the overly-long "Rock Lobster." I'm totally going to petition to take over DJ duties next year.
*Here's A Picture Of Us At The Fall Family Formal circa 2006. I can't find the one from last year. We're all smiley and stuff because the party organizers just rolled out a platter of Pigs In A Blanket and some guy munched the floor while dancing the Cotton-Eyed Joe. These are precious memories you just can't buy.*

Fun videos, good music, and what's up with the dance where there is only Rock Lobster for fast music.
No head banging? Who ever heard of such a thing?
Did you name her Lola or Mandy?
oh, wait....YOU were named for a BM song?
She was.
My sister almost was, too. Did I ever tell you that?
I'm clinging fast to my lite rock favorites of the 70s, 80s and - well, that's pretty much it because then you start getting into the boy bands and Mariah Carey and (twitch twitch) Celine Dion. If I wanna head bang, I'll turn on some GNR or Def Leppard.
Call me old school and boring - I'm the flannel pajamas to your spiky leather dog collar.
I like my country and old school tunes. I don't know any of the popular song or groups anymore. I'm in my comfy zone and I like it.
If you come visit me I know what clubs to take you to...
I did a post like this two posts ago! Well, not as funny as yours.
I'm listening to the first song and I like it.
I'm finally coming back to the realm of bloggers after being on and off again for months. I don't blame you for taking me off your sidebar, but OH, IT HURTS! The pain...rejected by Elastic...
By the way, the score at the store almost has me worshipping you as the queen of bargain shopping.
Elastic, you're not gonna reject me if I say I don't know which Barry Manilow song that was, will you? I imagine the title is your first name, but I don' know any Barry Manilow songs.
And I only wish I was as cool as you.
At least I know who the Kooks are, right?
(Do they ever sell packets of "cool" at the dollar store? If you see some, would you pick some up for me? I know you can spare it.)
I'm all for you being the DJ. I'll sign that petition! You find awesome music. Now the question is are you going to share the secret of how you find such music?
I too like a wide variety of music... I just know the names of the songs or the people who sing them. I often will try to sing a song to let people know about a song I like but that never helps them figure out what I am talking about.
Simon's boss DJs at his company Christmas parties... I think that may be the only reason they still have them... it's bad, really really bad. That song Celebrate makes me want to do anything but celebrate.
We're gonna have to work on a new DJ name for you elastic. I know that you would totally get the kids rocking!
I like a big variety of music and my kid's friends are often amazed when I sing along with something new & popular. I try to stay cool like well at least I pretend I'm cool. My kids still think I'm a dork:)
I would like to sign that petition! As a matter of fact, put my name down first!
I think they only sell cool with a K at the dollar store ;) Truth be told it's actually kooler that cool. :D
I can even give a testimonial to your DJ awesomeness...I'm still jamming to Royworld's album that came out this summer I heart it and could probably listen to listen to dust...listen to dust about 20 times in a row, daily and not get tired of it. As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure I did do that.
Albert hasn't aged much! ;)
A Homeschool Family Formal Dance? REALLY?
Yep, they need you to take over as DJ for sure! :D
Too cool they do a formal family dance for homeschoolers. And you, my dear, are the epitome of cool. One of my favorite songs? "Tape thes broken wings....."
I must have missed the pic before. Awesome!!! Great looking family!!!
I like the idea of a family dance. How did that all work out? Were you involved in the making of it all, or were you just a participant?
I missed the photo before are all beautiful!
oh man I could eat about 500 of those pigs in blankets
oh wait, you meant the food didn't you
Yeah I'm thinking I missed that pic as well. What a beautiful flock of Infidels! Much better than A Flock of Seagulls(sp?) ;)
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