We have sworn off most T.V. since the Superbowl booby debacle a few years ago. My girls love American Idol and I even curtailed that because of the graphic commercials for the inappropriate sex-drenched teen show, 'The O.C.'. Prior to that, FOX showed promos for, 'Temptation Island'. Not exactly family fare, unless your family is one of those incestuous, stolen baby, amnesiac, evil twin, murderous, adulterous, miraculously returns from the grave kind of soap opera family. In which case FOX programming is probably tame and mild for you.
So, now with the lengthy disclaimer I feel confident to admit that my husband, Papi and I watched a couple episodes last week of the high brow show, 'Beauty And The Geek'. It seemed to be a marathon showing of all of the previous season's episodes.
Well, they lined up the beauties for an onstage academic contest after being trained by their respective geek partners. They had questions pertaining to history, spelling, geography and the like. When the emcee started with the questions I shouted out the answers, and to my absolute delight, I didn't even miss one. That's right, I was on fire answering questions right and left and mocking the women who were stumped at basic spelling words like Wednesday. I was practically crowing, squawking and parading around the room and telling my husband, "Who's your mama now?", when I glanced over at the dresser mirror and realized, oh, snap, I'm NOT a beauty, I'm one of the geeks. Of course, I answered everything correctly, I AM a geek and I was wearing my Geek T-shirt to prove it.
I think that the hissing sound of my ego deflating was actually audible. My Mom says I'm a beauty and she told me that she meant it sincerely and NOT just because I'm her kid. I believe her whole heartedly.
I could write a master thesis on this!
There seems to be many categories and varying degrees of 'geekiness'. I belong in the underachiever geek department. That is, I'm a bit cultured, slightly well read, and somewhat auto-didactic by nature, but I have never accomplished anything on paper to prove it.
This means, I walk like a geek, talk like a geek, and look like a geek but sans a college degree.
"Next week on Discovery Channel we will explore and reveal all the multi faceted characteristics that comprise the most fascinating creature of our time, the modern day geek."
Professor Elastic speaketh:
The major difference is that Nerds are a delectable, tart candy that inadvertently makes your mouth pucker up.
Geeks are not edible, unless you are of the cannibal persuasion, and that is reprehensible, sir.
For more answers to the Universe's most pressing questions please place another quarter in the slot located on your right.
I LOVE my Geek Squad T-shirt. In fact, I wore it to the Primary activity on Saturday. Nothing like announcing the obvious!
Miss Biotech I'm glad you've decided to cross over to the dark side and join the elite Geek Squad after all. Now, for your initiation you must create cold fusion, wear a pocket protector and pull your pants up to your chest, and submit to me your ten digit credit card number.
Elasticwaistbandbraniac: Be proud of being a geek! I love that show and I think you need to go undercover as a beauty and surprisingly blow them away with all your answers to geek questions with lightning, Jeopardy-like speed. Show 'em!
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