Sunday, February 19, 2006

If Children Are Our Future, You Better Watch Your Backs, Commies, Leftists, And Faschists

Usually I feel like a really crappy Mother. I work during the nights and I'm tired and short of patience during the days. However, I had my shining moment in the sun last week that I'm still savoring.

My Mother complained to me that my 23 year old brother had no idea who Condoleeza Rice is when it came up in conversation. I find that unfathomable myself but I decided to test the knowledge of my own kids.

So, at my Mom's Valentine's soiree last week I asked my 10 year old daughter Sunbum if she knew who Condoleeza Rice is. I expected an answer like, oh, she works with George Bush or something similar but not title specific. Imagine my delight when she rolled her eyes and said, "Dur, Condoleeza Rice is only our Nation's Secretary of State". My family who thinks our decision to homeschool is a grievous error were amazed as well. I asked her how she knew the answer without any hesitation and she cited all the hours we spend together listening to talk radio and studying politics and world events. This may be slightly immature but, HA! In your face naysayers. My kids do have the ability to learn without a full time teacher.


On a side note, my 9 year old daughter, Monkey commented when she saw the anti-war activists in the paper that she didn't understand why some people don't realize that in order to keep our freedoms and peace sometimes war is necessary, and that in time of war we need to support our leadership. Then she connected her statement back to a quote by George Washington about the need to fight during the American Revolution. Don't ever tell my kids the tired cliche, 'fighting never solved anything', because they will burn you with the fact that without fighting we would have never gained our sovereignty from England and would most likely be speaking German because we would have lost WWII.

I'm a fairly butch woman, but sentiments like this make me want to sob with pride. I didn't have to indoctrinate, lecture or preach to my kids. Their own beautiful little minds and prevailing common sense in their thought process and decision making is astoundin


Aldrich said...

Achievement worthy of commendations. On Fox & Friends this morning they discussed a study that concluded that ideological tendencies of adults may be dependent on the gender and number of their children. Perhaps that's the case here? On another note, I'm the eldest of 5. Although my 6-year-old brother is in 1st grade, he has pretty much learnt everything from me. Today, in fact, I spent 2 hours on Roman numerals (which made him cry). Even more important, though, is his daily memorization of Presidents (now on his 15th), date of birth, and the history behind each. Plus there's my intelligent design lesson.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Of course that's the case, 6 kids equals one stark, raving mad zealot Mom. Just kidding.

You're very articulate especially for your young age. My older children are also guiding their younger siblings through time, attention, and good examples.

I love your blog and your clear perspective. You're living proof that not all teens are celebrity and party obsessed heathens, but instead thoughtful youth preparing for the eventual reigns of World leadership one day.Inspiring!

wendela said...

I had a feeling you homeschooled! Hey, I did, too and those were the best years. Good for you! Keep up the great work! BTW, the animator Kristian visited, I see. Very cool!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

So, wendela, now that there's two of us present, The Society For Opinionated Homeschoolers Meeting may begin!

I hope that you brought the refreshments.

Miss Biotech, Thanks for your rousing vote of confidence. Sentiments like that make me well up with tears all over again.

I need to watch a Rambo movie now and butch up, all this crying is making me feel feminine and weak. It's hard enough suppressing the sprakly princess side of my personality without sappy emotions getting in the way.

Mimo- JenK said...

YAY! Good job Mom! I have a 13 year old I homeschool too, and he's very much into politics and the like. For over a year he would go to bed listening to talk radio, hahaha, yes, by his choice.
Glad to see there's others like that out there.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Hooray, another homeschooler to add to our little coalition! Sounds like we have our work cut out for us, raising little right-wing, intolerant, Zionist haters to take over the World!

Priceless. You can't get THAT in the public schools.

Anonymous said...


elasticwaistbandlady said...

Hey anonymous, stick around for the next few days of blogs and you'll see that we don't tow the party line at all, and this household is currently at major odds with the recent decisions of the Bush administration.

Yeah, we ARE conservative, so what? That makes us without a viable party for the next Presidential election because we certainly aren't being represented by the Republicans. I for one would vote for a socially conservative Democrat like Zel Miller. Tojudge us as being all encompassing, mindless Bush-Bot Butt Kissers is unfair.

Garth said...

Everybody knows that Condaleeza Rice is the Lizard Queen. Watch her forked tongue flicker before misanswering questions!
No diet for Condi - she has her own scales.