Thursday, March 09, 2006

There Must Have Been Something In The Salsa

Saturday evening started out innocently enough. Just me and Papi against the World. Temporarily child free and headed to a nice Mexican restaurant to celebrate his boss's birthday. I know prior to attending any social events that I will say at least one stupid thing before it ends. Perhaps it's some uncharted gene hidden in my DNA strand to make me behave like such a dork around other people.

The party included the entire office staff along with their dates and spouses. Papi's boss is named Lupe, short for Guadalupe. We sat near her at the head of the table. Lupe ordered herself a virgin Pina Colada to drink, and when the waiter sat the glass down on the table, I piped up and exclaimed, "OOOHH, Look! It's the Virgin Of Guadalupe". Nobody laughed. Nobody. They just looked at me, and I half expected to hear a choir of chirping crickets. I was pissed at Papi. I mean the least he could have done is muster up a courtesy laugh at my stupid joke. Not wanting to risk another awkward moment, I spent the rest of the meal stifling potential outbursts by stuffing tortilla chips in my mouth.

So, what say you? Amusing, or am I the inspiration for Beck's song 'Loser'? "Soy perdedor, I'm a loser baby".


wendela said...

The second I read the "Virgin of Guadalupe" line, I cracked up laughing. Clever, girl! Aww, I'm sorry they didn't find it funny. I swear, if you lived closer we'd hafta hang out sometime. I have been known for many of my own awkward moments....

elasticwaistbandlady said...

It's official the two of you fine ladies will have to accompany me to social situations at all times so that you may provide a live laugh track should the need arise!

The owner of the restaurant chain, Ernesto hosted the party because he dates one of the office staff, Carmen. Carmen told Papi that they really liked me but wondered why I was so quiet the whole evening. Papi told her, "Oh Carmen, if you only knew the real her".

I told Papi that to know me is to love me. I'm sure that's what he meant.

Mimo- JenK said...

*shrugs* Maybe they aren't Catholic?
I thought it was funny. I only know who she was because when I worked at a casket company I had to embroider her on an interior once.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

mimo we live in TEXAS, and everybody at that table was either Catholic or formerly Catholic.

I'm grateful that somebody thought it was funny, it eases the black cloud hovering over me. I may even find the strength to go on offend someone else one day.

Anonymous said...

excuse me...'s called RESPECT!!!
you americans just don't know anything about it...

elasticwaistbandlady said...

WOW Laura! Looks like somebody is still suffering from Fat Tuesday hangover.

What happened? Did you decide to give up humor for Lent? Or was it international diplomacy? hmmmm.

wendela said...

Well, I sure thought it was funny. Laura needs to lighten up. Call me disrespectful, I don't care. I am AMERICAN, and an ex-Catholic (who gets along with, respects, and doesn't "dis" anyone, Catholic or any other faith). I could go on, but what's the point? 'Nuff said. :)

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I like controversy wendela, not face-to-face but the print kind. I think that my blog could use some more objectionable trolls to liven things up.

Anyway, glad you got my back wendela. Us 'disrespectful' American beyotches need to stick together!