I had every intention of doing something spectacular for my son's Boy Scout Blue and Gold Banquet Dinner but as usual everything went wrong on Friday. Upon arrival to the event, it was glaringly clear that our cake entry was not the best one on the table but nor was it the worst one either. Our cake was average and placed in the middle. My standards of perfection and reaching the ultimate goal of 'domestic goddess' have slipped away a bit more but my heart still did a little dance to know that ours was better than others. Sad.
Hey! I was in a real funky mood for my 9 year old's b/g! I made this dome-shaped cake and covered it in green marzipan and had chocolate shards coming from all around it with little sayings written in chocolate on each shard-"psychic shock", etc...I don't have a dig. camera but it was cool. I saw all of the Mormons looking quizzically at it. Harhahah, death to your reality...
Aww, I think it's a lovely cake. And I bet it doesn't even have any hair. :)
Well I didn't go to the shaving extremes of patrick but yes I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Initially I had wild dreams of multi-colored fondant grandeur to grace a four tier confection. After a really awful morning Doctor's visit, among other daily grind events, it just didn't work out.
Patrick, you keep using your lack of a digital camera as an excuse. Could it be that you're insecure in your cake baking manhood? Could it be possible that I, a mere non pastry chef mortal, could rival you? Just kidding. Your cake sounds interesting, and I bet it beats the cakes I saw that they just put sprinkles on top. BOOOORRRIIINNG!
I just realized that to go along with my mediocre cake this was a very mediocre blog entry.
I think the cake looks good enough to eat! I never made a B/G cake. I just got to help with decorations. Whoopie.
Henry, did you think B/G meant Brown (chocolate shards) and Green (green marzipan)?
I'm very secure with the size of my cake...
Mimo: No, blood and guts...bile and gore...
I wasn't really looking forward to you coming back to the States miss biotech but with the prospect of European choclates looming on my horizon, I may reconsider.
Hey Patrick, My cake's bigger than your cake.
It scares me you have a cake...
Not just a cake but a LAYER CAKE. Who's yo mama now, Patrick?
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