Friday, April 21, 2006

Mom Always Did Tell Me To Eat My Veggies

My Mom graciously invited us to partake of the Veggie Tales Live stage show event today. Not nearly exciting as when we went to see the Wiggles concert and I got to actually physically touch hands with both Jeff and Greg, but still thoughtful. Closeness with super hottie Greg Wiggle, now that was the highlight of my life. Yes, my older girls are both the ripe age of 10, and yes, I should be a mature adult woman but that didn't prevent us from whooping it up. We clapped, stomped, "danced", and shouted every word to every song, because after all singing out praises to the Lord is what Infidels like to do. That is, even when the spiritual message is masked inside a tender ode of one lonely squash pining away for his lovely cheeseburger, and a rousing chorus about not having belly buttons. I seriously couldn't eat vegetables again if they did have belly buttons. EWWWW! Lest we forget 'The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything', and the timeless 'Where Is My Hairbrush?', as sung by a cucumber.

Oh, we were late arriving home because we hit the big Veggie Tales after party extravaganza where we dined on fried cucumber slices dipped in a savory tomato marinara sauce. Fabulous, absolutely fabulous, except for the repeated interruptions of people calling out, "Bob and Larry, where are you"?


Mimo- JenK said...

LOL! How fun! I love Veggietales. You lucky Infidels, you!
I can't believe they served you veggies afterwards, how funny!

wendela said...

Whooo Hooo! How fun. My kiddos sure loved Veggie Tales when they were younger. Back when homeschooling, a group of kids re-did the "Pirates" song to "The Homeschoolers Who Don't Do Anything". Pretty cute. Ahhh, many moons ago. Thanks for the memories. Sounds like a memorable day! :)

Elizabeth-W said...

That sounds like a blast! Our favorite song is King Nebby's Oh I love the Bunny, Ooooh I love the Bunny.
Next time the Wiggles come here, I'm definitely using the excuse the girls are old enough, so I can go see Anthony--those curly locks (sigh).

Mimo- JenK said...

Anthony is quite the doll :)
But yellow is more my color *blushes*

Bill C said...

"Everybody's got a water buffalo..."

omar said...

Yeah, Anthony is the cutest Wiggle, not Greg.

Mimo- JenK said...

Anthony is going pretty gray lately. Do you think he'll ever end up coloring his hair? How did it look when you saw them Elastic?

Elizabeth-W said...

It's the gray that reallly gets me, in a good way.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Actually Anthony wasn't there due to a hernia surgery and they had a stand in for him. My girls think Anthony is the shiznit but I'm partial to Greg because I love black haired men. Always have.

They've been through Houston many times but ticket prices have steadily increased since we saw them two years ago and I hear that they no longer do meet and greets due to larger venues. The reason that they frequent Houston is that Big Fernando and Little Fernando that are featured in many of their videos live here not too far from us. How exciting is that? Papi jokingly said he was going to sue them for remaking the Mexican classic, 'La Cucaracha' and changing the words around but as I pointed out you can't sing it exactly because a song about roaches getting high on marijuana isn't very child friendly. Marijuana, que fumar. AYE!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Did you know that Greg Page has a solo career? Yes, and he's actually pretty good. He played Las Vegas last year and was replete with the de rigeur shiny unbuttoned shirt with gold chains and greased back hair.I forgot to add that the Fernando's played at Anthony's wedding.

Now, my personal favorite Veggie Tales song is 'Barbara Manatee', but they didn't perform that one yesterday.