Tuesday, October 24, 2006


How George Michael wishes he could spend time in an overnight BUTT CAMP for 4 days like we did........

You doubted me when I said that we traveled to "Butt Camp", didn't you? How dare you impugn my virtuous reputation! As you can see from the sign we did indeed spend the week at HE BUTT's place. Some marketing genius whispered in H.E. Butt's ear and convinced him to rename his chain of grocery stores by his initials, "H.E.B", after much confusion from people telling their spouses that they were headed to the "Butt Store" to pick up a few odds and ENDS.

We had to drive through the Frio River (Rio Frio) just to make our way to camp. Yes, we DROVE THROUGH the river, not OVER the river and through the woods to H.E. Butt Camp we go. Melody kept calling it the FRITO River. Oh, to dream of a body of water comprised of nothing but yummy corn chip goodness. A FRITO River would taste better flowing through Chile though. Frito Pie.........mmmmmmmmm.

Ever wonder how incredibly vociferous six kids and an obnoxious Mom can be while shouting in unison? This picture shows an overview of the camp, with the main ranch house where we ate our meals in the middle, our cabins on the right (we got the nearest cabin to the ranch house because we're super special), and the lovely Frio River adding to the scenic beauty. We sat on the site overlook after we left camp and spied our homeschool director taking off in her car below us. Just for fun we started waving frenetically and shouting, "Bye Irving Family!!!!", never expecting that they could actually hear us at that distance. All of a sudden arms started jutting out the car windows waving back at us. They HEARD us! I guess we don't need that Super Saver megaphone coupon after all.

Here is the cabin in which we stayed, and survived for a whole week sharing one toilet! The cabin featured a large walk in shower, dual sinks, 14 beds, heat and air conditioning, a waterfront view, and two porches. Yes, we're obviously descended from that rugged pioneer stock to make it in such a primitive place.

This is also in front of our cabin. There is nothing sweeter than frolicking on the riverfront and knowing that when nature calls, your private commode is just yards away. The nearest town is called Leakey, and when we passed the high school we learned that they are the "Leakey Eagles." For some unknown reason this gave us fits of laughters for miles. I kept saying, "Kids, grab your umbrellas, the Leakey Eagles are just ahead and flying this way."


Super Happy Girl said...

I'm sorry I doubt it you. Who knew there was such a thing as a "Butt Camp"?
The place looks lovely :)
It makes me want to go camping.

I'm glad you are back.

Sketchy said...

Butt camp and the nearest town is Leaky...eeeenteresting...and more than a little terrifying...

Bill C said...

Apparently you survived your time at camp (a good thing!). But! (Ha-ha! That'll never get old) Did the camp survive you?!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

CRAP! I'm heading out to work and won't be back until this evening where I'll have to shuttle kids to Boy Scouts and Activity Days. Yes, the blog reading withdrawal is strong within me. Don't forget about me, I'll be visiting you all soon with your Leakey Eagle souvenir!

Mimo- JenK said...

Oh how fun!!! Love the pictures and the cute little family in the last one! Glad you are back!!

jams o donnell said...

wb ewbl! Ah it looks like a it was agreat place to stay. Did everyone have a good (and educational) time? and a leaky eagle souvenir? Excellent! better a leay eagle than a leaky bucket and better a leaky bucket than a leaky... No I WONT go there!

Good to see you back!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Originally I planned to kill the fatted calf for you, but since you went to Butt camp, I brought you a rump roast. Enjoy!

Elizabeth-W said...

CJ's such a wit!
Any chiggers or ticks?
I didn't know the HEBs had a memorial camp. It looks like a really pretty place. Glad you're back to the blogging world!

omar said...

I'm kind of jealous that when I went camping, I didn't go anywhere named after a body part that would open the door for jokes.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

We literally were on the road to Welfare. Welfare, Texas, that is. But we did our time in Welfare and passed on to the next town where we found Comfort. Yes, Comfort, Texas and Welfare, Texas are neighboring po-dunk towns off the freeway.

After finding a nice Exxon station we all commemorated our visit to Leakey by taking a leak!

Who else has an HEB grocery store in their city? I bet you didn't know that the B stood for Butt did you? That's me, your Infidel crusader for bringing truth, crudeness, and pertinent information to the masses.

Christy said...

After enjoying our shopping trips at HEB my sister and I looked up what HEB stood for and were very happy to find out that the B stood for Butt, it made me enjoy my shopping experience even more!

Lisa said...

Thanks for pointing me to this! I had no idea!!! I've grown up with HEB and never knew it's deep dark BUTT past! I love "Leaky Eagles"! I lived in San Antonio for a short time, but never ever heard of this camp! You lucky Infidel's!