Back in the day, I thought Jonathan Frakes was the hottest Star Trek man to ever walk the face of the Earth. Then he ruined it for me by marrying that hussy, Laura, from 'General Hospital.' I remained convinced that if they held a "Most Bootylicious Crew Member" contest aboard the Star Ship Enterprise, Commander Riker would shake his groove thang and take top prize. Secretly, I wished that he would incite mutiny on the deck by forming an alliance with Worf. Together, they'd stage a coup wherein bald Captain Jean Luc Picard would have to walk the plank so my man Riker could assume the leadership position. I mean, come on, how many times could Riker be expected to laugh at Captain Picard's lame joke of, "Number Two, I order you to take a Number One!"?
Anyway, the striking similarities between Frylock and Jonathan Frakes boggle the mind. And maybe even breaks a few copyright restrictions. Truly, everything I ever needed to know in life, I learned from Star Trek.
The likeness is uncanny! Wow, I wonder if Riker ever smelled like rancid oil.
Ah, you are such a never ending source of musicality Infidel.
Hey, NCS, I'm still celebrating "Be Nice To Mexicans Week." Yesterday, I heated my Papi up a special frozen green chile burrito, just especially for him. And now I'm giving you the gift of our favorite Espanol band, CIRCO.
Ahhhh, it's gooooood to be the Mexican around here where you're worshipped and revered.
Oh, and Riker doesn't smell like rancid oil, but I heard that he does keep a french fry stash in his beard.
That is more than a little uncanny. Disturbing even.
I had a wee ginormous crush on him too.
Oh yes, now you mention it... is there a companiion that looks a little like Deanna Troi??
I always liked Captain Picard! Maybe it was th bald head??
Coincidence? Hmmm.
Maybe it has something to do with my Yul Brynner fetish but I always thought Jean Luc Picard was the stud muffin of the Next Generation.
Will Fryker?
I'm laughing at the Will Fryker comment, jams!
I use to like Wil Wheaton/Wesley Crusher on the show too. But then I grew up...to ogling Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi. SSSSmokin!
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