A Day In The Life Of Your Average Infidel
Sunday marked the last performance for Cirque Du Soleil here in Houston. All us Infidels felt a twinge of sadness knowing that we only had one more day to gawk and wave dorkily to these incredible people before they packed up and left our neighborhood for the undoubtedly paradisaical stadium parking lot in beautiful Columbus, Ohio. *cough* So, two of my mini-Infidels accompanied me yesterday to Kroger's grocery. And what to our wondering eyes should appear? But 3 Cirque performers/technicians buying beer! I didn't want to bother them but curiosity got the better of me. I stood there interrogating two of the guys in the frozen food aisle, with a whole barrage of Cirque daily life questions. They smiled politely, and answered my queries with sexy French accents. Oooh la la! Then, after our purchases, as we strolled towards the exit doors, I spied the hulking giant of a man that played a clown in the show. I guess for contrast comedic effect the Corteo writers thought it funny to pair him with the teeny, tiny Gregory. Guess what? He wore socks with sandals and a dirty faded out shirt! He only purchased St.Pauli Girl beer, and a pack of Saint Arnold beer, (Hey, you hoser, the man likes his Saints, okay?) and two bags of Kroger rolls. Ahhhh, beer and rolls- the breakfast of champions! We talked to him too, but sadly, his low-pitched mumbling would need an interpreter fluent in the language of Eddie Vedder and Bob Dylan to translate. As if the day could get any better, I came home and found an unexpected package from the hottest of the hottest, Miss Hot Fruita Mom herself, Annie! She sent me a lovely note pad tied with a lovely ribbon and made even better with the lovely note attached to it. So lovely. But then, I wouldn't expect anything less than loveliness from Annie, because she's a lovely person. And I got to speak on the phone with two of my most favorite people, Carrot Jello and No Cool Story.All of these events happened while I wore my crusty sweatpants. I did feel a little embarrassed talking to people involved in Cirque awesomeness while wearing sweatpants with flip-flops, and my greasy hair hanging in strings. I even felt embarrassed opening mail from fashion forward Annie while looking so wretched. But now, I'm convinced, that exciting things only happen to me when I look my worst. I may never wash my hair or take off these sweatpants again.......
There is a lot going on in that brain of yours, by the look of this blog!
Have a good May Day!
Never take off the sweatpants again? No problem. As you well know, laundry is overrated and immoral.
And never washing your hair again? Think of the time it will save, especially if you never bother to brush it, either.
(Just found your site through Compulsive Writer's, and I must say, I aspire to be you. If I wear my sweat pants all day, will it help my blog, do you think? Pleased to meet you.)
Yeah, we like our Saints too, but only the latter-day ones. Beer and rolls for breakfast? As long as it's A&W or Hires, count me in.
it never fails, if I run into town in old sweats, ratty t-shirt, scary hair...I see everyone I know or people I have not bumped into in ages.
why is that?
Ooo...lovin' the soundtrack today!
I think we need to isolate the source of the sweatpants/greasy hair = meeting fab people phenomenon. Like maybe it's The Grease Factor and we can dress ourselves up all fabulously, but smear vaseline on our legs under our pants, and be assured of meeting up with all sorts of amazing people.
Or maybe I just need to get me some sleep. Oi! I'm loopy today.
Lucky Sweatpants Adventures! More! More!
Hey that sounded like a good day, It's nice to put faces to names on the internet. I've done that mainly with fellow Robyn Hitchcock and Hawkwind fans.
You must know exactly how I felt when I came home this weekend and found that I got a package from the Oh so fabulous Elastic. I'm loving your best picks cd and my kids love the cd cover. Thanks so much you are awesome in so many ways. I don't want to ruin the surprize but I got you something while I was in Washington.
PJ- My brain? Yes. I can really do a lot with so very little!
wynne- HOLA! Welcome to the number one place on the web for all things Chewy Balls and Dumass Tacos!
julie- This guy did indeed have beer rolls, and a beer belly, and a beer butt, and a......
barngoddess-Murphy's Law. When you reek of BO, and your kids look like Third World ragamuffins, and you're not wearing a bra, that's when you run into your old boyfriends/co-workers/fellow churchy people/nosy neighbors.
kimberly- Don't you know? "Grease is the word, is the word, is the word. It's got grrove. It's got meaning....." I'm afraid it might react with the my coarse leg hair, and the friction will start a small brush fire in my pants. I would have said bush fire, but I'm trying to wean myself of vulgarities.
NCS- We'll start our own 'Sisterhood Of The Traveling Lucky Sweatpants.' You in?
jams- I've put faces and voices to names, jams! And soon, thanks to Annie's Good Mail project, I'll put handwriting samples to fellow bloggers too. So, when are we going to speak, jams? You're one of the last holdouts to my blogaphone connection.
carronin- Squeeeeeee! I'm so glad you like it. I tried to pick out tracks that haven't already bored you to death by radio overplay. I loved seeing pictures of you and Annie. Such cute, cute smiley sisters. And you dressed nice. You've cleaned up from your paper days very well, ma'am! Now, I feel too slovenly to ever meet you guys in person. Maybe I'll wear my lucky sweatpants.............
I wore a lime green muumuu all weekend (under my sheep) and Annie and Carrie didn't bat an eye because they're nice like that.
Although they did try to lock me in the car once or twice.
Glad you had a nice OLF day Sunday. :) Those are always sweet to experience.
Note to self: Wear sweatpants and flipflops tomorrow. See if anything blogworthy happens. (Crossing my fingers)
Missed your blog. It's tough taking blog breaks.
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