DO hold your special package to your bosom while you dance a jig and sing out, "Rejoice! Rejoice!"
DON'T break out your junior C.S.I. handwriting analysis kit to see what kind of person your bloggy friend really is. (I did. The kit revealed that Carronin has a Shiz Factor to the infinite power!)
DO name your own personal lunch lady immediately. Blog world, meet Lunch Lady Helga.
DON'T put up with any crap from Helga. She's working for you, not the other way around. You see, Carronin sent Helga to Houston using First Class, and now Helga thinks she's V.I.P and too good to serve up Spam Casserole. She's insisting that we should feed people steak tartar and non-alcoholic mimosas. I draw the line at buying Helga, Chanel aprons, and Prada orthopedic shoes, though.
DO oooohh and aaaahh over your custom made CD and marvel at how much music you have in common with your bloggy buddy. Seriously, 'White And Nerdy,' is my official theme song to life. I want to bowl with the gangsters too!
DON'T act childish and pout because your kids want to play with your new toys. Remember to practice what you preach and share. I may have to build a special hiding place for Helga so that nobody else can horn in on my Tater Tot Surprise action.
DON'T use your new purdy pen and pad to write anonymous hate mail to your local radio station for overplaying Fergie, Nelly Furtado, and Coldplay. They have a way of tracking these things, you know.
DO start plotting your reciprocation strategy immediately.
DO encourage your shriveled heart to swell up with gratitude that you know such nice and thoughtful people.
Thanks Again, Carronin!
Helga looks really familiar to me, and that's more than a little disconcerting since I don't remember any of my schools having a cafeteria.
That's so sweet! Helga looks a bit... um... scary!
How cool that you got such a sweet package in the mail! And I have to say, THANK YOU for the Deee-Lite! Made my afternoon--I love that song!
Is it your birthday?
Congrats on the good mail. I got me some too...whoohoo!
Your so welcome my super fantastic bloggy friend! When I brought the Lunch Lady home from Washington I had to fight my children off too. They wanted her in a bad way. I said " No, she is not for you get your own Lunch Lady."
Too funny! Those are good things to know.
Whoa! Where do you get a lunch lady??
Coolest thing ever. "Rejoice! Rejoice!"
What is it about dinner ladies? but IWhat is needed next is the talking action dinner (or lunch) lady figure!
It's not my birthday........yet. Y'all still have 8 more shopping days!
"Sloppy Joes. Slop-sloppy Joes!"
That is AWE.SOME!!
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