Wordless Wednesday Edition: "Mathematics 101-When Buying Shorts, If The Width Is Greater Than The Length.....You Should NOT Wear Them!"
We even borrowed a ruler from the office supplies section to verify, that yes, indeed, the width of these lovely cotton knit shorts measured out far greater than the actual length. Please stop this detrimental assult on the public's ocular health. Only you can prevent plus sized fashion tragedy.
Hah beat me! But you must admit, they are capacious shorts!
I don't disagree but this might drive the wrong behavior with the size-zero crowd. They'll just keep working on a still-smaller width.
Speaking of, did you see "today's" pictures of Cate "Skelly" Blanchette? Someone needs to have a talk with her.
Yay for modest mini Infidels! You're a great mom, Elastic! :)
Neyr nyer, beat you on the list ewbl!!!
I dunno. I think cellulite would look particularly fetching in the white ones....
OMG! I no longer have a shorts 'season'. Just a capri season- if you are real lucky- I will shave to the knee! Oh-la-la.... The Hubs is one lucky man, is he not???
LOL--you have a point there :) Happy WW!
Oh dear! I'll have to remember this one ;-)
I wouldn't want to see anyone wearing those shorts!
Happy WW!
I stick with capris. My knees must not be seen; that would be cruel to onlookers.
Is it Wednesday already? I wish!
I'm so with you on this, though. There's a level of familiarity that I don't need to have with the bodies of perfect strangers. Even of familiar people.
Never mind the quality, feel the width!
I'm going straight home to measure.
I'm so thinking about sending a copy of this post to my father-in-law. ~shudders~
Big is fun ... You should see my ladies.
"Momma, why can't I get the leopard print hoochie shorts that show off my junk?"
*lol* a worthy lesson
I've got that somg "Who Wears Shorts Shorts" stuck in my head now...shudders! Happy WW ... :)
How funny! Pretty funny what people will wear!
And of course they have to be BRIGHT screamin' zonker yellow! Jeez.
I absolutely agree. Also, a ban on any shorts with words across the butt. Ask a father if he wants the attention of 40 year-old men drawn to his 12 year-old daughter's ass.
LOL - so true. If they they look good in them, I want to borrow their mirror sometime.
Happy WW
Deb on the Run
Too funny...racks of shorts will never be the same in my mind now!!!
...I thought those were head bands.
Some people should really consider growing out their shorts...yowzer.
Shorts are evil.
Unless you work at BJ Services. ha!
Hehehe...." Unless you work at BJ services " LOL Thanks for the laugh and sharing. Happy WW my friend.
Angel ( Angel Mama Pearls of Wisdom)
Fashion faux pas for sure.
Oh yes.. They must go.
ROTF, great observation!!! I hate short shorts for me. Happy Wednesday :)
When having legs, ff the width is greater than the length, you should not wear them.
Oh boy, my WW was almost something similar today but I will save the shot of the neighbors bloomers on the laundry line for another day!
ha ha!!! tell me about it!!! it's about ratio and proportion!!! great shot!!!
Thanks for the lesson. We learn something new everyday!
I took this picture at a little local store called Wal-Mart. Perhaps you've heard of it? The ladies section attendant was none too happy with the booty short photo shoot session and told me that she was going to call security if I didn't stop.
So, how you like them apples? Wal-Mart can propogate ideals of indecent exposure, but I'm the one in trouble? PSHAW!
I risked a scary interrogation from Wal-Mart security just to provide you fellow bloggers with the finest in booty short equations. My dedication is truly remarkable.
long live my capris...
happy ww :)
Anyone who has that big of waist should not be wearing those short of shorts!! And that is just my opinion :). Happy WW!!!
Oh I totally agree! Too funny!! Fashion designers should be shot sometimes!
I had to clean my monitor after looking at your WW post. Coffee everywhere!
Happy WW!
I live a few miles south of the WM headquarters so I have to whisper this....
They think you are taking pictures of their "short, shorts display" to give to the enemies out there who may want to copy that vogue style, WM sets the style you know.
I had to say that last thing, living in (hem)..this State.
Well... What to say? Bad news there! Built to sit on fashionable hips, rather than mine!
That is excellent advice and I sure hope everyone follows it. Just the thought of seeing anyone in those shorts makes me sick... I think I'll go back to bed. Haha
Everyone is invited to my blog, hope to see you there. :o)
LOL! Hmm, I agree with you. Definitely!
Thanx for stopping by my WW! :)
Wal*Mart "security"? STAY BACK or we shall be forced to do nothing but continue to shout at you!
Thanks for the fashion tip. Maria and I are going back the Walmart today to return our shorts;)
Seriously! I'm not plus sized, but I still don't go that high! LOL I'm not skinny, either, but not much above the knees is pretty to look at.
I beg to differ - you are merely on the wrong continent - I believe they are European shorts.
omg, how scary. My huge ass would be offensive in those things....
People who buy those shorts need to read this before actually wearing them out in public. YAGGGHHH!!
Just daaaaang funny! You made the day of an entire floor of tired pediatric nurses and staff!
The sins against humanity are great millie and b.
PJ- I'm glad that my super secret booty short undercover ops position wasn't compromised by the pissy attendant. I'm on a mission to save us all from having to endure looking at people who don't have a clue how to buy clothes in their correct size.
I like to call those underwear. I don't think they should sell shorts that short in any size... and I think it should be illegal to sell cloths that are totally unflattering for the person who buys them... like there should not be pin-stripe pants in a 0, somethings are just wrong.
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