And Then The Day Came When I Had To Make A Choice Between My Two Great Loves.....BIMBO Or Ho-Ho's?
Houston, where you can get a hot, fresh BIMBO delivered right to your door everyday! I wonder if they offer a discount on their stale, day-old BIMBOS? Would people actually settle for a crusty BIMBO that's been sitting there awhile? Have you ever encountered BIMBOS with an expiration date stamped right on them? I would assume that kind of fore knowledge makes BIMBO life planning a lot easier, don't you think? You can purchase a BIMBO twin pack. Double your pleasure. How sinful is that? If I confessed to you that I once bought a BIMBO value sized package deal and then delighted in the bounteous BIMBO goodness found therein, would you think less of me? I never made BIMBO buying a part of my life until I met my Papi. Shamefully, he's an ardent BIMBO lover of the highest order.I've decided to host a BIMBO party, and you're all invited! That way, if everyone partakes in a little BIMBO action, I can feel validated in my own BIMBO wickedness. R.S.V.P. me if you're coming. Naturally, the party is BYOB....... Bring Your Own BIMBO!
Hey! Who you calling a Ho-Ho?
I'm a twinkies kind of gal myself! ♥
Hostess cupcakes here.
"Honey, can you pick up more Bimbos at the store?"
Wouldn't you love to be a cashier or bank teller asked to cash a paycheck from them?
I'm SO there!! I'm a hostess cupcake girl myself. I'll BMOCC.
I am R.O.F.L.P.I.M.P. at Millies comment. Hmmmm...looks like I'm pimping. Grab me a Ho...Ho. Heck, get me a bimbo while you're at it.
Hmm... never had a BIMBO before... and I'm not fond of Ho-Ho's. But I'd be willing to try... can I bring some chocodiles as backup, just in case I don't like the BIMBO?
No Bimbos or Ho Hos' for me. Who knows where those pastries have been? I prefer my sweet cakes to be a little more on the innocent side. I buy Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls.
Hey! That video has subliminal messages or something. I feel an URGE to brush my teeth.
You know what I am going to say right? You clever little Infidel. Of course my vote is BIMBO. Bimbos are so much fun, Marinela and Tia Rosa are my favorite Bimbos.
Veracuz, my hometown, has a Bimbo plant, they create them Bimbos there. I visited as a child (school field trip) I love those Bimbos ever since.
Egads, I don't even know what a bimbo is. And you say you eat them? hmmm
Bimbos? Interesting. Didn't know they were part of a food group. We don't have them here in the south. But then again, neither do we have Ho Hos. This is Little Debbie or Hostess Country. I wish I had a Bimbo so I could compare it to one of my faves, Ding Dongs (alias King Dons)...
No Bimbos in Can-eh-dia. ~pouts~
No Bimbo's in SD either. At least not the kind you are describing. Personally I like Zingers. Do you have any zingers?
B-I-M-B-O and Bimbo was their name-O.
Frozen Ho-Ho's yum. I like Little Debbie Devil food cakes.
Oh good. I'll be right over. Because I have never in my entire long-lived life ever even heard of BIMBOs. OK, so I mean the kind that are delivered in a truck (all the other qualifiers I could think of ended up not applying after I accounted for the nasty innuendos. A girl after your own heart, I know. My favorite? I almost said "except for the kind with frosting on them...")
no BIMBOS in seattle. but i'm with amanda all the way. whenever i'm road tripping, it's zingers i pick up at every pit stop along the way. it IS very odd that they're called BIMBOS and HO HOs. what kind of messsage are they sending to the kids?
You can always tell the bimbos by the tight, clear packaging they stuff themselves into.
For as long as I've lived in Houston, I have never had a BIMBO. I've certainly been one!
I'm in Canada, I've never heard of a BIMBO. Is he any relation to Dumbo?
Hahaha, thanks so much for the WSJ. My favorite PF blogger, Ramit Sethi, gets articles in there somewhat regularly, and those are my favorite thing to read, but I'm a big fan of it in general. I left a comment over at Demosthenes, thanks for that "pimpin."
But truly, you're my favorite blogger.
Hey Dan and Elisabeth!! Did you know that this picture was taken directly in the front of your neighborhood? We were passing by and the kids started screaming "It's the BIMBO man! It's the BIMBO man! Pull over and take a picture." How would you like to go through life, known as "The BIMBO Man?" Awwww, you like my blog, Danny Boy? Maybe you should start a fan club devoted entirely to me!
Toni-Me too. Make that deep fried carnival Twinkies. That's how they get you, you know. The Fat Lady freakshow exhibit is sponsored by the deep fried Twinkie booth. I hear they're always looking for willing victims, errr, I mean, entertainers.
Millie- We all have a little BIMBO in us, Millie. there's no shame in it. Maybe I'll send you some BIMBO so I can make sure you have a little BIMBO in you too.
RAJ- What exactly are you implying, sir? That BIMBO money isn't as good as everyone else's money?
tori- I looooovvveee me some Hostess cupcakes too. But not those weird golden ones. Did you know that when we finish a package the girls and I pretend that we're Hostess mermaids and use the little cups as makeshift bikini bras?
carrot- The real reason I like that Sir Mix-A-Lot song, "Baby Got Back" is because he likes big butts and he cannot lie but he also says "Clocking like ho's, but you can keep those BIMBOS." That's right, the man wants me to keep my BIMBOS and I don't have to share with him. I love you Sir Mix-A-Lot!
melissa- BIMBO carries a wide variety of tastes and flavours to suit your every whim and fancy. Available at fine dollar store retailers everywhere. Melissa, don't you live in California i.e. "Northern Mexico?" You should have plenty of BIMBO stocked up at the stores close to you.
annie- My mom's a Snoball gal. There's not a SnoBall's chance in Hell that I'll eat one of those rubbery marshmallow, coconut covered atrocities, though.
NCS- Papi and I like strawberry Barritos the best with the Pan De Nuez coming in for a close second. Ah, to live next to the BIMBO birthplace and breathe in that heavenly BIMBO air every day of your life. No wonder you're so very special, NCS!
jean!- You're a Texan and there are BIMBOS all over our great Lone Star State! They stock them at your local grocery. Trust me on this.
skewed view-BIMBO is a Mexican thing, but most of the South carries their products. Ho Ho's are Hostess. I want to be a Ho Ho Hostess when I grow up. Forget Martha Stewart and her fancy jelly roll cakes.
kimberly- I'm sensing future Good Mail package inspirations. I can't wait to declare BIMBO! on the package content label.
amanda- Not only do we have Zingers, but we live close to a Dolly Madison outlet bakery! Zingers are good..........Half-Price Zingers are better!
PJ- Actually, if you're Spanish speaking, it's pronounced BEEMBO. Little Debbie and Dolly Madison versus BIMBO! Tonight only at the coliseum! Tickets on sale now!
compulsive- No frosting for me. I prefer my BIMBOS naked!
aubrey- I'm waiting for them to get Nelly Furtado "Promiscuous Girl" to do their advertising promotions.
anna maria- Let's do an exchange......some Canadian Bacon for BIMBO! Deal? Oh, and I'll throw in one Celine Dion with the deal too. Canada can keep her and her milquetoast music.
I live in Oklahoma and we do not have BIMBOS here....I feel cheated I wanna BIMBO
I anticipate the day when I have Bimbos show up at my door. My garden hose will be ready. I have three sons, you know. Can't have Bimbos around influencing them.
So freaking funny. I remember when I was in Washington and my grocery store of choice went all BIMBO on me. Baked goods shopping would never be quite the same.
Here in PA the BIMBOs haven't quite taken over yet.
Hmm I must try and make I get the verification right when I leave comments. We don't get Hoho or bimbo brands here - I'm not sure what a bimbo is but I can imagine I will eat lots of them!
Me I like cherry bakewells!
so there ARE bimbos in washington? at least that's what sketchy is saying! i need to go right now and find out for myself!!
There are BIMBOS in WA!
Bimbos for everybody!!!
Barritas, hmmmm :)
Wow, that has got to be the funniest post I have ever read!!! You are amazing!
Tell your daughter Lauren that we are twins :) I was so depressed when Acceptance broke up!!
Marinela is my favorite BIMBO.
The men always like Bimbos ...
"Shamefully, he's an ardent BIMBO lover"
The world over, they seem to like Ho Ho's too.
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