So, there's this la-di-dah upscale neighborhood under construction a few miles away from my house where they feature replicas of Italian villas right down to the stucco exterior and Spanish tiled roofs. Now, I don't know why, but I'm absolutely ravenous in the early morning hours when I travel down the cobblestone streets winding around these homes. I swear, every time I look up at the delicately scalloped edges of the terracotta hued roofs, images of lasagna noodles and their own delicately scalloped edges flash through my mind. I'm not crazy...............well, okay, maybe a leetle bit, but just witness the side by side comparison, and judge for yourself. If I ever start to build Italian Villa style dollhouses, I now know that lasagna noodles will make the perfect roof!
And now, you will never look at Spanish tiled roofs without thinking of lasagna again. I've cursed you with carrying the burden of my own weird Infidel thoughts! You're welcome.
Mmmmm... I wonder if they make terracotta shell or elbow tiles?
I was in St Louis a couple of weeks ago and downtown there is a water fountain, one of those gigantic ornate kind. It was spewing pink water. I suppose it was suppose to be more red than pink to re-enforce Cardinal Nation, but the first thing I thought of was strawberry punch. Funny how all things connect us back to food.
I'm hungry now.
Hahahahaha! You're right, I'll never look at those roofs the same again, but I guess I never really liked them to start with.
Hmmm... you are a deep thinker EWBL. We should all strive to have deep thoughts like you.
DANG IT! We have a Spanish Style roof! Thanks a lot... I am not going to show hubby this or he will want lasagna a lot more often...
Lasagna tiles? Delicious.
"I've cursed you with carrying the burden of my own weird Infidel thoughts!" Oh and how you carry them my friend.
I love tiled roofs and now I will never look at them the same way again.
Well if there is a gingerbread housem then why not cap it off with lasagne tiles! On the other hand when it goes al dente I'll be happy with a slate roof!
I think you and Jack Handy have a future together, really I do.
Or maybe you just have a future taking over my blog. You know: for comments better than my lame posts... ;-)
Mmmm. Lasagna . . .
No terra cotta lasagna for you!
Maybe that's why I've always liked those roofs....hmmmmm or should I say mmmmmmm.
Lasagna noodles would actually suck as roofing tiles. The first day it rained boiling water.... watch out, man.
Talk about getting into are heads! I will never feel the same again. Ruined. Forever.
"I just made you say underwear."
mmmmmm lasagna... now I'm hungry. I bet you have a really yummy recipe too.
Speaking of lasagna, I am craving Carronin's delicious lasagna!! I must have more.more.more
Y'all leave the best comments! I'm sitting here giggling at the cleverness of boiling water falling down from the sky and ruining a perfectly good lasagna noodle roof. So, lest you think I abandoned Gay Tuesday Wednesday, I shall make my triumphant return later! Mean while, I've been working all night in a typhoon with lightning flashes not seen outside an ELO laser light light show down at the Planetarium. I know they keep singing "Don't Bring Me Down," but I can't help it. Laboring like a beast of burden really is stanky. Adding torrential rains brings it down to a whole new level of stankiness. Stankonia.
Before anyone beats me with a wet lasagna noodle, I'll be around to check on your blogs this evening.....if I survive.
Hmm, never made that connection until now. I always link everything back to frosting...
Darn you and your Infidelness... I've been craving lasagna ever since I read your blog... it's what's for dinner! Wanna come?
haha great minds think alike...I just took a pan of my homemade lasagne out of the oven not 20 minutes ago.
Yep- you have now cursed me! :)
I don't think anything like that exists here... and I'm willing to bet that the farther east one goes, the fewer there will be. If that's possible.
But if I see one in New Haven, I'll definitely think of pasta.
You did that on purpose.
And they thought subliminal advertising was manipulative...
Okay, now I'm getting wierd commercial images in my head of lasagna roofs and spaghetti trees and wagon wheel macaroni flowers. Yep, the makers of Prego should call you.
stomach growling. i like anna maria's idea.
I wonder if Garfield ever noticed that. If he did, then the roofs of all houses would've been stripped bare!
All right. That was painfully awful.
Love the way your mind works...
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