Ani Di Franco Is The Good-BI Girl!
As you know, I'm all about diversity. I'm opening up Gay Tuesday slots to anybody who wants to entertain my rainbow-suspendered band of Gay Warriors while they're out on the battlefield reclaiming all things GAY and sparkly rainbow printed back for the rest of us simple happy folk. So far, we've only seen male solo singers and old school styled groups showcased here, but today, that's all about to change.
Ani DiFranco can join my Gay Warrior squad any time. The woman has a tenacious ferocity that's only matched by her self-taught musical mastery and rockin songs. Ani represents all things BI. She walks upright like you and I do while flexing her muscles. That makes her a BIped with buff BIceps. She tours and performs concerts all over the country, so she's indeed BIcoastal. I'm thinking her armpit shaving regime likely falls on a BIennial plan, and only when she's BIsecting her Garden Burger to share with her partner.
You see, like most of us, Ani doesn't feel GAY every day. Of course, I feel GAY today because it's Gay Tuesday, but yesterday I felt anything but GAY thanks to a never ending series of special challenges presented before me. Ani's keeping it real, for real, and she's setting a fine example for the rest of us. She doesn't have to embrace her GAY side all the time, and neither do we.......except for on Gay Tuesday, of course. I expect everyone to be little beacons of happiness and mirth at least once a week. If you only feel gay one day a week, make sure that day is Gay Tuesday!
Happy Gay Tuesday!
Enjoy her song 'SHY,' playing all day on Gay Tuesday. It's the first Ani track that really caught my attention way back in 1996. And then when I saw that most of the video was shot with her doing some major thinking while perched on a toilet, I knew that Ani was one of my kind of people.
Well that's helpful! And here was me thinking it was 'save the hungry' day today. Maybe I'm tuned to the wrong station!
Happy Gay Tuesday Elastic.
I wonder what was the inspiration for the video.
Gay Tuesday, eh? Hmm... wish I would have known abou it earlier... I would have gotten the proper amount of rest to make sure I wasn't so cranky today... maybe next Tuesday...
I have to say, I don't share your enthusiasm at the moment. A mere week after discovering the love of my life in the form of Arrested Development- Portia di Rossi- I also discovered she's Ellen D's lesbian lover. And that frustrates me.
It's so nice that you are a equal oppurtunity blogger and that you give the bi's their day too. I'm so old school because my favorite bi is David Bowie.
I guess I won't set her up with my brother-in-law then. Oh wait, he's gay too...
Hmm...I think you should add Anne Heche then too, although I guess she doesn't sing...
to this day i have a physical aversion to ani defranco. a guy that i dated (read: was in LOVE with) in college lent me a tape of hers and i listened to it over and over again thinking about him and his green eyes. we left each other for the summer saying we would keep in touch and i never heard from him again. jerk. hate ani defranco.
but happy gay tuesday!
OMG! You are to much with this Gay Tuesday!
Hi Elastic! Have missed you my friend on WW. Hope all is ok. I will just have to stop by here anyways...LOL
btw wanted your opinion I found a blog with the good mail girls and submitted info saw you were a member and wanted to know the scoop etc. if you had time.
Angel ( Angel Mama )
I honor of Gay Tuesday I dedicated a video to you on my blog and extended you a challenge. Go to my blog if you dare. Muuuuuwaaahahaha.
Oh no!! A smack-down cat fight between Payney and 'Lastic!!
Each woman has her own unique skills. I don't know who to place my wager on!
Am I early or are you late?
Great song Ewbl! For some reason Ani di franco passed me by. I have heard very little by her. Belater Gay Tuesday greetins (a gay wednesday?)
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