Suzanne sent me this delightful candy-filled card in my darkest, most chocolate deficient hour. Each sweet line written by Suzanne evoked even sweeter feelings within me. But Suzanne isn't one of those all talk and no action chicks. Oh no! She puts her money where her mouth is. Or rather, she puts her chocolate where her writing is. And, in turn, I put the chocolate where MY mouth is! It's a win-win relationship all around. When I first pulled that glorious letter out of the envelope, my first and only thought was.......

And then there's Millie with her suspicious Tupperware secret operative spy postcards. Anyone who receives a Millie Tupperware card is forewarned that it contains hidden microchips that can detect cheap Dollar Store plastic containers. These clever but innocent looking postcards then records and sends all that information back to Millie down at Tupperware Intelligence Headquarters. The Tupperware ladies are watching you.....
Jeannie and I remain embroiled in a 'Who's The Most Savvy Environmentally Friendly Recycler?' competition. She sent me an adorable butterfly card which I promptly transformed into the darling magnets seen pictured below. Then I shipped them back to her with a note telling her that Father Al Gore loves me the best. Not to be outdone, Jeannie penned an entire note on the cardboard square that came with her sheet set. I've got something up my sleeve, though, that will have her crying "Mercy" before the week is out. Think you can beat me, Jeannie baby? Bring. It. On.
Good Mail Girls............Keeping The United States Post Office Alive And Kicking Since 2007!

*Today's Music Was Specifically Picked Out For The Benefit Of Bloggy Friend Burg Who Has Never Experienced The Magic That A Little CAKE Can Bring Into One's Life*
He's going the distance, he's going for speeeeeed!!
I heart you Cake, forever and ever.
Good Mail strikes again, the choclate is out in force.
Everyone knows Father Al loves me the best. See? No need to fight anyomre girls.
Now I'm craving chocolate- thanks!
You totally did SKOR!! Suzanne is such a sweetie and GOOD MAIL rocks!
Hmm another good haul for ewbl. I may just take you up on your challenge!
Good mail girls strike again :) I need to post all of my things from last week.
Look at all that Good Mail! I'm actually not on the Good Mail Girls list, but I got your address from a little bird so I could send you something anyway! ;)
cake's stick shifts and safety belts was the first love song paul ever sang to me. good times!
skooooor! i love it.
Isn't Suzanne sweet!! You totally did Skor!
Wow! What a treasure trove of chocolicious goodness!
Is this the part where I can say how much I loved the magnet? (Especially because it matches yours.)
And that I'm thinking of having a T-shirt made that reads something like this:
"Compulsive Writer sent me some good mail and all I got was this stupid recipe card."
How do you get in on this chocolate mail thing???
Ah, so that's Cake! Did they do song that said "dude" a lot?
Mmmm, Reese's...
NCS- I love Al Gore so much, I buy his personal recycled toilet paper.
toni- It's not a craving, toni, chocolate desire is a way of life!
tori- Suzanne and her chocolate intuition is amazing! She could beat out The Great Kreskin any day.
jams- our first Good Mail MALE!
melissa- Well, yes, that is your duty as an official Good Mail Girl. (hee-hee, I just said 'DUTY/DOODIE')
suzanne- You're the bestest!
aubrey- Yeah, but did you wear a short skirt with a long jacket back then. Have you ever kept a Comfort Eagle as a pet? Do you lead a Rock N Roll Lifestyle?
amanda- Yes, and I'd mail her back a SKOR bar announcement if I thought it would make it to Utah in one piece instead of a molten chocolate puddle. Mmmmmmm, chocolate puddle.
lauren- Now you see it. Now you don't! I had to take a picture to make it last longer, because the actual chocolate disappeared the first day.
compulsive- What? Don't you like me? I didn't get no recipe card. I'll send you my special Spam Cupcake recipe, though, if you want.
burg- I'm too lazy to linkie, but there's an actual Good Mail Girls blog where you can sign up.
RAJ- The Reese's disappeared first. I have E.T. toes and an E.T. appetite to match.
Thanks for my laugh of the day. I want chocolate too! AND it just comes in the mail?! From the chocolate gods? Where? How?
I'm not a Cake girl but my hubby loves them. "I need you near me. Not way over in a bucket seat..."
I've got goodmail. You give me a magnet, and a pass into the club, and you get your box. Otherwise it goes to...someone else.
Drat I posted a message but now its not here. I can't remember what It said but I'm sure it was witty. Did you erase it?
okay I kinda remember it now. It might be on someone else's site or did you delete it in fear?
What???? Those were magnets!!!!
I thought they were just extremely stale breath mints. They did come in an altoids tin. Now that I think about it they were devoid of all flavor too. hmmmm
As to your challenge: I'm so green even the grass is jealous.
Was the chocolate you got in the mail all melty? Sometimes Hubby's family send Chocolate from the UK and is is like a puddle by the time I get it. I told them not to send it in the summer (it is sad but true.)
Yay for good mail! I thought you'd like the cow stickers. Who doesn't like cows? And, well, chocolate goes without saying. ;o)
I would NEVER censor you, jeannie, You're my favorite foe.
on the run- Yeah, the chocolate was fairly squishy, but a night in the fridge perked it right back up. There is no such thing as bad chocolate.
nikko- I'm saving your Good Mail for your return. Lame, I know. But I thought you were leaving earlier and then I justified not pulling something together sooner. I'm a bad, bad Good Mail friend. :(
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