Oh, What A Naughty Little Monkey That Curious Boy George Is!
It's Wednesday, otherwise known as 'Hump Day!" What better way to celebrate a very special Gay Tuesday Wednesday than making it an official Gay Hump Day?
Today, we'll make a return to innocence. Remember your days of youth and the very first time you saw Boy George on MTV singing in full makeup and plucked eyebrows alongside some very pretty young men? I do. I knew something felt a little off, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Nor, would I actually, you know, want to put my finger on it. Ahhhh, yes, this all transpired way before the word 'GAY' ingratiated itself so firmly into our culture(or culture club!) and became a common word to denote an entire group of people. During those times I would gleefully sing the Flinstones theme song with nary a thought to the ramifications of words with double meaning. "We'll have a GAY old tiiiiiiimmmmeee."I can still vividly recall sitting down with mummy for our afternoon tradition of enjoying a spot of tea with crumpets when I looked over my monocle at the telly showing Boy George writhing around lasciviously on stage while donning his gay apparel. I turned to mummy and declared, "By jove, mummy, that ole chap seems rather queer, doesn't he?" Yes, queer indeed. What an apt all-encompassing descriptive word that is.Happy Gay Hump Day Everybody!
Happy Gay Hump Day!! I brought us some snacks.
I had the same experience you had with Boy George. It was so weird really, this guy who looked like a girl and his name was Boy, hmm. Ah, so innocent back then.
I'm so glad that I didn't miss Gay Tues/Wed. thanks for bringing the snacks NCS.I remeber having many heated debates on whether Boy George was a boy or a girl. I always knew he was a boy. Not a normal boy but surely a boy.
Ah, yes I remember it well...
NO!!!! The flashbacks!!!!!
If you promise not to send hate mail.....I will confess that I really like him/her/it and his "boy" band. But not as much as my cousin....she wallpapered her room with his tigerbeat spreads.
ummmm.....I meant LIKED, LIKED, LIKED. I'm over him/her/it.
I too had the dilemma of "what is that?" as a kid. Boy? Girl? WHAT?? Heck, I still have that dilemma! Thanks for throwing me back into that state of confusion
But he was just so pretty!
"Curious George"...hee hee...snicker snicker...snort"
I have issues with men? who are prettier than me. I don't want to talk about it.
What I do what to talk about is...ba-da-boom! My funky new footwear! I will rhapsodize about them at length tomorrow morning. The sure feel lovely on my injured tootsies. I know you're an Infidel, but can I say, Bless you? =P
Y'know, it was kind of creepy moving to the middle of nowhere and having a P.O. Box. I never get to the "Mail-Person". Kinda creepy!
I loooove my thongs! Yes people, I have thongs...and I'm not ashamed!! Emma and Becca are enthralled. I wore them all night and the followed me around plucking at the balloons.
And Neil? Who shows little to no interest in my blogging life? Got such a kick out of it he started verbally composing the thank you post I should do for you. What a kick!
I'll be the first to say that cross dressers have come a long way since the 80's. Boy George was neither convincing nor attractive.
Have you ever seen the Maury episodes where they try to guess Boy or Girl? Now there are some cross dressers that will make you look twice!
He's still about as a DJ I think. On the other hand he was never as bad a dresser as Dee Snyder!
I never got the chance to watch MTV as a kid and only saw it a little here and there at friends' houses as a teenager. I'm having so much fun with You Tube seeing all the funny old 80's hairstyles and makeup. Men included! ;) Happy Gay Hump Day to you too! :)
I'm gay to be gay!
I have no idea what that means. It did sound nice in my head.
Boy George was such a pretty girl. He certainly grew into a fat old ugly man recently seen picking up trash on the NY roadside though..
Guess what happpened yesterday?!!?? Lightning struck a pine tree across the street and set it ablaze! It was really freaky. Thankfully, the torrential rainstorm doused the fire immediately before it caused major damage to the house. And depending on which way the tree falls, its large enough that it could potentially come crashing down into La Casa De Infidel. Horrors.
I couldn't see what snacks you brought, NCS. :( That's okay, I'm still munching on the Junior Mints and popcorn that Annie left yesterday.
be right back, Im looking for my hair gel, parachute pants, and ankle boot!
Okay I was an adult (a very very young one) when Boy George appeared, and I didn't know what it was.
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