Melody.......Grand Master Of The Tit-For-Tat Game!
My Melody got a cute new fishy bathing suit courtesy of the end-of-summer-clearance onslaught going on at all the local stores. As if. We wear flip-flops and shorts in Houston 9-10 months out of the year. Yep, we're just one long continuous season. One long continuous HOT season interspersed with a few hurricanes and tornadic activity, that is. Yeah, Richard Marx was definitely singing about H-Town in his song, 'Endless Summer Nights.' So, what goes better with a picture of an adorable girl than an adorable story?
As I sat on the sofa, talking on the phone with my mom and fending off nosy Melody with my free hand, she mentioned something about Melody's chubbiness. I put the phone to my shoulder, and teasingly told Melody that her Grandma said that she had a fat butt. Melody blinked her eyes, and asked, "What Grandma?" I told her it was my mom. Melody smiled and blurted out, "Oh, your mom? The one who pooped her pants?" I couldn't stop laughing, and at that point my mom sighed mightily as she hung up and asked if we were ever going to let the story of her dire misfortune go.No, we probably never will.
ha first first yea first.
nice to see you have already trained her up right.
somebody thinks you got a big butt, remind them of their incontinence. love it
she's pretty cute too
THAT was funny!
Your kid is both cute and snarky...I love that!
Poor g-ma....I can relate.
Melody is sooooooooo cute! I love the cheekiness!
Must take after her mom, eh? :) Love it!!
We too live in an endless summer area. Couldn't believe my eyes last year when the stores started to put out sweaters. It was still over 100 degrees! Do people in these warm climates really wear winter clothing?? Ever??
Atta girl! Like melissa said, she must take after her mom. And for the record, I'm talking about the personality, not the butt size.
Swim goggle season only lasts 3 months up here. :(
Did I miss a post where we learned about your mom pooping herself?
You have a witty little girl on your hands...hopefully she will only use it for good. Unlike her mama!!
You go little Melody!! That's awesome.
Infidel Pride!!
Better not mess with those Mini-Infidels :)
Such a cute little infidel!
Beware of what she will remember about her dear ol' mom!
Not that the ol' referred to OLD, because WE are not old.
Stories like that are meant to be handed down from generation to generation. What can you say?
Cute pics, too!
and then you post it! Bawawawa.
Poor grandma.
i literally just lol. i don't do it often so i can honestly say that. you made my day. i wanna meet that mini infidel and tell her how proud i am. p.s. i get to meet you soon and i'm very, very excited.
Roz saw the pictures of Melody and said, "I'm wearing a new swimming suit!"
You know a girl's on the right track with quick comebacks like that. And I'm going to have to search for that poop story. :)
That girl is gonna hold her own for sure.
Isn't it great when our kids start growing up and doing us proud?
jean knee- As long as she doesn't discuss the day that her mommy decided to wash her underwear outside with the garden hose high-pressure nozzle. I told my kids I was just trying to save energy by not running the washer. Maybe Father Al does the same with his panties?
b.- The worst is that she didn't know until she got home. Ummm, I always know. I have a very keen squishiness reactor.
on the run- There's nothing quite like being slammed by a 4 year old.
melissa- Only a few people in Houston wear coats. That would be the pervert flashers in their long trench coats.
omar- I wouldn't say such a thing to my mom. I'm scared of her. Besides she's treating me to a fancy pedicure and lunch next week before I toddle off to Colorado. She doesn't want the other blog ladies to judge me by my fugly toes.
rhonda- If only we could harness her unbridled snark power.....why, we could finally retire Joan Rivers and her untalented daughter!
NCS- True Dat! True Dat!
tori- Well, let's see how awesome she is when it comes time for her birthday and Christmas and she has her hand out to her pants pooping grandma for gifts.
PJ- my 7 year old told a lady that I locked her brothers outside and made them eat grass for lunch. I'm not worried about the stuff I actually do, I'm worried about the stuff they make up.
compulsive writer- Wait until you see the scrapbook layout I've designed to go along with it! It came from a package called 'Shades Of Brown.'
kayelyn- Let he among us who hasn't pooped their pants cast the first dirty panty.
aubrey- If you're not wearing your Infidel custom thongs, I'll be crushed!
millie- Awww, Roz is so cute, but Melody has 18 months and several rolls of fat over young Roz. Maybe one day, after a diet of non-stop Goldfish and granola bars, little Roz can look like Melody too! At one point, Melody had orange teeth from eating too many Goldfish. I had to stage an intervention.
shauna- It involved brown pants, the dollar store, and explosive flatulence. yes, its a rousing tale of mystery, suspense, and a cup of bleach.
elizabeth- We encourage independent thought at La Casa De Smiling Infidel.
sketchy- Growing up means new responsibilities and new house rules. Poop stories that happen in the Infidel house STAYS in the Infidel house.
Nice come back! You must be fairly bursting with pride!
Don't you just love kids? They are so blunt:)
Cute suit!
She is a Doll!!!!!!!!1
My dad pooped his pants once too! Its a good story that I will have to tell ya sometime.
My kids like to call him "Crap Pants"....its name to be proud of, we used to call my grampa that too.
God love her! What a cute story.
She's going to give as good as she gets, eh? You go girl!
Cute little Melody and cute quick wit! Watch out world!
omg, she is toooooo cute!
haha and funny too. takes after her mama.
Love that little Melody... she's my kinda gal! Innocent, yet, instinctively skilled at sh@#! slinging.
Good job, mom.
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