Our exclusive writing review board is a little short-staffed after the big Agatha Christie Poison Pen fiasco last week. Our condolences to the families. We're playing things a little safer this time by showcasing the finest in edible ink.
Voltaire had his favorite feather pen which, if he were alive today, would likely heatedly argue with Captain Feathersword of The Wiggles over which is mightier- The feather pen? Or the feather sword? At C.R.A.P, we eschew classic writing traditions, and opt instead for the unique. Our reviewer, Sunbum, has donned a lovely sombrero for the occasion, and filled her ink well with picante sauce to test its worthiness as a viable ink substitute. Armed with a bowl of tortilla chips, Sunbum carefully pens an important message onto the scrolled paper.
Indeed. Who wants to enter the strenuously choreographed world of salsa dancing when you can sit on your butt and become a salsa writer instead?

Sunbum had only one lament about using the Chip N Dip process. She advises that it's a technique best used when accompanied by a huge writer's block.....of cheese!

You are a riot... so clever! Lol!
You are a riot and how fun for your cute little Sunbum to enjoy such creative activities! What an awesome mom/teacher you are!
Shall I say you are a riot too?
I know you in real life, and you are a riot, my friend.
Now. Can she write with a bottle of ketchup?
Oh Elastic, you are such a riot!! I bet no one else will you that word to describe you. Oh wait...
Sunbum is so very clever.
Elastic -- you riot!!!
Because I had to go with the crowd, I'm so meek like that. Someday I will inherit though.
Oh Elastic you wri-ut!
I mean you write! I mean you writ
you make even rioting fun.
but enough about your teaching prowess- you won a runner's up award for saying something nice about me on my blog--did you rig that by the way?
Aw...that reminds me of writing "secret" messages to my friends with lemon juice as a kid. Then we'd hold it over a candle or the fireplace and read the letters taht appeared.
I'll have to try it out with salsa...
So THIS is how homeschooling works...
Thanks for the laugh :)
this was great! ha, you are clever
now I want some chipsNsalsa
This series may never end! Just think of all the possibilities!
Elastic you are a quiet riot.
Mmmm..chips and salsa.
I homeschooled my Norman too... He would write me the sweetest love notes.
I dream of the cleverness that you employ each time you place your fingers on the keys of your computer and create a masterpiece that leaves me in awe and wonderment of your skills.
Oh, that I might someday be able to learn from you, the master at writing, how to bring such HUGE smiles to the faces of so many readers.
(I am looking at you with admiring eyes now)
So riot-us!
Very cool. I will not say that you are a riot ;o), but I will say that I always leave your blog with a chuckle and a smile.
Can't wait to see what Sunbum writes with next!
Wow - you used Voltaire in a post. Muy impressivo.
I love Sunbum's Elvis wig best.
P.S. you're a riot
Isn't she just the weest bit brilliant for her age? Home schoolin' rocks the casbah alright.
What an excellent idea you could market here. Edible pens and "inks" in a range of tasty flavours and colours. Perhaps Cross will market it as the Infidel range!
Hot hot hot.
Don't give The Hurricane any ideas. She already uses chocolate as her ink....
love love love it. and such lovely handwriting from the sunbum.
You are hysterically humorous (and a riot)! I ♥ reading your blog, and you're absolutely the funniest person I've never met! :D
Yay for Sunbum! :D
You will be my next interview after the Wicked Witch. I need to know what makes you tick, what inspires you, do you come up with these things while in the bathroom...?
I think your public needs to know! :o)
This post made me hungry...
Ooh, Elastic, I want to come have school at your house. It looks like so much fun (and yummy too)! :D
Dude. The song place only has two Melissa Manchester songs and only one works. So I'm substituting some Carly Simon, which is kind of cliche but better than nothing.
Excellent. Future career assured.
Not only is it impressive that you mentioned Voltaire, but that you did so in the same sentence that you mentioned Captain Feathersword.
How old is sunbum? She's not the baby, right? Cause that is some fancy dang handwriting!!
How creative!
And now I find myself kind of hungry....
:: doing a sultry happy dance ::
Um, you posted this on Wednesday. It's Friday. Where are you??? :(
I just lived through the worst work week ever in the history of my worst work weeks. At least I got paid before the Labor Day holiday, though.
I'm also a little bit hooked on Twilight right now and trying to catch up with my daughters before we start Eclipse.
Thanks Millie.....
Wouldn't you give your heart to a friend? Think of me as your friend.
This post was wildly inventive and creative. It should have earned you at least 101 Dalmations and 101 comments.
Maybe Doritos will see your genius and pick you up to write ad copy for them. You spicy little Infidel, you!
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