Contrary to the sign, I'm not a man at work at all. No, I'm more like a working girl. Well, not an actual, you know, working girl. More like a Mistress Of Manual Labor. I'm on my way to work right now but I wanted to post something lest anyone thinks that Annie and Carrie kidnapped me and made me an honorary Colorado sister. How I wish! Read you all later.
I heart Elastic. I heart her BIG time.
yo, listen up aight.
I saw you made a comment, today, on someone else's blog.
don't be dissin me ike at.
I just posted something where you can use one of your favorite words over and over
oh yeah glad you're back and had a blast and all
Glad you had a great trip! I missed you!
So, I've been reading on several blogs about your fun bloggy trip. Sigh... next time I'm gonna be there. No really. I will!
It sounds like you had a great time ewbl. I am looking forward to hearing your tales of blog-sista outrageousness!
Evil Kitty thinks yout profile pic is haawwwwt! Purr! =)
Glad you made it home ahead of that hurricane. Hopefully it won't come your way. We wouldn't want your customers to be mad when their paper is late. >;-D
LOL@rug's bug.
Wait- you made a comment on someones blog? I thought WE were bff. *sigh*
I guess it was all in my head.
I guess sharing a bed didn't mean that much to you.
Hehehe rug's bug.
Take it easy Elastic, we are not as young as we used to be and partying like that...
I am glad to know you are home safe. I am back to my usual grind now too. Catching up on tv shows I missed and binge eating.
Welcome back! Now how come you didn't comment on my site yet?
I see how it is. Love 'em and leave 'em.
I've missed you! So glad you had a great glorious exhaustingly good time! Can't wait to hear all about it! :D
I am soooo behind.
Manuel labor? Yuck.
"Manuel labor"
Ooh, who's he?
Glad to have you back! Now the world makes sense again.
LOL @ Carrot's comment!
Carrot's jealous of Manual.
Manuel...Manual. You know what I meant. :P
hey i left a comment and it got eaten. and i can't even remember what i said. something like: welcome back. i'm glad you had fun!
Welcome back! Don't forget your friends in low places!
Glad you had a great weekend, can not WAIT to hear more.
and...don't even think of becoming evil Kitties stalker- she's all mine..and she's hot
Did someone say "Stalker?" My son may be interested.
Meow! Can I have all three of you? Purr...
There is NO way I would ever mistake you for a man at work! That's an oxymoron. Bawawawaw. Except for the hubbys of us fabulous bloggers;)
Oh, now men, get off the high horse. I am just kidding. I only say that because when you see this sign on the side of the road there is almost never a man utilizing a shovel in the way portrayed.
Glad you are back. So awesome you had fun. I missed you so and I will be at the next partay- if I am invited or maybe if I am not.
none of you have even commented on my vacation pics.
this is some deep doo doo
I'm just going to sign melodramatically and leave it at that.
So glad you all had a fun time! I awarded you the Nice Matters award on my blog. Come visit when you are up and around again.
Glad you had a good vacation. Sounds like you needed it.
i bet you had a great time...it's fun to get away.
YAY! You're back!
I was beginning to suspect...I mean look how pretty Annie and Carronin are, that has to hide some evil impulses, or maybe just that they know how to fix their hair pretty. One or the other.
Why must people whine about not being invited to parties or not being able to attend. My son was never invited anywhere and he turned out fine.
glad you had a good time, I was beginning to wonder about your absence tho....feeling a bit abandoned I was.
I hope you had fun! CO is tempting, isn't it?
I am kicking and throwing a fit....my first more clever comment is not here.....I must have done something wrong...shocker....so....here I am, not being clever.....leaving a comment anyway....*kicking and screaming!*
I'm still making the rounds.
PJ- I don't have a blog caste system at all. I just try to reciprocate comments before moving on to another post. You know you and your wild daisies are among my favorites!
I wasn't the hostess. Annie was in charge of the guest list. Just so you guys know, a lot of my bloggy friends got together in April without me and I sat at home feeling dejected. Yeah, I got blog jealousy issues. What of it?!!!? Thank you for missing me, y'all. Sometimes I wonder.......
Carrot- I don't just love Manuel. I'm also a Jesus Freak! Yeah, Jesus....the Mexi guy who used to work with Papi. He's a righteous hottie!
I know for certain that you are beautiful!
I didn't notice ANY extra facial hair.
I'm soooo glad you had such a fabulous time and that you made it home safely.
I'm sorry it's back to the daily grind, though.
Welcome back Cotter.
Glad you are back safe and sound and that the Colorado sisters didn't kidnap you! You would be seriously missed! I'm still trying to get over not being there. :(
Glad you're back and back to work. Can't wait to hear all about your bloggy party.
Do not be afraid of Evil Kitty. Evil Kitty is just here to make the world a better place. Purr! =)
evil kitty, I think the name is throwing everyone off. maybe you should call yourself benevolent kitty. or something else sweet and fun.
Kitty a go-go?
I'm so glad you guys had a blast. It's been fun reading all about it. I can't wait to read your post about the trip!
I have nothing to say. Really.
I feel like such a dorky infidel.
Quit working and get a new post up already!! I'm going thru withdraw. :(
Sounds like a great trip.
I'm a great believer in managing and supervising and never actually doing anything. Anyone hiring?
Sounds like you had a fun time.
Anyone want to kidnap me and take me away? Anyone?
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