Joey Ramone Once Said "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker!"
Know what today is? Well do you? It's the World's First Ever Sheena Easton Tribute Day! Yay! We're going to celebrate all that is the magical wonderment of this Scottish 80's superstar turned present day Scooby Doo voice-over actress. Remember, this is 'For Your Eyes Only,' you lucky, lucky Smiling Infidel readers.
Come, 'Strut' right over here and let's talk about 'The Lover In Me,' because 'We've Got Tonight....... Who Needs Tomorrow?' I ate a deli sandwich for breakfast- So, if you want, we could talk about 'The Liver In Me,' instead. Has anyone ever told you that, 'U Got The Look, You Must Have Took A Whole Hour Just To Make Up Your Face?' Oooh la la, that extra layer of Chapstick and the smell of your hemorrhoid cream is HAWT! Perhaps, we should just chat on the 'Telefone,' since 'My Baby Takes The Morning Train,' and he could come strolling in at any minute. No, you perv- My baby does jump on the morning train, but Thomas The Tank Engine ain't got nothing to do with it. Would you care for a snack? How about a taste of my 'Sugar Walls?' Yeah, in my spare time I build model doughnut shop replicas out of nothing but sugar cubes. It's a gift. My other hobbies include competitive eating and champion leapfrogging. Sadly, the two sports vastly contradict each other. When I play leapfrog with my baby, he always loses and decries, "I was 'Almost Over You!'" Almost, but not quite. Poor thing.
Wait.....where are you going? To the Anne Murray Tribute down at the next blog? Traitor. 'You Could Have Been With Me' and Sheena Easton. At least I can count on Prince and Kenny Rogers sticking around for my Sheena Easton Tribute. Their royalty checks depend on it.......
I must say absolutely nothing. What the hell was that all about?
I remember being a young and impressionable child in the 80's and thinking she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
To this day, "My baby takes the morning train..." is one of my favs.
My oldest sister, The Fashionista, had Sheena Easton hair.
Sheena Easton day! *struts*
Oh yeah,I got the look.
Like Annie,I thought she was so beautiful. I really wanted to look like her..but a 6 year old with that hair and makeup would be a little questionable.
I didn't find out the meaning of sugar walls until a few years ago. Naughty!
I always loved the song "Almost Over You" but didn't understand the true meaning...leapfrog, HAHAHAHA! :D
I thought Sheena Easton was so beautiful, we considered naming our daughter after her, but Lauren Tewes from the "Love Boat" won out (not Lauren Bacall, as she believes...sad).
"U Got the Look" was MY song. I used to sing it all the time... in 5th grade. I even made my mom write all the words down for me. And she actually did. I have a cool mom.
Hooray for Sheena day!
Anon is a glutton for punishment.
Sheena was huge in Mexico for a while, she was everywhere. I wanted to have her spiky her so badly. Which of course ended up badly for me, turning into the horrible '83 hair disaster.
I'm speechless. Truly.
anonymous- Listen you, it's Sheena Easton Tribute Day. Now put on too much makeup and shimmy into your leather mini-skirt and heels and quit complaining about it. Just remember.....Surly Attitude=NO HOT MALE BACKUP DANCERS. Yeah, that's right. You'll be stuck with the likes of Kevin Federline shaking it behind you. I give you full permission to post an Anne Murray song title post for yourself without claiming copyright infringement.
Annie- The woman scored all the Hot Factor Points she ever needed in life the day they asked her to sing a James Bond movie theme song.
stacey- What are you implying? That Sugar Walls isn't about a house made for her pet Sugar Gliders????!!!? I'm sure that Miss Sheena is chaste and pure in every way.
nancy face- I understand completely. Why do you think my kids are named Isaac, Icky Vicky Gopher, Doc, and Captain?
tori- Oh my. Yeah nobody rhymes it up like Prince. Your face is jammin, your body's hip for slammin, let's get to rammin. He's the X-rated Dr. Seuss.
lisa- That's the spirit Sister Lisa. Sing the praises and the joys of Sheena!
NCS- I'm starting to grow fond of my friend, anon. I guess he/she won't want the Sheena Easton prize pack goodies I was going to send out to accompany the Sheena Easton Tribute Day. That makes me :( triste. Don't cry to me about bad hair, NCS. I had a Wedge cut ala Dorothy Hamilton, immediately followed by the bad perm to end all bad perms, immediately followed by me dying my blonde hair red.....and it turned PINK. You know that you'd be super cute no matter how you wear your hair.
sue- Don't be speechless. Grab a karaoke machine and Sheena Easton Greatest Hits and get busy. You're our featured entertainment today!
Now I'm gonna have Strut on my brain the rest of the week!
Do you remember the funky dance she did to that song in the video. Well it wasn't so much a "dance" as a "knee move" I guess.
Thanks elastic, I think you are really cute too (except for that mole with the hairs you braid)
what to say about sheena, I must have been on magic shrooms during that time period cause nothing really comes to mind.
so why are you and CHM so cheerful today?? I must say, I don't like it, you aren't gonna go postal, or worse pollyanna, on us are you?
Will you pleeease do pat benetar next?
And I don't know how I missed it, but I have been promoted to your side bar. I'm almost in tears. If I were even a few days more hormonal I would be. I feel like I've finally arrived. I'm not kidding.
Okay, you've convinced me. I'm digging out my Sheena Easton albums.
Wait, my turntable doesn't work.
And she did "Wind Beneath My Wings" way better than Bette Midlers overblown version.
Oooohhh... I didn't know it was Sheena Easton day! I'll have to have a special tribute... now where did I put my make up bag? And I need to practice that "pouty" kinda look in the mirror...
Hi!!! guess what??? I tried to send you something cute and sweet
(no it wasn't me I was sending) in the mail only too bad for me cause I couldnj't find the packing tape and I can't leave my prison or my precious new doggie might run away...maybe I will send it to you tomorrow.
I was wondering, do you like black fur stoles? I'm starting to really want one
hey, guess what else? they are having a PTO meeting at Lean's school but, here's the zinger, no children allowed
what was the name of that home school curriculum you use?
What's that ziggy thing mean? I'm too stupid to get it
hey, wanna hang out at Turner's after school?
ixna on the Turner's thing, that was high school, sorry
my new favorite little phrase-like thing is
the outrage! expect to see it a lot
is outrage one word or two?-
Sheena Easton is evil. It's because of music like she creates that boys have nasty thoughts...
well happy sheena easton day. i wonder if she googled her name and found this special infidel tribute to her. what if she commented?! sqeeeee. sheena easton, you're so cool.
Why do people buy CDs? They can just visit your blog and jam! That's what I do!
You had me at Prince. Or almost slayed me with his mere mention...
Ahhh, jean knee and bee.....
Queens of the comment domination!
I just got back from work. Crappy, crappy day. And I get to leave in 4 hours to work some more. Yay! i love being me! AT least I still had time to light the candles and chant around my Sheena Easton altar and pay proper tribute to her on her special day.
I spent the 80's up a tree and have no idea what you're talkin' about.
I wish I were joking.
Prince called and is going to take you down for posting this.
It's making his moustache itchy.
Strut! Pout! Put it out! That's what you want from Millie!
You pervert. I know this song is about me.
"For Your Eyes Only" is my favorite SE song.
Dorothy Hamilton. I googled it but there are too many Dorothy Hamiltons in the world.
I have heard/read too many "pink hair" stories. Let's see some bad perm pictures sister!
Anonymous needs to take a vacation. First he/she says they must say absolutely nothing, then they go and say something. That's just...wrong. Get off your blackberry and go explore Canada anonymous.
Now I have nothing left to say.
I remember that she got her break on a tv programme which saw her trying to get a record contract (successfully). Aftyer some chart success here she must have become a lot more popular in the US.
Know what? I don't even like Sheena Easton. Haven't you ever had some really absurd thoughts and you feel like you need to write it down to evacuate it from your mind? Thats what happened yesterday. Inexplicably, every station I turned to was playing a Sheena Easton song. Weird, I know. It used to By All Huey Lewis All The Time, but Sheena may be edging him out. Anyway, the thought to write this post struck me and who am I to deny such an inspirational muse like that?
Carrot- Interestingly enough, I noticed that anonymous didn't have anything to say about writing with chips and salsa-neither about the pine needle exchange program. Note To Self: Anonymous Does Not Like Sheena Easton And Cow Towels. Must Only Write About Salsa Writing And Pine Needles In The Future To Make Anon. Happy. That's my life mission, you know, to make Anon. a happy Canadian Camper.
NCS- Oh, I got your bad perm pics....they're all hidden in the dark recesses of the family photo album waiting for a 'WARNING' sticker to be placed on them.
millie- Calling you a 'strutty' woman is a compliment in my neck of the woods.
jams- So she's like like the Godmother of reality TV stardom that leads to contracts and career? I didn't know that. But then I must have missed the Sheena Easton life history lesson at school.
So hilarious!
My baby takes the morning train is the very first pop song I remember liking! It always makes me feel nostalgic. right up there with I wear my sunglasses at night and Kharma Chameleon!
I'm sad I missed Sheena Easton day:( I loved her.
Ealstic do you know what "Sugar Walls" is really about? Prince wrote the song for her so I'm sure you have a pretty good idea.
Anonymous is Canadian?? It's not Sei's ex-wife is it?
I got your back Elastic. I think we can take her.
I'm not baiting, just stating facts.
I rather liked the Salsa Writing post...but I comment here (even though I don't have a thing to say about miss easton) because I'm afraid you won't notice if I comment there. And I noticed, of course, that I didn't make it into the bloggy dreams, either...*sniff*
But then, I haven't dreamed about you, either, so I guess we're good.
Hey, if you ever want a new...whaddyacallem...avatar? profile pic? about this one? I saw it and thought of you with affection.
Thanks for the laugh this morning! Really needed it!
Anne Murray?? Isn't that the lady my mama listened to?
I got a lot of fond memories of Sheena Easton songs, and this does nothing to make them fade. Thanks!
Late to the party, but I LOVED Sheena. I owned every single one of her tapes, and maybe even a 45.
My fav is I wouldn't beg for water.....(but she will do special favors.)
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