You're So Vain.......You Probably Think This Blog Post Is About You
A lovely English Sister in our ward at Church delights in fussing over Melody every chance she gets. She quite often tells me in her stately accent, "Your Melody is so gorgeous." So on occasion I'll teasingly repeat that to Melody to which she matter-of-factly and proudly exclaims, "That's right! I AM so gorgeous!"
For sure, the gods of self-confidence were smiling upon this child the day she made her grand entrance into the mortal coil.
"That's right! I AM so gorgeous!"
I love it.
She is adorable.
Excellent! with that self confidence she will go far Ewbl.
You don;t get to keep her just cuz she's cute. I'm barren over here, HELLO.
when is she coming?
I don't usually mommy blog and I'm reticent to post pics of kids with names attached....but Melody is my youngest and exception to the blog privacy stuff I have for the older kids.
Well, my brother's marrying his baby mama today and we shall be there to attend the grand gala. Ahem. See you all later.
Jean Knee
Look at her green eyes. She's a green-eyed monster! A cute one, but still a monster. You don't want none of that......
She is adorable...and she knows it! I love it!!!
She looks harmless.
Gotta instill it now! Though the Hurricane had me worried the other day when she refused to wear a certain coat because it would mess up her hair. I guarantee those words have never come out of my mouth....
I got caught in the mortal coil once. It was really pokey and owie.
She's adorable. She looks just like you. ;)
She is beautiful!
She also has a sparkle in her eye :)
She's a beauty! Love those eyes!!
I haven't been to your blog in days and I come back to find not one, but TWO posts about your children - with pictures!! You're not going soft on us now are you?
Awww, she is gorgeous- and she knows it! What a cutie.
Love it! It's good to be confident now--she'll be 13 soon enough. :D
Self Confidence is a wonderful thing!!!! Just adorable!
soo cute. there is absolutley nothing wrong with children knowing how cute they are. it boosts their self confidence. this reminds me of the post annie wrote a long time ago about mini me knowing how cute she is.
Sounds like an Annie Payne in the making. Medicate her now, before it's too late!
Infidel, what are we gonna do bout those guys ripping off our logos???
It's an Outrage!
It's an Outrage just doesn't sound right.
The Outrage!
She's a beauty, a one in million girl...
She has got the cutest li'l monster? Yeah, right!
I hope she remembers that wonderful self confidence when she becomes a teenager! :)
You do have cute kids - I think I saw them walking into the building yesterday as I was walking out - I tried to look for you but to no avail - I think you did a drop and drive.
As the Jefferson's say "We're movin on up up! To the East saide to a dee-luxe apartment in the skyaiai!"
Uh, you know RE humor blogs.
click from work.
Cute kid.
[Sorry, you know me I'm not good with kid compliments since there's only one in my family. I think I was a kid once but I'm not really sure. I might have just hatched or spawned growd up.]
I love it best when you mommy-blog.
She's beautiful! She should own it!
That's right, work it girl!
OK what a QT! My little one is soooooooooo stinkin cute. Not even jokin just think one day I will be posting a Melody someday on my blog.
Look it's a mini Infidel! Elastic, she looks so much like you! I love the way her eyes sparkle! :)
I hate to sound uncompassionate, but...
(OK, I got nothin') :)
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
She is GORJ!
I've missed your blog. Why did I let my blogging and blog reading slip?!
Anyway, I too have one of those: the overly confident, wonderfully beautiful, larger than life, daughters. Oh to be so confident and sure of life!
What a gift and a joy these girls are! Please Lord do NOT let anyone take this from them!
She's a cutie!! Happy Thanksgiving!
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