In order to cash in on her unmitigated successes I'm willing to risk possible trademark infringement liability to offer you, the adoring Mas Cowbell public, the rare opportunity to undergo my all new Super Happy Girl extreme makeover so that you too can look just like the official Mas Cowbell mascot !

Through diligence and hard work I perfected the secrets to the ultimate Super Happy Girl makeover with my own 8 year old daughter, Caterpillar. See how super and happy she is with the results?
Glassy-Eyed Stare: Check
Super Happy Girl Cheese Smile:Check
Puffy Gums: Check
Toothless Wonder Dental Treatment: Check

Looking to transform your mundane life into one that will keep you permanently smiling for the rest of your life whether you want to or not? Then stop on by La Salon De Smiling Infidel to make all your super happy dreams a reality!
*All makeover package prices include an unlimited supply of goofy hats to make your look complete*
UPDATE!!! No Cool Story herself just sent me the most fantastical finishing touch to make my own real live Super Happy Girl swoon with excitement.

Super Happy Update Number Two!!!
Super Happy aficionado, Wynne, has ensured that the Super Happy Sistuhs will be Super Happy BFF's in their pimpin hats 4EVAH!!!

I'm glad that you're offering the hats, because I think they're key to the SHG look!
I love Super Happy Girl but her look is special and can only be carried off by a certain few. I just don't have those qualities.
I'll take the hats though
I'll take the cute little doggie for $100 Bob.
Good grief, now that's quite a shocker. I'll remember to steer well clear.
Beautiful!! WOnderful! Gorgeous!!
La Salon De Smiling Infidel gets a +++AAAAA Rating by Super Happy Girl.
(She has always wanted a sister, ya know?)
I have taken the liberty to complete the super happy makeover.
Ah man! I had a shot like that and all I did was scrapbook it. Now I'm goint to have to try to refine it to Super Happy standards.
The gums get me every time.
Hooray! Joy of joys! This has made my day! SHG (or "shug" (as in short for "sugar") as her dearest friends never call her) should be thrilled to have a sister! Now, how about gettin' a grill on those teeth? Gettin' her all pimped out, hey?
Please forgive me. I know I take it too far...
I love it!!!! So cute! SO happy!!
I think I just tinkled a little bit.
So pretty!!!
BEEEUTIFUL!!!! Now I want to be made over too!
That is freaky. Hilariously so!
I've been finding blogs I started to read then lost. I'm so glad I found you again! I went to bed late last night because I couldn't stop clicking on "The Greatest Moments in Infidel History". My husband kept asking what I was laughing about. (Actually, he said "cackling". I'm not a bird or a witch, so I changed it.) Anyway, LOVE your blog!
I actually had to skim this post so that it won't give me nightmares. Don't do that again.
It's amazing how well Caterpillar pulls off that look. I'm not frightened by Super Happy Caterpillar, like I am of her BFF Super Happy Girl.
Super Happy Sistuhs, YAY! :D
I wonder how much I could get at my friendly neighborhood pawn shop for one of those teeth, muahaha! >:)
Does anybody miss me? Anyone at all? Hellllloooooooooo?
Um, so yeah I've been working extra jobs this week. In the rain. And the cold. Uphill both ways walking over broken glass without any shoes on. Ahhhh, the life of the manual laborer.
Manual Labor Welfare System= You Don't Work, You Don't Eat.
I'll see you all around later.
I know that I got some sucky reviews over at humor-blogs because of my penchant for putting videos in the sidebar but when I run across infectious and/or funny stuff I just can't help myself.
Roisin Murphy is from Ireland and the video cracked all us Infidels up because she obviously has seen me dancing and stole my potent cracker disco style. She even does the invisible bicycle pedal-shoulder shake combo. Yes, really!
Elastic, of COURSE we miss you. That is why we come here. (duh) And sorry about the broken glass. Really sorry. Here's a tip for some quick shoes: as you are out and about on the paper route, grab a pair of the small yipper dogs that (try to) attack you, and viola! Instant shoes. Simply duct tape them to the bottom of your feet for warm, fuzzy shoes that squeak every time you take a step.
Sounds like the Infidel World is having a bright, bright, sunny day! You gals are a looking good.
I don't know how long it will last but right now I'm #2!!! Don't worry, I'll probably hiccup and then be back down to #76. :o)
Okay, I didn't hiccup but I burped now I'm not sure where I am- mind, spirit, body...
With those teeth and my hair I could finally begin my world domination tour.....
Listen, I have a salve for itchyarmpititis.
It's made out of the finest hissing roaches in Africa. It smells funny but it really works. Did I say really? I meant rarely.
*doing the SNL Tri-Delt Girl voice*
SHG is soooo... scareh.
I'm not leaving a comment for you until you leave a comment for me.
Two can play at that game. Of course, it isn't very fun, because neither of us gets any comments, but...whatever
It scares me.
I dream of being Super-Happy-Girl-ified one day!
Does being super happy-fied hurt? I'm not sure I can make my eyes bug out like that without breaking a vein in my face....
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