See, Stevie was jamming at an outdoor Bob Marley concert when he could no longer ignore the chunk of dried mucous obstructing his nasal passage. With expert Ninja nose-picking skills he covertly dug around with his thumbnail and removed the hideous green chunk before absent-mindedly flicking it into the crowd. Unfortunately, the offensive booger landed on the dread-locked lady in front of him swaying side-to-side in her rainbow tie-dyed dress.
The guilt was he penned the lyrics to 'Boogie On Reggae Woman' to assuage his own nagging conscience even though harmonica players could die if they aren't able to breathe properly through their noses. That's right. DIE. In essence Stevie Wonders saved his own life with his heroic boogie retrieval and the world gained some great music at the same time. Win, win.

Okay... that's just gross. Love the label "Harmonica Has the Word HARM In It" :)
HOW do you come up with this stuff?
Oooh...I LOVE to BOOGIE!
Listen up!
I do not DO NOT like the chest baring pictures of David Hasslebackhoff that you popped on Humor-Blogs, located on your side bar!
If you're not into chest baring, I can't believe you posted a picture of you and Huey hugging on Humor-Blogs, located on your side bar!
♫♪I just called to say I love you! ♫♪
I can handle pee, poo and barf somewhat. Unless the barf is from my dog.
Boogies make me want to upchuck every time I hear about them...or see them. I can blow my own nose, but anyone else's makes me heave.
Thanks for the appetite suppressant! *gag*
I 'wonder' how you know so much about Stevie?
i crack myself up, I swear
No, I believe it's like this: The Infidel is a win, the Infidel reader are a win.
Win, win.
Haha, but I have a horrible thought now about the origins of other songs. Some I cannot share in polite company. I imagine though that teh Commodores song Sail on was inspired by that time when Lionel Titchie dropped his yacht on a poor unsuspecting fan...
Titchie? err I meant Ritchie of course... or did I?
I love stories about boogers...especially the ones on those Reggae women!
Stevie Wonders how you knew the truth about this...
Your next song to decipher is "Boogie Wonderland" by Earth, Wind and Fire.
"I find romance when I start to dance in Boogie Wonderland."
"heroic boogie retrievals" is the phrase of the day. Says I.
Now let's hear Stevie Nicks' take on "Gold Dust Woman."
This just reminds me of my sister's bumper sticker when she was a teen. If you can read this, I will flick a booger on you. Or something like that. Whatever it was she was going to do it. Just watch out!
Really? I always thought the song was "Boogers on a rag for women".
I love your blog! Thanks for the clarification on that whole Stevie Wonder thing! You make me laugh!
ew!!! lol. That's just nasty. (to quote my 4 year old)
I've been a bad, bad blog Infidel this week. I worked two days straight in the rain and I'm tired.
I'll make the comment rounds this weekend! :)
I don't think you should apologize. I admire your work ethic.
Speaking of work, as you know, I've worked the Pediatric unit for 20+ yrs, right? I can handle the poop and pee and blood, no problem. But when I hear the suction noise of a catheter sucking out snot and chunks?? It gets me EVERY. TIME.
We have devices called the bulb syringe, which is the one that every new mom takes home after giving birth, right? Then we have have one that hooks up to suction that's called a BBG (baby booger getter/grabber)I kid you not.
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