Anyway, GRACIAS, NCS! Big Besos De Chocolate Para Ti! For your heroic efforts in bringing me happiness I'd like to share these two songs with you. They're current Infidel favorites and I think you'll likey them, too.
PINBACK- Good From SeaBRAND NEW- Fork And Knife
Wait... am I first??
People who are so rude that they can't be bothered to at least acknowledge and say thank you when someone has gone out of their way to send something to them in hopes of brightening up their day really irks me. It's a BIG pet peeve of mine.
I didn't want NCS to think I fell into the category of people who wallow around in the Pit Of Ungratefulness!
WAHOOO! Yep. I was first. I'm glad you got some Valentine goodness in the mail! The USPS sucks. When Baby Girl was blessed, a friend made her an amazing dress. They shipped it to us overnight. It took 3 days. THREE!! Apparently, their definition of "overnight" is: over whichever night we choose...
Hi Melissa.! :)
Bye Melissa! :(
I'm off to work and I won't have much of a rest until Thursday afternoon.
I'm sorry... and here I was, hoping to take up your entire comment section with a fun little conversation... hope your survive till Thursday!
I owe some thank you posts. *hiding face in corner*
Awwwww, Glitter. Don't feel ashamed. Most people don't expect any kind of fanfare or post commitment.......just saying THANK YOU FOR YOUR EFFORTS is enough.
At least that's what I hope. I haven't done a Good Mail post since last summer publicly thanking the generous bloggers I know.
Awww,it's so fun to get goodies in the mail!
Boo to USPS for not getting it there on time.
Pinback reminds me of Rock & Hyde for some reason...
Aww. That NCS is just so...glowing with goodness, you know? *sniffers*
Maybe you'll get a Valentine from me by December. You never know.
...and I'm loving the music...
♫♪I just called to say how much I care! ♫♪
I'm really digging that second song!
The first one was good too.
How sweet of NCS! The concept of good mail is new to me. How do you know someone isn't going to track you down and smear peanut butter all over your front door?
Of course, if NCS wanted to staple chocolate on my front door, I'd let her.
aww, i love packages from my good mail girls. yours and ncs's are really the best ones out there. sucky that it took that long to get there, though..
Not only I got an excellent post and not one but TWO tags for me BUT I got not one but TWO song dedication!! I must rock! I must be super duper special!!!!
The Pit Of Ungratefulness has no claims on you my friend. Gracias, you are too sweet :)
Stinkin' USPS you let me down yo!
My friend didn't get her Target treats, squishy Del Taco ball, $100 tee and personalized card on time.
Booo to you.
Just a friendly, anonymous warning to stay out of the whole Comma/Lobo thing, I wouldn't want any one to get hurt.
Hey, what's that picture up there?!! That's not me. I gotta go.
You're not the boss of me!
Anyway I only stumbled over to LOBO becuase I thought it was a blog run by Los LOBOS and I was going through La Bamba withdrawal symptoms something fierce and I needed a quick fix.
No one deserves Good Mail more than you, my friend! :)
We also got a super happy package from No Cool Story...she's the bestest! :D
This post makes me wonder, did I say thank you yet for the glorious Valentine package you sent? I feel like I did...but if I did not, I am thoroughly sorry. THANK YOU! I let Ted eat a piece of the energizing gum and he said it made him feel energized to kiss. I told him that was ridiculous.
Yay for good mail!
You have great taste in music and great taste in friends.
Except you made me scour my mind in guilt. If I don't publicly thank (and I usually don't), I do try to personally or privately thank people for being nice. Shizz, I hope I didn't forget to do that.
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