So, to the best of your ability, can you guess the name of the movie this photo represents?
On a side note, I do feel kind of bad for creeping up into these people's yard in broad daylight just to violate their beloved pelican in this way. I mean, it's nothing more than a spiffy lawn tchotchkie. It's not a super bad stunt pelican nor is it a panty model for Pelican's Secret.
I can assure you that the landscaping crew laboring next door took quite an interest in my snappy little photo shoot. As I left, I looked back and noticed them still leaning against their rakes and mowers with heads cocked to the side and faces filled with pure, unadulterated WTF??!!? sentiments. Como se dice "WTF?" en Espanol, por favor? Hey, it was really chilly out today! I did that pelican a favor by warming him up with a versatile and toasty hat/shawl combo. And this is the picture that the pelican never wanted you to see.........Hopefully he'll start attending Pelican Panty Sniffers Anonymous soon and kick this most egregious habit. I know that his obsession with knickers led to a hit movie with two A-list actors and all, but we're not living in 1993 anymore. It's time to give up the briefs, already.
If ever makes a movie you can bet your sweet bippy that it'll be chock full of panty-wearin/panty-sniffin pelicans.
Yes I was going to say Pelican Pants but the 'brief' gave it away.
Wow, this is the closest to first I've been on an Infidel post in ages. I don't usually do this, but in this case, I think it's warranted:
Pelican Underoos.
Actually, Omar, this was my entry for your photo assignment a few months ago that I never got around to doing.
Pelican Underoos:
Allows you to shake yo tail feathers while keeping them covered up at the same time!
So... are they yours? You know what I'm envious of right now? There is grass in your part of the world. Mine is 12 inches under snow. The grass that is.
John Grisham would be so proud! Nothing like Pelican Panties to promote a good book!
Bee- Your grass is hidden under inches of snow??? Are you speaking in some sort of druggie speakeasy code?
justrandi- John Grisham wishes they made special John Grisham panties with his face plastered all over it. Nothing like additional kaching while you get to know your fans more intimately.....really intimately.
Snow? Not sure I know what that is anymore, either.
You should've snapped a pic of the crew giving you the looks. ;o)
If anyone wants snow, I have 10 inches that arrived in the past 24 hours. I'll gladly share some!
I'm guessing the photo session was...pretty brief? :D
Although with the cars on them, the owner of said underpants might object to the use of "pretty".
i like how you tried the briefs on the pelican in various different ways. very nice work, elastic.
I like the hat model the best.
The one with the underoos as a hat is the best. I think teenagers would wear something like that...say, if you could get Kanae West to wear those on his head you'd be famous.
Or famouser.
You are one clever girl! The pelican is a big boy now...
I can just see the workers' faces.
They think you are one sick gringa!
Come on, admit didn't feel the least lttle bit of regret about violating that pelican with those briefs! I bet it's the most excitement the poor fella has experienced in a good long time!
I found those teeny briefs when cleaning out my sons' room on my blog hiatus. My youngest is six now and he's graduated to big boy boxers......with Spider-man all over them. But still.
Doh! the Pelican Brief... That took a while to work out. There was I thinking a bit more laterally- This was a film about extreme flatulence which resulted in underwear landing on teh head of a pool ornamental birdie. Mt guess was therefore Gone With the Wind.....
I have an award for you on my blog!
Funny post. So how you say WTFreak in Spanish? LOL- do you think they knew?
PELICAN BRIEF!! Wanna know something weird??? I hae a picture of a pelican on my blog today!!!
"Strange things are afoot..."
I hope Mr. CDD never finds out about you playing with a pelican and not him.
yo, at ain't right
I am sad to say that I looked at that first photo for a good 5 minutes and then when I finally figured it out I let out and audible "YES!"
I'm so easily proud of myself.
And amused, but that's obvious isn't it?
WTF in Spanish is:
"Con queso" ;op
Shoot, my first thought was "Underwear Stork".
I guess that was wrong.
I can only imagine what they were saying to each other!
I've never quite understood the whole lawn ornament thing either so I think the briefs kind of make your little pelican!
(and that's my guess. The Pelican Brief with the much be-toothed Julia Roberts)
My mom has this weird anti-Julia Roberts thing. She says Julia drives her up a wall. What's with that?
I can't even tell you how disturbing the pelican panty-sniffing picture is.
"Con queso?" Seriously? WTF translates into "with cheese?" I was thinking more...oh, "qué la pescados del vuelo."
But then, by Spanish is horrid. But who knew?
And the movie title? Is it:
Ropa Interior del Pájaro?
Boxeadores del Pingüino?
(Don't tell me nothing gets lost in translation. Thbbt.)
(That was supposed to be
"MY Spanish is horrid."
Apparently, my English is, too.)
That pelican reminds me of Finding Nemo for some reason. Is there a pelican in that movie?
Sweet undies.
You would have a field day in Seabrook (down by NASA) they have big pelicans all over the place.
Lauren is too young to know about The Pelican Brief! ;)
did you see this:
i can't believe i'm so lame i can't post a link in a comment.
ok. i'm smarter than i thought..
must read..
dog lead
Mom: Don't burn on me just because I half your age.
Pelican panties......oops I meant briefs!
These pictures just crack me up. I cannot even believe you went up to someone else's home with some briefs and put them on their pelican and took pictures. Haha! I wish I had been driving by so I could take that picture!
Stay out of my yard!
What *I* want to know is what did you doo with the underoos after this?
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