This Frenchy-French Crepe Cafe opened up here in the Houston suburbs last summer. It's a welcome change of pace to have a bit of
Ooh-La-La added to the landscape since we've already reached the maximum quota allowed per capita of Mexican restaurants that specialize in serving food identical to your favorite Banquet brand heat-and-eat frozen dinner entrees.

I guess as parents we just haven't infused enough culinary culture into the life of our mini-Infidels because oldest daughter, Sunbum had no inkling that there even existed a magical world of crepes nor did she have the knowledge of how crepes function as a pancake-like vessel bringing a hidden treasure of tasty fillings right to your plate. In fact, so hopelessly crepe-incompetent was Sunbum that she kept pronouncing crepe as
So, a few moments after picking up the Crepe Cafe menu and making the obligatory offensive Gay Paree jokes, Sunbum began reading over the menu and making Mmmmmmmmmm noises and commenting about how Italian
creeps looked really good to her and how bad she really wanted an Italian

Shocking as the moment was I had to pull it together and inform Sunbum that as her mother I would neither condone nor support her dream of having an Italian
creep. I reminded her that as enticingly hot as an Italian
creep may appear on the outside that the inside stuffed full of excessive body hair and gold chains was sure to disappoint-and isn't what's on the inside that really counts? It worked. Sunbum conceded that maybe a powdered-sugar strawberry crepe was more suited to her tastes. (Should I also worry that my daughter has a thing for
fruity creeps?)
Thank heavens. I really would hate to have to send out wedding announcements regarding the nuptials of my oldest daughter, Sunbum Soprano.
Look, to the best of my knowledge, humor-blogs is not a Mafia-affiliated organization and they don't employ narcs. However, they do still know when you click on this linkie for me because your click moves me up to the deee-luxe apartment in the sky instead of moving me down to sleep with the fishes. CLICKETY! Gracias.
Don't ask any questions. Go to this very amusing video from The Conchords and prepare to be amused!
Foux Da Fa Fa
Haha EWBL, Italian creep! Well it could ahve been an Irish creep filled with bacon, boiled cabbage and spuds!
Yum. Strawberry creeps. My favorite.
Wow! I love Italian creeps. . Any kind! They are HOT!
I'm afraid (don't ask me why this scares me) my kids wouldn't know what a crepe is either. We are sheltered like that. . Us and our banquet dinners!
P.S. love the tunes!
I'll definitely take a creep if it's filled with strawberry.
What's that restaurant all over houston, The Madeleine I think? Take Sunbum there. They have some tasty treats.
It's nice having an authentic French place in town... especially one that serves up French Soups, Wings and Waffles!
Just like the french, to take credit for chicken wings.
My aunt has an Italian creep. His name is Steve.
although they run a close race, I'm almost certain French creeps are worse than Italian creeps, ruder anyway.
what would Julie do?
are they the dudes that sang it's business time?
they are quite addictive
Before I was married I had an Italian Creep and I can vouch for the fact that they are disapointing. You gave wise motherly advice.
Was it good by the way?
Italian creeps pinch.
It's true.
My aunt Mary couldn't say the word crepe. She would pronounce it crapee. She was a genius!!
Italian creeps, hahaha! :D
I ♥ Sunbum...I really do! :)
On both the video and your daughter!
We prefer our ceeps with chocolate mousse goodness.
An Italian Creep just won't do...Isn't there enough American Creeps to choose from?
I once had a French creep. Seriously. I met him at a wedding over there and he toured me around Paris, holding my elbow and arm like I was some parading French poodle.
Oh, and don't be fooled by those allegedly FRENCH crepes. The men do not eat over there. I out-ate the guy 3-1.
I love french crepes. btw not ALL italian creeps are hairy with gold chains...I'll just leave it at that :-0
Ah..the Conchords. They make me larf..
If she's into fruity creeps, I don't know what to say... :)
Yo, check it out. I've only spent any real Texas time in San Antonio. But...
San Francisco has great burrito places, friggin' New Jersey does not. I NEED a burrito. I'll trade you a Korean BBQ joint for a burrito place. Korean BBQ is great, but we have like 60 of them within three blocks of our house. Have your people contact my people.
Oh, I'm hungry for creeps. I used to work at a Magic Pan restaurant, workin' the crepe wheel. Of course my favorite was the deep-fried ham and cheese. Oh...creeeeeps...
JD at I Do Things
Oh you're a baaaad mom.. in a good way. :) Too funny!
Julie says crepes make great emergency ... Julies.
LOL. this is funny to me on many levels. i love crepes and have never had ones as good nor as enormous as the ones at pike place market. and whenever we go (we got a lot) ava always asks for a grape. "please may i have a grape?" but creep! lol.
damon and I wish you could enlarge the picture of the menu because then you could see the astronomical pricing. 5 bucks is a lot for a stuffed pancake. I should start making them at home, I guess. And Damon, don't quibble with the French. Let them have their moment in the sun as they declare victory over the invention of chicken wings and waffles. I mean they always lose and die like cowards on the battlefield so award them the red badge of culinary honor, at least.
jean knee and geosomin-I heart The Conchords! I have a secret crush on the mutton chop side-burn manliness that is Jemaine. Mmmmmmm, it's business time!
Frogster- Korean BBQ? I didn't even know such a thing existed. Do they have Korean line dancing, and Korean cowboys, and Korean rodeos, too?
JULIA!!!!- I was sooooo going to talk about The Magic Pan but then I figured it would make the post way too long. Okay, when I was 6 my mom took me to Chicago for a "Magic" weekend. We saw the ballet production of The Magic Flute and ate at The Magic Pan. So, I was in ballet at the time. I brought my ballet bag with me to Chicago because my cute 6 year old self thought that I was going to be dancing on stage in the Magic Flute despite the fact that I was completely uncoordinated and graceless.
I Heart The Magic Pan 4EVAH!
Are they still around up there? Maybe I should ask Bee. She lives in Chicago.
Millie- They're foldable and have demonstrated super absorbency with red liquid(raspberry syrup). Yeah, crepes would definitely work in an emergency.
aubrey- See, Sunbum was reading the menu. She didn't actually hear me pronounce the word "Crepes" and if you look at it phonetically it does look as though it would be "creep."
Amber- You'll always have Paris and lingering memories of French creeps.
I'd like to serve on the Crepe Awareness Ad Council. I'd order billboards to be placed around town with giant crepes on it and the words "Stuff It!"
Fruity creeps? Hee hee!
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