Behold The Wicked Light Fixtures Lighting Up The Forbidden Path:

Upon further scrutiny with my steely Infidel eyes, all I could think was hoooooollllyyyy crrrraaaapppp, when did the adult novelty stores add a lawn & garden department?
Look, I'm all for dual-function products to optimize efficiency and practicality but these yard lights are careening down a very slippery slope. There's some dark crevices where a light just shouldn't be shone into unless you're a practicing physician. I don't even want to think about the crossover potentials of this kind of perversion. What's next, pulsing, vibrating flashlights for your annual family camp-out? And the very worst part is that while these lawn lights with their solar-charged batteries may be eco-friendly and all, but do we really, honestly want to live in a world where people brazenly flaunt their personal toys right out in the front yard during broad daylight like this?
I think I heard the homewoner somewhere behind the beveled-glass front door crooning the main chorus to You Light Up My Life as I stealthily snapped this picture. Putting the "bedroom" in "bedroom community." Shazam!
I've been a bad, bad girl. I know. I'm ashamed. I need to be punished. You should get out the velevet whi.........oh wait, what you should really do is click right here on this banner for me. It's a secret petition to stop the manufacturers of ugly yard lights. CLICKETY! Gracias.
Ok, before I read the whole thing...and was just looking at the pics, I'm thinking, "Hey, who and why did they bury their magic wands?"
What happens when you turn them on?
I think I'll head on down to the dollar store and buy me one of those smurf latch hook things.....
How very naughty.
Did you hear something?
Now I know what to get you for your blogiversary!
What are you doing taking pictures of my yard?? Pervert.
However as soon as I saw the words,"Wow, I Didn't Know You Could Get That In A Giant Economy Pack!" I knew that naughtiness would follow.
You will notice I'm still here.
I'm twisted,I know.
so very very naughty Elastic.
Wait, whare are you talking about?
My comment was gonna be "I don't get it" but then I saw B's comment, and I 100% got it.
crap infidel, you're always doing that: I've been naughty please whip me and then you snatch it back. so un fun.
see I'm so innocent I thought they looked like microphones
I wouldn't even know what one looked like.
*nose in the air*
Those are really sick and wrong! Don't they sell covers for those things? heehee. . . OK, that was bad. I guess I'll go put the finish stitch in the smurf pillow.
They have ones shaped as smurfs???
Are they the same size as smurfs? Cuz then they'd plugs... for your ears.
word verification:
I was going to comment about half an hour ago but then we got called to morning meeting.
How inconsiderate!
LMAO! Those do NOT look like what you are referencing. I think you have a mind that enjoys the gutter. lol ;P
I thought it looked like a runway. I have pure thoughts, Elastic. ;)
At first I thought you talking about their path looking like the male anatomy and I thought that's a stretch. I get it now, you naughty girl.
Well if they came from the adult store then they will pop up a little more when you turn them on ;)
Despite the fact that the falic reference completely eluded me. I just thought that they looked like a tasteless waste of money...
I don't get it.
Wait a second...OHHH! ;)
I reaaaaally don't get it. And I am not joking. I think I am glad inside haha!
Well, see if I had been more obvious this post would have crossed those imaginary boundary lines. I thought about talking about "Good Vibrations" or mentioning that this type of apparatus comes in various colors depending on personal tastes and how this one must be gray for women who like guys who have a heart condition and subsequently have gray skin. I could have posted more but subtlety won. :) It just amused me to think about that kind of thing being solar powered and having a little light on the top of it.
VE- Yes. You rub on them to turn them on.
naughty, naughty elastic.
Hahaha!! You are hilarious!
Yeah, my comment is waaay down here cause I had to google 27 of those big words in the 1st paragraph.
The kids shouldn't allow their parents to leave their toys in the yard like that. They obviously just don't know how to raise parents.
Well Elastic, it occurred to me that the manufacturers of such products are doing their bit to prevent global warming by creating solar powered models......
Solar powered... geniuses.
They also sell special wipes for them... you know incase the lights aren't shining as bright as they should.
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