I'm fairly certain there's some sort of deep and profound spiritual meaning to this fountain- it may even be rooted in mythology. I'm obviously way too low-brow and uneducated to get it because all I could think of was my own bitter disappointment that the artisans didn't go all the way and route the water to stream out the penis or at least the dolphin's blowhole.

This work of art sits smack in the middle of the entryway to Methodist Hospital in downtown Houston. We got to see it up close and personal when visiting my Grandma a few weeks ago. It's not everyday we're allowed the opportunity to absorb such artistic magnificence as a naked man riding a dolphin as though he's performing in an underwater rodeo at a nudist resort. I especially like how he's waving one arm in the air. It has a definite Yeeee-Haaawww, Ride Em' Dolphin feel to it! Of course I had to take a picture. Of course.
We looked around for some sort of donor plaque. We didn't see one but I'm guessing wherever it was the plaque read: This Fountain Lovingly Donated By A Joint Collaboration Of The Freudian Society Of Houston and N.A.M.P.L.A(North American Man-Porpoise Love Association)
I'm too low brow to comment....I'll just email you.
That is one of the most phallic statues/pieces of art I have EVER seen. Oh my...the dolphin, the horned thing in his left hand...it's as good as that Herbal Essence commercial with the image of the woman who joins the man on that balloon thing--I blush every time I see it.
Seriously, why is it that you ALWAYS find stuff like this and I never do? You are the queen of finding great blog fodder.
*giggle* Man-porpoise love! hehehehe
I can't see the penis....was there an actual penis...I want the shadow out of the way of the penis.
What the hell does phallic mean? (heading off to Webster's dot com)
I'm back...
ohhhhhh (blush)
"Yeeee-Haaawww, Ride Em Dolphin!"
Yep, that's pretty fishy...and funny! :D
You always find something to give my life porpoise! ;)
Thanks for the laugh.
as with most things, it's much better in life.
Mabe it was donated by a guy that was born with a dolphin on his butt. They removed it for him and so he was very grateful.
I've known 7 people with dolphinass.
Don't laugh, it's a real affliction.
*glad I'm wearing a Julie after that last comment*
I was shocked to see that you actually used the word "blowhole" in your post. How vulgar. And how unseemly to point out NAMPLA, North America's dirty little secret.
I don't see anything especially phallic about this fountain sculpture. I guess that makes me weird. It has to be really obvious for me to notice it, like on The Little Mermaid old VHS cover.
The horned thing, now that I look at it, looks like a dead octopus with rigor mortis, who lost over half its legs in an unfortunate boat propeller accident.
I love that you named the picture "YEE HAW Ride 'Em Naked Cowboy!"
khrmpf! I mean, be serious.
If only I had a nickel for every nude underwater rodeo I have been to..
Come on, it's so obvious!
Flipper has been promoted to God-like status!
Nothing says Methodist like a statue paying homage to an unknown Water Adonis astride a Dolphin.
Maybe it's actually an advertisement for the new SeaWorld show... the one we won't be going to...
Porpoise rodeo would require skill. Those things are slippery as hell.
Perhaps the lobby of a methodist hospital would not be the bast place for a tribute to the manneken pis! That said the fountains at Trafalgar square have dolphisn with water coming out of the blowholes!
There is something very wrong about that all. Talk about abstract art at it's worst! And in a hospital no less. I would feel like I'm being wheeled into an insane asylum if I was going there! EEEK!
Is he supposed to be MerMan? I just don't get that whole sculpture. But thanks for showing us the weird things you run across!
Those crazy NAMPLAns! Always rubbin dolphin love right in your face.
Until PETA shows up to defend the porpoises. (or is it porpii?)
"Like a rhinestone cowboy.."
wow. ew. that is gross. and sick and wrong to be in the lobby of a hospital. i would really be interested in who payed to have that put in the lobby and WHY.
I just looked that exact sculpture up on craigslist to see if I could buy one for my mom's front yard.
No such luck.
I have seen that statue several times at Methodist and it always makes me laugh. Couldn't they find something better for him to ride?
P.S You will be excited to know that B.J. Services is sponsoring an exhibit at The Children's Museum!
There's a NAMPLA meeting on Monday night. Email me for details, if you're interested.
I searched for about a half hour last night trying to figure out who the artist is and what the symbolism is. I did find an artist whose name is Willy Wang who is from Houston, but I don't think he made this one.
I just thought you'd like to know there's someone named Willy Wang.
Greek mythology. Need I say more? (It's all very strange.)
You Americans have the most incredible stuff down there. You'd never find a statue like that up here in staid old Canada. :) And no chapters of the NAMPLAs......
We just have weird snow sculptures. And then they melt.
I remember that statue from my humanities book (I think) but I don't remember what it was about... it may not have been that one though - just something equally gay.
Haha NAMPLA!!! You have the best kids! I have a picture of our family in front of a statue in Vegas. At the time I didn't realize we were right under the boobs. I can never send that picture out because all you see is the boobs!
I just feel sorry for the dolphin!
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