Well, to be more precise we actually spotted yard signs heralding the extracurricular activities of two local students named David and Cassidy.
I wonder if they have a dad named Ron? Perhaps both children are the resulting products of their father waggling his eyebrows suggestively at their mother while seductively crooning, "Hey, baby, why don't you Do Ron Ron Ron, Da Do Ron Ron?"
Yep, the only thing missing to make this family complete is an Irish Setter named Bonaduce. With both the canine and human counterpart, Danny Bonaduce, featuring all-over wild and woolly red fur, they're nearly impossible to tell apart.
*This post is dedicated to Nancy Face who still loves David Cassidy 4-ever!*
Aw man, and I came over here expecting to see pictures of David Cassidy.
Yes..but at least we were spared current Danny Bonaduce pics. Ewww...
I rather like David Cassidy
you can keep than Bonaduce though
did I just feel a twitch?????
Jean Knee-BonaDOUCHEY
That would make a great name for a line of feminine products.
BonaDOUCHEY personal cleansing products. Fragrant smells.... like a gin mill on fire.
Theresa- I did produce an authentic David Cassidy picture, did I not? I didn't even have to be trampled to death by his middle-aged groupies to get it either.
Alice- I've seen pictures of Danny Bonaduce in his skimpy panties. There's not enough eye bleach in the world to burn that image away.
I see my name! *sniff*
BonaDOUCHEY...ewww! Haha! :D
Middle-aged groupies, huh?
I resemble that remark! ;)
Anyone else remember a song David Cassidy sang in the 80's called "Lying to Myself"?
Anyone? Sometimes I wonder if I made the whole song up.
My mom is a nerd face!
Lovin the new look!
Wow, I will never hear "Da Do Ron Ron" the same way again. Thanks. :)
Shoot! I resemble that "Middle aged groupy" remark too! Loved David Cassidy. He was HOT!(and I'm old:)
BonaDOUCHEY huh? I think it's perfect for him:)
Hee hee...just caught up on your Blog, had a good laugh! Love the way you beg ppl to comment :-)
If you have some time between taking pics of street signs ect, you can check out my Blog :-)
Keep well!
I thought it was Bona Doo Chee? Is it pronounced bonadouche? I never knew. All this time I've been saying it wrong. huh.
I was too young for the David Cassidy fad but I was old enough for the New Kids On The Block. I was so excited when I heard that they are reuniting. I'm totally still a groupie!
Me: 3rd grade
Asked 'Santa' for a Shawn Cassidy album. Guess which one Santa brought? David.
That's when I first thought of my parents as being out of touch, uncool, etc.
Have you heard Bonaduce talking (like a billion times) about how he lost his virginity at like eleven to some poor, poor girl? What I wouldn't give to hear from that girl now.
Losing virginity at 11? Eeew. I'm a little young at 29, I guess...I missed the whole David Cassidy thing. Either that or my parents kept me sheltered for a good reason.
Wondered about your thoughts on this...
While on the computer, I hear Dora on the tv in the background. She's looking for "Blueberry Hill". That's a little shocking, don't you think? She's a little young to be going there!
Rich Bonaduce (Danny's bro.) used to do stuff here in Utah on one of the t.v. stations. And I thought there wasn't anyone that could be more annoying than Danny...
David Cassidy...he looks kinda gay these days. He actually looks shiny in his photos; like somebody just waxed him.
David Cassidy? Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while!
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