Me and the mini-Infidels went on a road trip last week to the beautiful town of Brenham, Texas- home and birthplace of the world famous Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory.
While there, we visited a homeschooling friend out in the country who allowed us to pick a whole bushel of wild Dewberries growing free and natural all over her property.
No, we didn't pick
this kind of Dewberry. Way too dry and hard to get to.
R.I.P Heavenly Dewberry.

We picked this kind of Heavenly Dewberry, instead!

So, what did we do with all the Dewberries we captured during our hunt? Well at first we joked around saying that if Scooby Doo was there he'd be called Scooby
Dew. I pithily commented,
"Tis better to pick Dewberries than to pick Dingleberries," which got the Ewwwwwww reaction I was looking for. Melody stepped on a couple Dewberries and we teased her about stepping in
'Dew Dew.'
But then we cut the Dew Dew and got down to the business of making a delectable treat out of them.......
SHOOBY DOOBY DEWBERRIES!Yes, I'm making you travel the long clicking distance to my other blog to see what we did with the Dewberries. It's not costing you any gas money to get there so stop complaining!
We just happened to be passing a cemetery on Saturday when I spotted the Dewberry headstone. I made my daughter Sunbum jump out and snap the picture. If Dewberry zombies were going to spring to life they'd capture her first and give us a head start!
I'm voting for dewberry bluebell ice cream. Yum.
I wasn't expecting to see your steamy goodies this early in the morning.
The recipe looks good! Does the recipe work with any berries?
Yum! Feel free to drop some cobbler off in Pearland. :)
I didn't know that such things as "dewberries" existed. Every time I turn around, there's a new berry...
...original blog, that would be very confusing. I mean...
I hope you meant it about sending me the kitty-dew-dew recipe.
I've never had dewberries are they tasty? There is a church in England whose old registers records the death of Father Christmas.....
i went to junior college in brenham. dewberry cobbler is yummy. they make excellent jam too.
Grave yards gross me out... all those bodies rotting right below the ground... it is so creepy.
Blue Bell, the best ice cream in the country. :D
No! I refuse to go look at the other blog where I will be tempted to get into my car and drive over to your house which is one million miles away just so I can get a sample of awesomeness!
Is it tangy?
I learn new things all the time with your blog! There really is a Dewberry huh? WOW! Where have I been. You now have me craving something I had never heard of 5 minutes ago:D
Hey. I went there, and I hope you're planning on making that at BP '08.
You are SO like my hubby...he, too, can come up with a million ways to use one word too! lol
In 'dew' time I'm gonna head over to the other blog and see what you did with the berries...*eye roll* lol
I regret this comment has nothing to do with dewberries.
But I suppose you won't mind. After all, a comment is a comment, and every lil' bit helps when you're trying to "stem the tide of lost dream disappointment" with comments. (Better that than vodka, I suppose).
But I think you ought to know that jean knee is accusing you of being me. Set her straight, will you? I AM HER CHICKEN. I AM NOT YOU. (As much as I wish I were, wishin' will not change chickens into infidels.)
we used to have dew berries all over our farm, mmmmmmm
Are "dewberries" a real thing? I know that I probably could have just googled it and this conversation would have never happened but I am a big fan of the berry family and to have one slip through like this would be terrible so that makes me suspricious of you and your alleged "dewberries".
Randi's a gal after my own heart. Pass the BLUEBELL!!!
I've never even heard of dew berries. Kewl!
Hey, on a completely different note, can I go ahead and mail my sox now? I know you gave us a mail by date but no start date. I'm ready to run!
Thank you! THANK YOU! I've been searching long and hard for my Great Grandpa Dewberry's grave, with no success until this moment!
Haven't I told you my dad's side of the family is from Texas?
well, are you gonna defend me against that fake cock or not??
And did you make a Findagrave page for the Dewberrys? Hmmmm????
I'm impressed with your baking skills, Elastic. Really.
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