I never expected so many people I've met through the bloggy thing to be so charitable and kind.
Both Carrot Jello and Bee wrote glowing posts dedicated to me for my birthday. That sort of loveliness always makes me sniffle a little.
And then Jean Knee called bright and early just to sing to me and let me know that she sent a hand-painted present that should arrive on the date of my other birthday. See, just a short Mr. Rogers trolley ride away into the Land Of Make-Believe my birthday actually falls on May 22nd.
Carrot Jello called to sing to me too in her very best Ethel Merman voice. She promised that she had just jumped out of a gigantic birthday cake with my name scrawled across it. Millie just "Called To Say, I Love You." No, not really. But she did call to wish me a Happy Birthday.
Tori sent me a really fun birthday card. So did Sodak Angel. Thanks, ladies!
AUBREY!!!! sent the most delish pair of orange polka-dotted, multi-purpose gloves. I just got them today. Now what to do with them first? Should I garden, wash dishes, slap my kids around with them......Oooooohh, I know, I'm going to blog with them on. THANKS AUBREY!
And now I'd like to return some of the birthday mojo happiness given to me:
You need to go and wish these lovely ladies a Happy Birthday also:
AUBREY (May 22)
JEAN KNEE (May 31)
I have to work all day again today but I'll be seeing you all soon. Meanwhile, I dedicate this song to all of you who made me so very happy. :)
BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS- You Made Me So Very Happy
"You just call out my name and you know wherever I am, I'll come running..."
Awww... I hate to imagine you sad. Chins up, you are loved!
First! Ha!
I'm so glad your day was better! And you know, you're allowed to have a bad day occasionally. Even on your blog!
We'll still love ya.
Glad you're perking up. :)
i'm glad everyone was able to cheer you up on your birthday and let you know you're loved! i'm sorry my gift didn't arrive in time. ..i really thought i timed it just right. drat.
and thanks for linking to me for my birthday. you are wonderful!
Glad to hear that you're re-smiling.
There there little burro. *pat* *pat*
Aw, man! Clearly I need to check the GMG list more often. I can't believe I forgot your birthday.
Hope today is a better day for you!
Awww...stay strong girl. You're awesome!
Awww hun...I've been in the doldrums for monthes now. You just keep moving forward and wait until it all goes away.
P.S. Think about all the happiness you have brought those of us participating in the Soxy Exchange too... :)
Glad you had a happy birthday and that so many peeps showed you bloggy love :D
Ohhh! And thanks for the shout out!
I'm sorry you're having a rough time right now! I am late in the birthday good mail, but it did get sent today... before I read this post...and I got my sox sent off too! :)
Happy belated birthday!
I sent you a new car, did you get it? I told the guy to deliver it to Melissa in Houston. It'll probably be there any day now...
I'm glad you're out of the swamp!
Your package should be arriving today, I hope on one else got you the same thing
I would have called, but I don't know your number.
I would have sent you a gift, but I don't know your address.
I would have....just kidding.
Sorry things have been suckish lately. Glad there was some bloggy happiness for you!!!
And I think every one of the blogs I read is a May birthday! Wow! That's gotta mean something. Plus I married a May birthday. :)
I have nothing to offer except my ever-so-clever comments (ha) but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You bring joy and laughter to our lives... thanks!
NCS and I have the same birthday...right down to the year! Of course, she is the cuter, skinnier twin. :)
Sweaty hugs for you!!!!
Well you deserve recognition! If I were mayor of your town, I'd give you the key to the city! It is a well known fact that the key to the city is in actuality a SKELETON KEY.
Might come in handy when you want
to *borrow* somebody's lawn mower.
Notice how I said *town* and *city*? I grew up amongst gorrilas.
We's ineducated
Dang, I missed your Birthday but, I want you to know that I love you like a sister. Happy Belated Birthday.
I'm glad you got lots of birthday love! I wish I'd known sooner...anyway, you'll get our little package in a few days! HUGS! :)
Happy Birthday. I didn't even know. What kind of blog acquaintance doesn't even know it is your birthday. One who is a dork and in the middle of selling a house. Lame excuse, I know. It's all I've got.
Happy Birthday dear Infidel. Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!
Damn. I missed it. I hope you had a very lovely birthday, my friend! (Without any Naked Nuts....)
Ah....EWL....did you get my chili dog singing telegram I sent? He should be a knocking any time now....unless he got lost....might be lost, nobody likes a old chili dog....if he hasn't made it by now, you probably don't want him coming....poor fella.
Hey. You know me. It wouldn't be me if I weren't late to the party.
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