Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hi, Do You Remember That I Have This Second Blog Thingie Going On?

Yeah, sometimes I forget about it too. :)
Poor, poor neglected second blog.
Anyway, I just posted a delightfully easy salmon recipe. There's also pictures of me in thongs, instructions to achieve Baked Potato Xanadu, and a special guest, Lyle Lovett posing as our spokesmodel for a very informative post entitled 'Eating Cheap:You're Doing It Wrong.'

Clicking on this linkie ----->THE INFIDEL WOMAN COOKS<-------- will serve as a magical time and distance portal that will send you hurtling through the Internets and right into the land of The Infidel Woman. Enjoy your trip!


Deena said...

I've actually been avoiding the second blog because you see, after my first visit there, I developed an inferiority complex. I can only handle one infidel blog at a time.

Rhonda Sloan said...

I would check it out, because I do love good recipes, but cooking is practically the ONLY thing I don't do around here and I don't want to screw it up by making dinner one night. :)

Chell said...

I went and had a look and I loved it! I need to find some of that salmon and make some yummy salmon goodness...mmmm...

J-Mom said...

Thanks for sharing....mmmmm I love good food!

Jami said...

I'd love to go by, but I had a pretend gastric bypass the day before yesterday and attempting to lose a full person's worth of body weight. And you, my lady, are very persuasive!

wynne said...



I must confess that I dread the loathly pink salmon. I rather detest all seafood (except for canned tuna).

Can we still be friends?

wynne said...

And as long as we're having confessional time here, I must also confess that I like both Jack Johnson AND Coldplay.

wynne said...

I also have an aluminum nose and a propensity to wobble.

wynne said...

Please don't hate me because I'm beaut--oogly. (New degree of uglitude invented just now.)

wynne said...

So, can we still be friends? What do you think? Pleeeeeeease? I've got all my shots, and the rabies tags to prove it!

Randi said...

How do you keep up with 2 blogs? I can't even find the time for one. And my idea reservoir has almost totally dried up!

Nancy Face said...

I can't decide what's more delicious...the salmon or the thongs! :D